Monday, March 8, 2021


A Condolence meeting to pay homage to Com. M. Krishnan, Ex-Secretary General, Confederation & NFPE and Ex-General Secretary, AIPEU Group ‘C’, CHQ who expired on 1st March 2021 due to COVID-19 at Trivandrum, was held at NFPE office, North Avenue, New Delhi from 04:00 PM on 05th March 2021.

All leaders and Members of NC JCM Confederation and NFPE present at Delhi Head Quarter attended the meeting.

Condolence Meeting Commenced with keeping 2 minutes silence to pay respect to departed leader.

After that floral tribute was paid by everyone present there.

First of all Com. R. N. Parashar, Secretary General, Confederation, NFPE & General Secretary, P3 thrown light on the life of Com. M. Krishnan stating that Com. M. Krishnan was one of the most committed and dedicated leader of working class movement. He was very much hard working, intelligent, knowledgeable and militant leader. He conducted so many struggles in Kerala when he was there working as Circle Secretary, P3 and General Secretary, C-O-C Confederation, Kerala. After coming at All India level as President P3, Secretary General, NFPE, General Secretary P3 & Secretary General Confederation he lead so many struggles and resisted the onslaughts being unleased by the Govt. of India in the wake of Neo-liberal economic policies. During 2011 when Govt. wanted to close 9797 Post offices and 325 RMS offices, Com. Krishnan gave indefinite strike notice and during negotiations, he forced Postal administration to reverse back on the decision and thus the existing form of Department was saved. He was the main person behind the formation of GDS union. Pensioners Union (AIPRPA) and Casual Workers Union which are working in a very good manner for the cause of their sectional workers.

After being elected as Secretary General, Confederation, he conducted so many agitational programmes for setting up of 7th pay commission and for implementation of it’s report and opposing anti Welfare policies of Govt. including scrapping of New Pension Scheme.

Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra, Secretary, Staff Side, National Council, JCM and General Secretary All India Railway Men’s Federation also paid floral tribute and shared his view about Com. M. Krishnan working with him in Standing Committee and NC JCM.

All the Comrades, leaders and members of Constituents of Confederation and NFPE and AIPRPA paid floral tributes and expressed their views about the functioning and services rendered by Com. Krishnan in various capacities in union and his contribution towards working class movement, particularly for Central Govt. Employee and Postal Employees.

Com. Giriraj Singh, Ex-President NFPE & Ex-General Secretary, R3, Com. A. K. Kanojiya, Ex-President ITEF, Com. I. S. Dabas, Ex-General Secretary, P4, Com. Anil Kumar, General Secretary, C-O-C Delhi & leader of Audit Association, Com. D. B. Mohanty, General Secretary P4, Com. K. K. Sharma, Vice President NFPE, Com. Ashwini Kumar, Treasurer NFPE, Com. K. P. Singh, AGS R3, Com. Charan Singh, Treasurer R3 CHQ, Com. Aishvir Singh, Circle Secretary P3 Delhi, Com. Ramesh Dabas, Treasurers P4 CHQ, Com. Raj Kumar Ex-Treasurer, NFPE, Coms Deep Chand, Shankar Pal, Bhagatji, Tokas, B. S. Tyagi, Jagdish Prasad, K. C. Verma and some others (all from AIPRPA), Coms. Gauri Shankar, Ashok Tyagi, Pramod Kumar, Ganesh Mishra, A. K. Chawla, Rakesh Gaur and some others (All from P3) Com. J. P. Sharma and so many other Comrades from P4 and so many comrades from all wings of Delhi Circle and Staff members of NFPE & P3, i.e. Coms Mahavir Prasad, Shashi Kumar, Naveen Kumar, Dhananjay Singh and Shiv Lal Singh were present in the meeting and paid floral tributes, homage and condolences in their speech.

All Present in the meeting extended heartfelt condolences to the bereaved family members and comrades of Kerala and whole country and prayed for the speed recovery of Mrs. Krishnan who was also infected with Corona but she is recovering.

The condolence meeting ended with chanting slogans


Com. Krishnan ko Lal Salam

Red Salute to Com. Krishnan

Long live Com. Krishnan

Com. Krishnan Amar Rahe


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