Friday, December 31, 2021

 Retiring Greetings and Best wishes to Com. R. N. Parashar,

General Secretary, P3 and Secretary General, NFPE
Com. R. N. Parashar, General Secretary P3 and Secretary General, NFPE is going to retire today. Born in Village – Jadaunpur, Distt – Mathura (UP) in a middle class Farmer Family he completed Primary, Education – 1 to 5th in village and then High School and Intermediate from U. P. Board Allahabad scoring 1st class and distinction marks. Graduation from Agra University Agra.
He got Job in Department of Posts in the year 1981 in Mathura Division (UP) when studying in LLB but could not complete.
Got some others in Railway and other Department but did not leave service of Post office.
Joined union just after joining service in February 1982 after completion of both types of training started taking active pat in all union activities since beginning. Attended 1st All India Conference of AIPEU Group ‘C’ held at Devengere (Karnataka) in the year 1983 along from Mathura Division which was very appreciated by Legendary leader and the then Secretary General Com. K Adinaryana.
In the year 1985 he became Divisional Secretary of Mathura Division. In the year 1987 organized Circle Conference of U. P. Circle at Vrindavan and elected as Asstt. Circle Secretary and after that became vice President and then President of Circle Union up to 2017.
In 1997 at AIC of AIPEU Group ‘C’at Vrindavan, Mathura he got elected as Vice President CHQ. In 1999, in Patna AIC became Organizing Secretary.
In 2004 in Golden Jubilee Federal Council got elected as Secretary, NFPE by the blessings of Coms. K. Adinaryana, R. L., Bhattacharjee, Nani Banerjee, C. C. Pillai, Des Raj Sharma, M. Krishnan, S. S. Roy, Tapan Das Gupta, Chandra Gupta, M. L. Shukla and T. P. Mishra and continued up to 2014.
Worked in NFPE HQ in 2004 and continuously from 2010 to 2021 (December) upto Retirement. Elected Secretary General in Federal Council of NFPE held at Ongole (Prakasam) A. P. in August 2014 after retirement of Com. M. Krishnan Secretary General NFPE.
Elected as General Secretary of AIPEU Group ‘C’ held at Lucknow in June 2015 and Continued upto December 2021 (upto retirement). Elected Secretary General Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and workers in the National Council of Confederation held at Nagpur in February 2020.
Elected as Member, National Council JCM and Standing Committee Member of NC JCM in the year 2016 and still continuing.
Remained President of C-O-C U. P. State Confederation of C. G. E & W from 2015 to 2021.
He served for our organisation nearly for 4 decades. In this corona episode, staying in Delhi alone he tried at his level best for the employees, as well as NFPE/Confederation. At the moment of his retirement, we express our sincere thanks and Red Salute to Com. R. N. Parashar, for his extraordinary service. We wish his happy and prosperous retired life. At the same time, we have firm belief that the Central Govt. employees will receive his assistance guidance as before. Under our senior leadership including  Com. R. N. Parashar we will work together.

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