Wednesday, March 30, 2022


No. Conf. /20122                                                                                 Dated: 29th March -2022

Dear Comrades,

We on behalf of the National Sectt. Of the Confederation of Central Government employees and workers, congratulate the Central Government employees throughout the country for admirably responding to the call for organising two days strike action on 28th and 29th March, 2022.   The strike on these two days had elicited unprecedented participation of the members surpassing the records of all such previous strike actions.  As per the initial report, the strike was near total in Income tax and Postal Departments and in all other organisations, majority of the employees took part in the action.  There had been insurmountable difficulties due to the strike being at the end of financial year.   The limitation imposed by the Statute to complete action by 31st March, 2022, had debilitated certain comrades, who are charged with such responsibilities.  Despite all these, it is very gratifying to note that every employees put in his/her best effort to make the strike a grand success.  We take this opportunity to salute our comrades who made great efforts to ensure the near total participation of CGES in this strike action.

We are also grateful for the moral support and solidarity received from the National Co-ordination Committee of Pensioners Association and all its affiliates as also from the Officers’Organisations.  The strike participation, which has surpassed all previous records, has demonstrated unambiguously the anger and anguish of the employees over the rejection of the genuine demands by the Government.   The obstinacy in revisiting the New contributory pension scheme by the Government has naturally led the young comrades to enthusiastically participate in the action.  The denial of Dearness allowance arrears of 18 months has brought about the discontent amongst the entirely of the workers.   This apart, the increased work burden due to the non-filling up of large number of posts, which has reached almost 50% of the sanctioned posts,  the high rate of inflation, the daily dosage of increase in the prices of petroleum products, the increasing prices of essential commodities all have contributed immensely for the generation of discontent  amongst the employees and workers and the same has been manifested in this action in no small measure.   The pan Indian presence of the Central Government employees in the strike underscores their feeling of anger against the policies of the Government. The leadership provided by the Central Trade Unions, (in which the ruling party controlled BMS refused to take part), in the country for such a massive action has been an important factor in the success of this strike. 

We once again take this opportunity to congratulate our members and extend our warm greetings and felicitation to all of them. We undoubtedly share our confidence in the ultimate victory of the working class.  We shall march together with every section of the working people in the country, especially the kisans who had helped to organise the strike successfully by giving a call for a rural bandh in the country with the determination to ensure the withdrawal of the pernicious neo-liberal policies pursued by this government.


                                                                                                   (R.N. Parashar)

                                                                                                  Secretary General


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