Monday, March 21, 2022


All Office Bearers of CHQ / State General Secretaries / District, Divisional Secretaries – AIPRPA

Dear Comrades!


The entire working class of India is going on a two-days strike on March 28-29 at the call of united Central Trade Unions and independent Federations and Associations. Confederation of Central Government Employees and NFPE are part of the strike decision. The FNPO also joined the strike decision and it is going to be a united strike organized by the Postal JCA of NFPA & FNPO. The Apex organization of Pensioners “NCCPA” has already endorsed the strike call and called for solidarity with the strike by all measures like web meeting and dharna etc.

AIPRPA CHQ had organized a national web meeting in which Comrade VAN Namboodiri the Patron of NCCPA had presented the key note address on the subject and the role of Pensioners and Retirees. Various united Pensioners organizations like the Tamilnadu State Central, State and Pubic Sector Pensioners Associations have endorsed the call and called for all types of united support to the strike.

We call upon all State Units and District / Divisional Units to propagate that on 20.03.2022 at national level there is going to be webinar organized jointly by the NCCPA & Confederation. Three leaders including Comrades A.K.Padmanabhan (CITU); R.N.Parashar (Confederation); and KKN Kutty (NCCPA) will address the webinar. The webinar will start around 7.00 P.M on 20.03.2022 and the time will be intimated in the poster to be released on web shortly. In addition to that wherever feasible, dharna programme by the pensioners unitedly with other pensioners associations shall be organized in all places. AIPRPA comrades may take the initiative and organize effectively these programmes as the role of Pensioners and Retirees is very important in the success of the strike. We should understand that without the involvement of working class, we cannot fight the pernicious policies against the Pension and Social Security at our old age. Unity with the Working Class and the Employees of our own industry is the paramount need of the hour.

AIPRPA CHQ calls for a total solidarity and support to the two-days strike action.

With warm greetings,

Fraternally Yours,



General Secretary

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