Saturday, September 24, 2022



(Registered under the

T.U. Act.No. RTU01/2021.Dated.7.01.2021


Website:                                 President:  Com. Shiv Gopal Mishra. (97176 47594)

E mail:                               Secretary General: Com. K.K.N. Kutty. (98110 48303)

13.c Feroze Shah Road,

New Delhi. 110 001  

Dated: 23.09.2022


Dear Comrades,

The meeting of the standing committee of National Council JCM was held today (22.9.22) under the Chairmanship of Secretary Personnel. There were many issues pertaining to the Pensioners in the agenda. The undersigned as a member of the Standing Committee participated in the discussions. The outcome of the discussions on each item is mentioned hereunder:-

1. FMA to Pensioners of National Institute of Ayurveda: The official side said that only after the Supreme Court directive they will be able to do anything in this matter.

2. Restoration of Senior Citizen Facility in Railways: The matter is under consideration.

3. Treating the Pensioners on par with the officials on duty for Guest House: Orders have been issued. Copy will be provided.

4. Pension to be exempted from Income Tax: The matter will be reconsidered in the light of discussions.

5. Disability Pension of War Heroes to be exempted from Income Tax: Will be reconsidered.

6. Pension revision in the case of Personnel Compulsorily retired: Orders issued.

7. Grant of enhanced pension on completion of 79 years: Not accepted.

8. Grievance redressal mechanism for Pensioners: The staff side wanted Pension Adalats to be held at Departmental levels. The issue will be further discussed.

9. Restoration of Commuted value of Pension after 12 years: Will be further discussed.

10. CGHS Related Issues:

i. Ward Entitlement.

ii. Lifetime CGHS facility for dependent disabled children.

iii. Health Insurance to Pensioners.

iv. To have Dispensary/Wellness Centres at all 108 Stations.

v. Enhancing FMA.

vi. Reimbursement of Medical Expenses for those who are not covered by CGHS.

vii. Increase the number of empanelled hospitals.

viii. Provision of sufficient staff in the dispensaries taken over from Postal Department.

ix. CGHS entitlement for Pensioners of Andaman and Lakshadweep Islands.

x. CGHS related Problems of Kerala.

xi. Online consultation facility.

xii. Cashless medical facilities to CGHS beneficiaries to be extended to all cities.

All the above items are to be discussed with Secretary Health. The date of the meeting will be indicated soon.


11. Board of Arbitration Awards: The matter will be discussed with the Staff Side.

12. MACP to be effective from 1.1.2006: The matter will be further discussed.

13. Notional Increment for those who retired on 30th June: Matter is subjudice.

14. Time limit to complete disciplinary proceedings of retired personnel: The staff side demanded that in case proceedings cannot be finalised within 3 years, he should be deemed to have been exonerated. The matter will be discussed further.


With fraternal Greetings.

KKN Kutty

Secretary General

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