Wednesday, September 14, 2022


The Women Convention under NFPE has been successfully held on 10-11 September 2022 at Bidar, Karnataka. At the very beginning the National Flag and the Red Flag of NFPE have been hoisted by Com. K. Hemalata, President, CITU and Com. R. N. Parashar, Secretary General, Confederation. Nearly 350 Women-delegates across the country participated in the convention. Com. A. Sreenivasa, Com. Jasmin Jalal Begum, Com. Mousumi Majumdar and Com. Sumana were in the Presidium. On behalf of presidium Com. Mangala Bhagwat has anchored over the convention. After observing one minute’s silence in memory of the martyrs of mass movement and leaders, common men who died in this period, main business started. Com. K. Hemalata, President, CITU inaugurated the convention. Com. R. N. Parashar, Secretary General, Confederation delivered an educative speech on ‘History of P&T Movement in India.

 Com. Janardan Majumdar, Secretary General, NFPE placed the draft report on which 33 delegates took part in discussion. Amongst others, Com. D. B. Mohanty, General Secretary, All India Postmen and MTS Union, Com. Jasmin Jalal Begum, General Secretary, AIPSBCOEA, Com. G. Janakiram, Working President, Group ‘C’ (CHQ) delivered their valuable speech. Com. Nanda Sen, Com. Swati Roybera, Com. A. Valarmathi were present in the Convention. Com. Rakesh Kumar, Assistant Financial Secretary, Group ‘C’ (CHQ) was in the convention. Com. A. Shravan Kumar, Organising Secretary, Group ‘C’ (CHQ) & Circle Secretary, Group ‘C’, Telangana, Com. Pratap Reddy, Ex-Circle President, Group ‘C’, Telangana Circle were also there and helped us in many ways.  In evening of 10th September, colourful cultural programme was staged, where some delegates also had taken part.

 We express our sincere thanks to NFPE, Karnataka Circle and also the Reception Committee where Dr. Abdul Qadeer was the Chairman while Com. Mangala Bhagwat was the General Convenor. All are happy and delighted with the vast and sincere arrangement for the convention. Dr. Abdul Qadeer, Chairman, Reception Committee and also Chairman, Shaheen Group of Institutions, Bidar invited all the delegates/leaders in dinner at his institution. We had an unique experience there. Girls/Students of this institution coming from different states greeted us in their respective local languages. We had such a feeling that we were in mini-India, the root of its cultural heritage being ‘Unity in Diversity’ which the present Central Govt. is trying to finish in the name of so called Hinduism.

 The delegates reached at the venue till 9th September night were invited to take dinner by Sardar Balbir Singh, President, Prabhandhak Commitee Gurudwara Nanak Jhira Saheb, Bidar. Both the institutions rendered selfless services to the delegates for which we are expressing our gratitude in them. Finally after reply-speech by Secretary General, from the convention one 26 members Women Sub Committee has been formed which are given below: -

 Chairperson             :           Com. Mangala Bhagwat, P3, Karnataka

 Vice Chairperson    :           Com. Mausumi Majumdar, P3, Assam

                                               Com. Saryu Rao Brahmbatt, P3, Gujarat

 Joint Convenor       :           Com. Jasmine Jalal Begum, SBCO, Tamilandu

                                                Com. Bineeta Sen, R3, West Bengal

 Asstt. Covenors       :           Com. Snehal Sanjay Ingole, P3, Maharashtra

                                                Com. S. Dhanya, P4, Kerala

                                                Com. Rekha Yadav, R3, Chattisgarh

                                                Com. Saranamma, R4, Karnataka

                                                Com. Tamalika Saha, GDS, West Bengal

 Members                  :           Com. Piyali Raha, R3, West Bengal

                                                Com. Moushumi Bhattacharya, P3, West Bengal

                                                Com. M. Asha, P3, Kerala

                                                Com. Chaitra Gowda, P3, Karnataka

                                                Com. Sunita Dwivedi, P3, Chattishgarh

                                                Com. J. Fathema, P4, Tamilnadu

                                                Com. Alma Minz, P3, Madhya Pradesh

                                                Com. Y. D. G. Smitha, P3, Telangana

                                                Com. Chandrawati Das, P3, Odisha

                                                Com. K. Mrudula, R3, AP

                                                Com. Gayatri K. S., R3, Karnataka

                                                Com. Vanaja D., R4, Karnataka

                                                Com. Suvarna Khopada, P4, Maharashtra

                                                Com. M. Anitha, GDS, Karnataka

                                                Com. Shashi Bala, P3, Delhi

                                                (one post will be filled later)

Com. K. Hemlata, President CITU is inaugurating the Women Convention

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