Wednesday, October 12, 2022


    The consecutive 4th All India Conference of All India Postal Employees Union GDS (AIPEUGDS) has been held on 8th & 9th October 2022 in Com.M.Krishnan Nagar, (Kasaragod Municipal Town Hall) Kasaragod, Kerala Circle.

08th October 2022 : 

Flag hoistation by Hon'ble Com.P.Karunakaran, former Member of Parliament, Kasaragod and also the Chairman of the Reception Committee for this 4th AIC.

Floral tributes to Martyrs column by all the leaders and participants of AIC in a very discipline manner.

Inaugural session:

After a melodious welcome song by Kerala Comrades session started with the welcome speech of the Chairman, Reception Committee Com.P. Karunakaran, Ex-MP. 

The meeting presided by Com.Virendra Sharma, All India President, AIPEUGDS. 

Com.A.K.Padmanabhan, All India Vice President , CITU, New Delhi made an elaborated and analytical speech on the influence of polices of Govt on working class and GDS. 

Com.R.N.Parashar, Secretary General, Confederation of Central Govt Employees & Workers & former Secretary General - NFPE, 

Com.Janardhan Majumdar, Secretary General - NFPE & General Secretary, AIPEU GrC., 

Com.P.V.Rajendran, President, NFPE 

Com.C.C.Pillai, Former Secretary General, NFPE,

Com.K.Raghavendra, General Secretary, AIPRPA & former Secretary General, NFPE

Com.K.V.Sridharan, former General General Secretary, AIPEU GrC., 

Com.D.B.Mohanty, General Secretary, AIPEU Postmen & MTS & Deputy Secretary General, NFPE.

Com.P.K.Muralidharan, Convener, C-o-C NFPE Kerala & Assistant Secretary General, NFPE.

Com.P.U.Khadse, General Secretary, AIPEU RMS&MMS EU Gr.C (R-III) 

Com.V.Sreekumar, General Secretary, CCGEW, Kerala.

Com.A.Srinivasa, Vice President, NFPE & Working President, R-III CHQ.

 -- are the leaders of NFPE unions attended and graced the session.

Vote of thanks by Com.P.Pandurangarao, General Secretary, AIPEUGDS.

Post lunch Session:

    A colourful rally organized by the comrades of Kerala in the streets of Kasaragod. All the Leaders, delegates and participants with banners, flags moved in a very systematic way with a stretch of 1/2 kilometer row. The rally greeted by many employees organizations viz., LIC, Bank, Teachers, Medical, BSNL, Transport workers etc., with showering flowers on the participants. 

A public meeting arranged in 'Sandhya Ragam' an open Auditorium named after our beloved Comrade M.S.Sabu, Circle Secretary, AIPEU GDS, Kerala, rendered service for more than 6 years for GDS, Kerala who passed away during Covid-19 pandemic.

After the welcome speech of Com.P.V.Rajendran, General Convener, Reception Committee, Com.P.Karunakaran, Chairman, Reception Committee delivered the Presidential Address. 

The meeting inaugurated by Com.P.A.Mohammed Riyaz, Hon'ble Minister for Public Works & Tourism, Govt. of Kerala.

Com.M.V.Balakrishnan Master, Veteran Leader, Com.C.H. Kunhambu, Hon'ble MLA., Com.P.K.Muralidharan, Com. P.Pandurangarao addressed the meeting. Meeting concluded with the vote of thanks by Com.Kumaran Nambiar, Convener, Reception Committee & Treasurer, AIPEUGDS CHQ.

A Gazal programme organized by Sri Aloshi & Team to entertain the participants of AIC with a melodious musicals.

09-10-2022 : Delegate Session --

Delegate session Chaired by Com.Virendra Sharma, All India President and more than 35 delegates including women GDS delegates deliberated on organizational issues and GDS problems attracted the attention of all participants.

Annual Report & Audited Accounts adopted by the delegates unanimously, Some important resolutions passed and approved in the session in connection with organization and GDS issues.

The following CHQ Office bearers were elected unanimously for the ensuing period.

President     -            Com.Virendra Sharma - HP

Working President-   Com.Saly George - Kerala

Working President -  Com. Jai Prakash Singh - UP

Vice President     -    Com.Jogesh Sahu -  Odisha

Vice President     -     Com.Ambika Sharma - Assam

General Secretary-    Com.Tapan Bowmik - West Bengal

Dy.Genl. Secretary-    Com.P.Krishnan - TN

Asst. Genl Secy-        Com.S.Ram Raj - TN

Asst. Genl Secy -        Com.B.R.Jagdish - Karnataka

Asst. Genl Secy    -    Com.M.Srinivasarao - AP

Financial Secretary-  Com.K.Gopala Krishnan Nair - Kerala

Asst. Fin. Secy-        Com.K.N.Chary - Telangana

Orgg. Genl.Secy-    Com.Rajkumar Atkare - Maharashtra

Orgg. Genl.Secy-  Com.Chandra Narayan Chaudary - Bihar

Orgg. Genl.Secy-    Com.A.V.Sufi - Gujrat


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