Wednesday, October 26, 2022


Show solidarity!

 8.12.2022 - Delhi - Haryana - Uttar Pradesh are requested to join Confederation & AISGEF Delhi Convention! 

Comrades! As already reported by our CHQ, the Confederation of CG Employees and All India State Govt Employees Federation are coming together to launch a series of programme of action. A massive convention in Talkatora Stadium on 8.12.2022 is the beginning of that series of action. As we have already announced our AIC in Thiruvananthapuram all our rank & file will be moving towards Kerala to attend our AIC notified on 13-14 December. Therefore, the CHQ calls upon our Delhi, Haryana and UP (Western areas of U.P) States to join the Talkatora Stadium convention programme on 8.12.2022 and express our solidarity! -KR GS AIPRPA

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