Wednesday, March 1, 2023



All India Postal Employees Union GDS



This mass demonstration of all cross section of employees held on this day at the call of the above unions under…………………………………………………… (name of division) notes with serious concern that the postal services is crippling with paucity of fund almost in all heads and payment of working wage to contingent paid officials and DRMs, GDS substitutes are stopped for months. Common people who have provided accommodation on rent for our offices are not getting rent and electricity bills are defaulted.  Payment of different bills of other employees have also been stopped for long. But unfortunately, the department is looking indifferent to the above issues, rather has been fixing unrealistic targets without caring the view point of staff side. Opening offices on Sunday/Holiday even on National Holiday has almost become a practice without considering the fact that for better productivity the working employees should get some rest/relief particularly in the background of incessant network failure. These are nothing but inhuman pressure, mental torture on the lower-level employees. Again, the work is being considered on the basis of totally impractical time factor for Post and RMS Offices. On the other hand, due benefits to the GDS cadre as recommended by the Kamalesh Chandra Committee has not been implemented as yet, nor the instruction for membership verification of the GDS cadre has been issued. The services are deteriorating and the staff grievances are escalating. 

Under this situation, this mass demonstration resolves to place the following demands for immediate settlement and implementation in the interest of postal services, all cross section of postal employees and  also to avoid further trade union action. 

· Immediate stoppage of torture in the name of unrealistic targets. 

· Immediate grant of fund for payment of due wage, rent and bills. 

· Immediate review of unscientific time factor for Post and RMS Offices. 

· Immediate settlement of demands of GDS cadre as per Kamalesh Chandra Committee Report and  instruction of GDS membership verification. 

Dated at – 01.03.2023 

Place - …………………… 


(President of the demonstration) 

Copy to: - 

1. The Secretary (Posts), New Delhi – 1. (

2. The DG (Posts), Dak Bhawan, New Delhi -1. (Email-

3. The Chief Postmaster General, …………………………………… (name of Circle)

4. The Divisional Head


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