Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Friday, December 26, 2014


No. 06/01/2014-SR
Government of India
 Ministry of Communications & IT
 Department of Posts
 (SR Division)

> Dak Bhavan, Sansad Marg,
> New Delhi, dated 22nd December, 2014

Subject:    Meeting of JCM (DC) held on 16/12/2014  at
 10.30 A.M. under the Chairpersonship of Secretary (Posts) > – Minutes – regarding.

 Kindly find enclosed the minutes of the above meeting for > necessary action at your end.

 (Arun Malik)
 Director (SR & Legal)
Official Side:-
 Sh. Vineet Pandey, CGM (BD)
 Sh. Vishwapavan Pati,  CGM (PLI)
 Ms. Saroj Punhani, JS & FA
 Ms. Meera Handa, Sr. DDG (Vig)
 Ms. Trishaljit Sethi, DDG (Estt)
 Sh. V.P. Singh, DDG(P)
 Ms. Anju Nigam, DDG (SR & Legal)
 Sh. Anil Kumar, DDG (Estates & MM)
 Sh. L.N. Sharma, DDG (FS)
 Sh. V.K. Tiwary, DDG (R & P)
 Sh. Rajnish Kr. Jenaw, DDG (PAF)
 Ms. Vandita Kaul, DDG (Trg., CP & Welfare)
 Sh. Abhinav Walia, DDG (PO)
 Sh. Shailendra Dashora, DDG (MB)
 Sh. Aman Sharma, OSD to Secretary (Posts)
Staff Side:-

 1.    Sh. R.N. Parashar  >     - Leader, JCM (DC),  Staff Side
 2.    Sh. D. Theagarajan   >     - Secretary General, FNPO
 3.    Sh. Giri Raj Singh   >     - Secretary, JCM (DC), Staff Side.
 4.    Shri D. Kishan Rao   >     - Member
 5.    Shri P. Suresh   >         - Member
 6.    Shri T.N. Rahate    >     - Member
 7.    Shri N. Subramanian   >     - Member
 8.    Ms. R. Seethalakshmi   >     - Member
 9.    Shri C.B. Surve   >         - Member
 10.    Shri Pranab> Bhatacharjee    - Member
 11.    Shri Satyanarayana   >     - Member
 12.    Shri T. Ramappa   >     - Member
 13.    Shri P.K. Murli> Dharan        - Member
 14.    Shri Dharam Pal> Sharma    - Member

Minutes of the JCM, Departmental Council (DC) Meeting held on 16/12/2014
           The meeting of the JCM (DC) was held on 16/12/2014 under the chairpersonship of Secretary (Posts) in G.P. Roy Committee Room, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi.  A list of participants is annexed.
           Secretary (Posts) welcomed the participants and congratulated Shri R.N. Parashar for his nomination as Leader of the Staff Side.  Thereafter, she briefly explained about the IT modernization project.  Secretary (Posts) also mentioned about the recommendations of the Task Force which will be examined by the Government.  However, the staff side showed their resentment and desired that they may be consulted before implementing the recommendations of the Task Force.  Secretary (Posts) assured that before implementation, all the issues will be deliberated in detail.
           Shri R.N. Parashar, Leader, Staff Side thanked Secretary (Posts) for convening this meeting and also requested to have a separate meeting to discuss their 39 points Charter of Demands.
           The agenda items were taken up for discussion with the permission of the Chair.  After detailed deliberations on each point, following decisions were taken:-
Sl. No.
Item No.
Agenda Item
Decision taken
Action to be taken by
Removal of artificial Cap of 60 days for Bonus to Postal employees
An artificial cap of 60 days has been inflicted for Bonus limit to Postal employees. This irrational boundary in no way linked with the Productivity and hence wrap up of 60 days be removed on the basis of Scientific Methodology.
The proposal will be taken up with the Ministry of Finance.
DDG (Estt)
 Fixation of initial pay of Ex-service men recruited in Department of Posts – Non Implementation of DOPT orders. The LPD of Ex Servicemen is not granted as starting pay with certain conditions in the Department of Posts. Necessary instructions to Circles/Divisions are requested.
Circles are again being asked to implement the DOPT’s orders in this regard which have already been circulated.
DDG (Estt)
Grant of Split duty allowance to HSG II, HSG I Postmaster Grade II, Postmaster Grade III SPMs/PMs par with other officials.
Split duty allowance is not being paid to the above category of officials even though they are put into split duty like other officials as they fall under Group ‘B’ classification. Split duty allowance may be paid to the above category officials ordered for split duty irrespective of their classification.

Since the officials in the Group ‘B’ are not granted Split duty allowance as per DOPT orders, it will be examined whether they should be put on Split duty or not.
DDG (Estt)
Split duty allowance at par with Transport allowance
The split duty allowance is a compensation granted for those officials brought on split duty enabling them to commute between home and office in the break. The rate is too low fixed very long before and it is quite essential to be granted equivalent to transport allowance. Hence it is requested to raise the split duty allowance to the level of Transport allowance as both are purported to be granted for same reasons.

The proposal will be referred to the 7th Pay Commission for examination.
DDG (Estt)
Enhancement of financial powers to LSG, HSG II, HSG I officials.
In the present scenario of technology and marketing oriented environment, all the Postmasters at the level of LSG, HSG II & HSG I (Including Postmaster Grades) needed to be equipped with enhanced financial powers. For the sake of customer hospitality and small needs of computer related spares, some funds are needed to be stocked at the disposal of such LSG, HSG II, HSG-I level Postmasters. In the back drop of implementation of CBS & CIS and commencement of CPCs under CIS at all HOs there is a definite requirement of enhanced financial powers to provide hospitality to visiting customers to avail insurance services as the same trend is prevailing with our market competitors.
Agreed, in principle.  The details will be worked out.
DDG (Estt)
Cash handling allowance to SPMs doing treasury duty.
The cash handling allowance for the SPMs of single handed of Double handed offices will be paid par with cashiers or treasurers. At present a meager sum ranging Rs. 20/- to Rs. 35 is in vogue not changed for the past 25 years. Hence the cash handling allowance to SPMs may be made equal to the amount paid to cashiers.
Rates have increased from time to time.  Presently the rates paid varies from Rs.120/- to Rs. 210/-.
Item closed.
 Stepping up of pay for promotees par with Direct recruit.
Inordinate delay in ordering of stepping up of pay to the promotees par with Direct recruitment P.A.s, recruited after 1.1.2006 and stepping up of pay in Postman cadre.
Relevant orders stand circulated to all concerned vide NO.1-9/2010-PCC dated 05/01/2011.  Instructions will be reiterated.
DDG (Estt)
Cadre restructuring implementation.
Implement Cadre Restructuring in Postal, RMS, MMS and Postal Accounts as per the proposal signed with the JCM (DC) staff side.
The examination of proposals regarding Cadre Restructuring will be expedited and settled within a period of six months.
DDG (Estt)
MACP related issues.
Promotions accrued by passing departmental promotional examinations should not be counted towards MACP. Implement Jodhpur CAT Judgment.
Hon’ble High Court of Rajasthan at Jodhpur had stayed the order passed by CAT till final disposal of the Writ petition.  We may await decision in the   court case.
DDG (Estt)
Bench mark should not be made applicable to non-gazetted posts.

Action is taken as per DOPT orders.

Item closed.
Stepping up of pay with junior should be allowed in MACP also.
Pay fixation on Promotional hierarchy and not Grade pay hierarchy
Enhance overtime allowance rates at par with Railways. OTA seems to be inevitable in our departments. The rates applicable to Railways may be granted to our department.
The proposal will be referred to the 7th Pay Commission.
DDG (Estt)
Delivery efficiency
Modifying the orders dated 22/5/1979 regarding existing time factor given for delivery of articles taking in to account the actual time required for door to door delivery is requested to ensuring the delivery efficiency.
The proposal will be reexamined.
DDG (Estt)
Grant of HRA to the officials who are not provided with standard accommodation
1.       The accommodation provided by institutions / Govt. Establishments is not according to the schedule of Accommodation. The rent paid by the department is also nominal. But the officials are foregoing HRA in huge quantum.
2.       In rural / semi urban areas the rent paid by department is less than the HRA foregone by the officials.
3.       The erstwhile accommodation of A Class, LSG is provided to the officials working in HSG I or without provided the quarters as per schedule of Accommodation.
In all the cases, the quarters may be delinked and officials provided with HRA.
The powers have been delegated to CPMGs.  A decision is to be taken by CPMGs on each case based on merits.
Item closed.
Request for grant of honorarium for the fixation of pay in respect of those whose increment falls due from 2.1.2006 to 30.6.2006
v  The work related to fixation of pay as per the Revised Pay rules 2006 and drawl of arrears ,on pro-rata basis was granted vide the authority contained in DG(P) letter no 42-1/2008 PAP dated 21.12.2009.
v  The fixation done to those officials for whose increment fell in the first half of the year 2006 were ordered to be re-fixed by granting one increment as on 31.12.2005 in the pre-revised pay and arrear be drawn accordingly vide MOF OM No. 10/02/2011-E III-A dated 19.3.2012.More than half of the officials pay coming under purview of this stipulation was done and arrear was drawn from 1.1.2006 to 2012.
v  The head of the divisions are not granting the honorarium without discerning the actual content and scheme of the work involved in the subject matter by simply misconceiving the matter as sheer grant of one time increment.
v  The way in which the fixation was re- fixed  as per the MOF OM dated 19.3.2012 and the subsequent instruction contained in the OM dated 22.5.2013 & 3.1.2013 on the  procedure to adapted sequel to re fixation all stand to testify the wok done now are replica of the work that was initially done as per the RP rule 2006.
 The Directorate has not received any such proposal or reference from any of the Circles.  Specific cases may be sent to Directorate
DDG (Estt)
Request for not abolishing the GDSV/SV post despite there has been decline in sale of stamps on the basis of the latest statistics.
v  The statistics of latest nature can not reflect the actual quantum and potential of office in so far as the sales are concerned. There had been a dearth of stamps for a few months and stocks are replenished only recently.
v  The work rendered surplus because of the abolition of the stamp vendor have to borne by the counter PAS. The counters are adequately manned due to shortage of staff and further the augmentations of clerical staff are overdue in many of the offices where the abolition of SV are intended.
v  The work of the staff at counters, if interspersed with sale of stamps, the pace and flow of the other main transactions as per the MDW will be terribly upset which will attract the wrath of the customer who have to wait .With addition of more and more new items of work like IMT, Mobile money transfer etc, the counter Pas are really overburdened as each and every transaction of kind requires briefing with customers considerably. It is needless to say what sort of additional work is in store for them once the hand –on – device are introduced and at the stage the   output of this performance by field officials are to accommodate in the office transaction .
v  Already the sale of stamps are being done at counter in the form of PSR collection which is not assigned with time factor for commutation of the work load .The present work load for booking of accountable articles are one and the same  for both type, either   stamps affixed  or cash collected. If the stamp are to vended by the PAS , inevitably it will tell upon the efficiency of the other work resulting in public to prefer the alternate services.

Hence it is requested to allow the Stamp vending staff of bigger office where the work load of the counter PA are far in excess of available staff hours and augmentation of the staff are justified.{In most of the offices the working strength of clerical strength is less than the sanctioned strength.}
The existing policy will be reviewed.  Re-deployment  will be done where there is workload.
DDG (Estt)
Request for sanctioning the 1/4th of full daily allowance, as special allowance, to those who are compulsorily to  take up the boarding and lodging at the training institutes:
v  As per the GOI (3) 2 below SR 164, the officials staying in the residential training programs by paying the fixed rates are to be given special allowance.
v  The plea of passing authorities that the new DA rule w.e.f 1.9.2008 cannot be applied is not tenable. As per new rule from 1.9.2008, except new rates (comprising of three components viz. food bill, accommodation and local travel expenditure} none of the other conditions that were in prevalence as on 1.9.2008 were amended. In fact options to claim on either old rate or new rates have also been accorded to options claimants. While the stipulations are so firm and amenable, the contention that the rules prior to 1.9.2008 are extinct is not correct.
v  For an example , an official in GP 2400/- has to pay Rs.230 per day for compulsory stay in campus at PTC ,Madurai whereas the same official is entitled to a maximum of Rs.675/-(450+150+75) if they are at liberty to stay outside.
v  The difference between the expenditure under compelled state of affair and the official own choice of stay is only sought to be cushioned in  the form special allowance to be cushioned in the form  of special allowance  to  equivalent to 1/4th of the DA. This underlying principal and spirit of rule for special kind of DA and officials are to suffer the loss nevertheless legitimate bindings, leave alone, natural justice behold of officials welfare.
The proposal will be taken with Ministry of Finance.
DDG (Estt)
Implementation of judgment of Delhi High Court dated 02.07.2011.
WP no 3225/2007 in OM No 164/2005 in the matter of Dharam singh others. This has reference to DG (Posts) letter No 2-48/2011-PCC dated 17th Aug 2014 addressed to four CPMsG (Delhi, Tamil Nadu, West Bengal and Maharashtra). Wherein instructions have been issued to draw the arrears of affected officials, but in vain Despite regular issue of reminders, nothing has been done so far.  Suitable and early action is requested for regularizing their pay and drawal of arrears of affected official.  Total number of officials in all the four circle comes to only 425.
Orders for implementation of judgement have already been issued vide letter No.2-48/2011-PCC dated 7/08/2012 and 03/09/2012.  Instructions will be reiterated with directions for implementation in a time bound manner.
DDG (Estt)
Grant of Traveling and Daily Allowance to Mail Overseers in place of Night Halt:
Only Memorandum bearing DG (Posts) No I-02/2012-PAP dated 17th January 2012 has been issued, but no orders for implementation has been issued and sent to all concerned for this change.  Such orders need to be issued immediately so that the affected official could get financial benefit.
Instructions issued vide OM dated 17/01/2012 are already clear.  The same are being reiterated.
Item closed.
Combined working of Mumbai Region and Chief PMG Office work by Chief PMG, Maharashtra Circle Office Staff and Officer (as previously was in practice):
This case of combination of work of Mumbai Region into office of the CPMG, Maharashtra has been already taken with the CPMG, Maharashtra as it was in past in existence. Since last so many years or we may say that since opening of separate Mumbai Region only PMG and DPS two posts were there and rest all other staff of CPMG office was dealing the work of Mumbai Region. The copies of letters addressed in details are enclosed herewith for ready reference. The clerical and other posts of Mumbai Region may be redeployed to proposed Telangana Circle.

Item dropped.
Item withdrawn/ dropped.

Enhancement of Financial Powers of PMG to condemn of Computer Hardware:
The computer and hardware supplied to almost all the post offices are out dated and required to be condemned. Presently, the Regional PMGs have financial power to condemn computer hardwareupto Rs 200000/- per year. These financial powers are very low considering the conditions of computers and hardware in almost all the post offices. Due to such low financial powers to the PMGs to condemn the computer and hardware, age barred and out dated computers and hardware could not be condemned. This is creating a great problem in offering smooth and quick services to the members of public. Thus it is necessary to improve the Financial Powers of PMGs to condemn the outdated and time barred computers and hardware.

The Regional PMGs have financial powers for replacement of  computer hardware upto Rs.10.00 lakhs.
Item  closed.
Inadequate Funds for purchase of computer papers :
The funds required for purchase of computer papers for all the post offices in the circle are very inadequate. Present requirement of funds to supply adequate computer paper to offices in Circle is Rs 5 Crores per year. However, the CPMG has financial powers of just Rs 30 Lakhs in this regard. Thus there is acute shortage of paper in whole Circle. Hence, it is needed to improve the Financial Powers of CPMG for purchase of computer papers and stationery every year.
Proposals are being called  from the Circles and will be examined.
DDG (Estt)
Increase the number of LSG/HSG II & I posts in Circle Administrative offices.
Number of  LSG, HSG II & I posts in Circle Administrative offices is much and much less in comparison to intricate nature of job performed by the circle and regional offices including DPLI office.
No such proposal is pending.  In case the proposal is received, the same will be examined.
DDG (Estt)
Stop shifting of CPMG office from Ambala to Gurgaon.
It is learnt that recently a move has been made to shift CPMG office from Ambala to  Gurgaon which will cause many problems for the people of Haryana. Moreover, Ambala was chosen as the Circle Head’s office many many decades back considering geographical aspect and railway link factor etc. Whereas Gurgaon is nearly 60 Kms away from Delhi can that area can easily be covered separately for the purpose of business development taking the advantage of Gurgaon being located within the ambit of National Capital Region.
No decision has been taken to shift the Head Quarters of Haryana Circle.
Item closed.
Merger of posts of charge Hand with Artisan Grade-I
The Directorate has issued orders on 03.06.2014 merging posts of charge hand with the Post of Artisan Grade-I based on the VI CPC recommendation. This recommendation was made by VI CPC based on the staff of Railway workshop and Defence workshop. Operation in MMS worship in entirely different from that of Railway and Defence. For Example, in four Metro cities, we have more than four MMS workshop based on the functional justification whereas in Railways and Defence, they have big workshop like factory. Therefore one charge hand is enough for one shift. But in MMS, there are more workshops in different places we need charge hand for each work shop. Moreover, there are more promotional avenues for Artisan Such as Master Craftsman, Chargeman, Technical Supervisors, Foreman. But in MMS workshop, we have only one promotional that is charge hand. Therefore merging charge hand with Artisan Grade-I is not correct. Hence we request the Department that this issue may kindly be taken up with the appropriate Authority for redressal or we have to obtain permission to create promotion in MMS workshop like Railways and Defence.
The matter will be taken up with the Ministry of Finance.
DDG (Estt)
CGHS Facility to all Postal retirees.
Request to grant CGHS Cards to Postal retirees par with other C. G. Pensioners. There is no objection from the Ministry of Health to issue of CGHS Cards to the Postal Pensioners par with other C. G. Pensioners. Because of non validation by Department of Posts, this facility is not extended to Postal pensioners. Department of Posts is requested initiate action by lifting its restraint in this regard to enable the Ministry of Health to grant CGHS facility to Postal Pensioners.
Agreed. The issue is pending with M/o Health and Family Welfare, will be followed up.
DDG (Estt)
Irregular utilisation of services of MTS employees in the vacant posts of Sorting Assistants
Many Circles Irregular utilisation of services of MTS employees in the vacant posts of Sorting Assistants is prevailing   wherein it was instructed to utilise the services of MTS employees in the vacant posts of Sorting Assistants on payment of coolie charges per hour/due duty. This is exploitation of MTS and GDS employees. In fact the MTS should be utilised  in the short term/vacant posts of Mailguards. There is no rule to utilise the services of these employees in the vacant posts of Sorting Assistants as they are not fully trained and qualified to work.  (Imparting of training at Postal Training Centers and Computers training).  This will result mishandling of public mail causing inordinate delay in receipt of mail. It is not known how the Divisional Heads, has framed his own rules without observing the norms and rules of the department.
Therefore it is requested to issue instructions to all concerned to cancel the irregular orders issued by the Division heads in many circles to protect the sanctity of the rules and honour of Sorting Assistants.
Necessary instructions will be issued to the Circles.
DDG (Estt)
Revision of FSC
As per the Revised rates of Fixed Stationary charges for post offices the cost of closing of sealing of one bag daily is quoted for Rs. 3/- whereas many administrative authorities has taken this as Rs. 3/- per bag for a complete month. The cost of sealing wax per Kg. is above Rs. 60/- .The rate of FSC may be calculated in its original spirit and the unjustified interpretation of the field level officers shall be nullified by the revised instructions we request to issue by the Directorate.
Agreed. Action will be taken.
DDG (Estt)
Care Taking Allowance for all Postmasters/ Sub-postmasters and Sub-record officers .
The conditions for grant of Care Taking Allowance are fully applicable to all the Postmasters/Sub-Postmasters/Sub-record officers who are doing the CARE TAKERS DUTY apart from their normal duties as a routine. Further, the cleanliness activities are made part and parcel of Memo of Distribution of work Hence Caretaker Allowance @ 10% of pay in the Pay Band is to be paid as prescribed by the Sixth CPC.
There is no justification for grant of Caretaking Allowance to the Postmasters / SPMs / SROs.
Item closed.
Request for grant of one Increment to erstwhile Gr.D/MTS in RMS on Promotion to the Cadre of Mail guards by Selection (By Seniority)
Ref: Gazette Notification of India, Extraordinary, Part-II Section 3, Sub-section (i) dtd. 20.12.2010 Communicated vide D.G(P) No.44-14/2009-SPB-I dtd.28.01.20111
Your kind attention is drawn to the above referred Gazette notification which stipulates about the promotion of Gr.D /MTS to the Cadre of Mail Guard in RMS wing of the Department by allocating 25% of Posts by Selection i.e by Seniority. In RMS wing there are many GDS/MTS who have put in more than 20 yrs of service due to ban on recruitment since decade. After issue of above notification in many Circles the DPCs were held and many Group D/MTS are being promoted to the Cadre of mail guard who has put in more than 20 years of service. As there is no financial benefit either in the Grade pay or in the increment none are showing interest to join as mail guard resulting the posts are lying vacant.
Regarding fixation of Pay in r/o erstwhile Gr. D / MTS who are promoted to the cadre of Mail Guards after the advent of CCS (RP) Rules 2008. The Pay Band /Pay scale fixed for Gr. D /MTS in the revised Pay structure is PB-I/Rs.5200-20200 with grade Pay Rs.1800- Whereas the Pay Band/Pay Scale fixed for Mail Guards is PB-I/Rs.5200-20200 with Grade Pay Rs.2000-.Promotion from the Cadre of MTS to Mail Guard definitely involves higher responsibilities. Normally when an official is Promoted to a higher cadre Post which involves duties of higher responsibility, his Pay on Promotion should be fixed in terms of the provisions contained in FR 22(I)(a)(i). There will be no problem in r/o those officials who get promotion from MTS to Mail Guard who have put in less than 20 years of service as on the date of such promotion.
But problem is arising in r/o those officials who get promotion after putting up 20 years of service and more. The reason is that the entry Grade pay for MTS is Rs.1800- and on completions of 10 Years and 20 years of service becoming eligible for Financial Up gradations under MACPS their Grade Pay will raise to Rs.1900- and Rs.2000- respectively. When an MTS having 20 years of service with grade pay of Rs.2000- by virtue of having got MACPS-II will not have any benefit on his promotion to Mail Guard cadre though the duties and responsibilities are higher in nature since the entry grade pay for Mail Guard is only Rs.2000-. This is nothing but definite discrimination towards the officials who get promotion from MTS to Mail Guards by seniority after rendering 20 years. The case of those MTS who get promotion to cadre of Mai Guards after putting 30 years is still worse as their grade pay would be Rs.2400- which is more than the grade pay of Mail Guard which is nothing but ignominy rather promotion.
Even the OM No.10/02/2011-E.III/A dtd.7.01.02013 issued by the Ministry of Finance in this regard is also appears to be ambiguous since in para-3 of the OM does not speak of the above issue since it is only mentioned that “in cases of promotion from one post to another where the promotional post carries the same grade pay as the feeder post, fixation of pay in such cases will be done in the manner as prescribed in Rule 13(i) of the CCS(RP) Rules, 2008.” This type of contingency does not arise in postal department since the promotional avenues are very limited and will not be in quick succession. In the light of the above, it is requested to examine the issue in comprehensive manner and to take up the matter with the appropriate authorities to safe guard the interest of the deprived officials who are promoted after 20 years of service by allowing fixation of pay under the provisions contained in FR 22(I)(a)(i). 

There is no provision of re-fixation of pay of MTS / Group ‘D’ already getting Grade Pay of Rs.2000/- under MACP on their regular promotion to Mail Guard (G.P. Rs.2000-).
Item closed.
Provisioning the facility of mobile to Mail Overseer / Cash Overseers:
Orders for reimbursement of the actual expenditure incurred on telephone subject to maximum of Rs 20/- per month are solicited with retrospective date.

The proposal is being  considered in consultation with IFW.

DDG (Estt)
Change of nomenclature of cleaners in M.M.S.
The officials who are in the pay band 4860-20200 in the Mail Motor Service and who assist the Motor Mechanics  in maintenance of vehicle are now being called cleaners/motor vehicle cleaners. In the background of changing social environment and improving economic conditions the nomenclature” cleaner/motor vehicle cleaner” given to them looks rather out of date and requires a change. our union requests kindly to examine the issue and change their nomenclature as Assistant Mechanic/ Helper.
The matter is being examined.
DDG (Estt)

Irregular recovery pensionary benefits from retired officials/Serving officials (MTS)
          Application of provisions of Para 5 of annexure to OM No. MACPs in case of officials covered by TBOP/BCR/ACP scheme vis-a- vis Para 6.2 of annexure to OM on MACPs dated 18.09.2009, case of many circles.
            It has been reported to this CHQ by our Circle unions wherein application of subject provisions as stipulated in your office letter No. 20/2008-PCC dated 04.11.2013 are not being made strictly causing extreme financial harassment to the affected officials. It has also been reported that the recovery is being made from pensionery benefits from retired officials, necessary direction in each case received in your office are highly solicited so that sigh of relief could be felt by the low paid employees. We would urge upon you to do the needful at the earliest since the matter has been badly delayed.
The Directorate has not issued any directions for recovery of over payment in any case.  No reference on the issue from any circle has also been received. However, if any case is referred to the Directorate the same will be examined and clarification  issued.
DDG (Estt)
Personnel Division:-
 Mismatch of PA vacancies
Acute shortage of P.As in Circles, despite of annual recruitments. There is mismatch between sanctioned and working strengths, despite taken into account of the current year vacancies announced, screening committee vacancies etc. Hence a thorough review is requested, based on the work hour statement, and adding 10% LR arriving sanctioned strength, working strength of the divisions etc.

Instructions will be reiterated regarding method of calculating vacancies.
Substitute arrangement by all means to avoid combination of work
 Substitute arrangement in all vacant Postmen and MTS Posts requires to be ensured. Wherever and whenever GDS are not available, outsiders should be allowed to work as substitute to carry out the task caused by vacant post of MTS and Postman.

The staff side will give concrete suggestions in this regard, which will be examined.
Restoration of the posts of PACOs and MTS for Circle Administrative Offices:
PACO & MTS posts abolished during 2005-08 for circle administrative offices.
Most of the circle administrative offices running with huge shortage of staff facing more crisis for abolition of posts and no recruitment for long time.

The Posts abolished cannot be restored. 
Item closed.
New recruitment rules for HSG I posts for Circle Administrative offices:
Immediate actions need to be taken to frame recruitment rules for HSG I posts in Circle Administrative offices.

Under process
Identification of Leave Reserve PAs
Identifying of Leave reserve Postal assistants are determined on the basis of three years instead of two years qualifying service in some circles is in practice against the Directorate instructions. Especially, in Tamilnadu Circle Leave Reserve PAs are being identified on completion of Three years of service. Suitable instructions are needed to be issued to guide the Circles in this regard.

The matter is being examined.

147. Shortage of PAs and SAs despite recruitments.
Acute shortage of P.A.s in many divisions, despite of annual recruitments. There is mismatch between sanctioned and working strengths, despite taken into account of the current year vacancies announced, screening committee vacancies etc. Hence a thorough review is requested,   based on the work hour statement, and adding 10% LR arriving sanctioned strength,   working strength of the divisions etc. An onboard scientific comparison needs to be exercised in every division with establishment branch and the staff branch.

Same as Sr. No.31.
Filling up of all HSG-I Posts as prescribed in the present Recruitment rules.
Present Recruitment rules for the cadre of HSG-I came in to force w.e.f 17th July 2014. All the 1741 posts are needed to be filled with HSG-II officials with prescribed qualifying service and the remaining unfilled posts are to be operated at the level of HSG-II. By this process, there is no need to keep any post vacant in the name of dearth of qualified hands. It is requested to fill up all the HSG-I and HSG-II Posts and the chain vacancies arising in LSG may be filled without any loss of time. All the circles are required to be instructed to fill up all the chain of vacancies in HSG-I, HSG-II LSG by convening DPCs and fill up all the PA vacancies arising out of this promotion process.

Instructions have already been issued to Circles, the same will be reiterated.
7. (a)
Prompt sittings of DPCs at various levels
Avoid abnormal delay in conducting Departmental promotion Committees (DPCs) at all levels and grant promotion to eligible officials.

Instructions will be reiterated.
7 (b)
Filling up of PMG/CPMG posts to tune up the efficiency.
Fill up all vacant posts of Chief Postmasters General (CPMsG) Postmaster Generals (PMsG) and Director of Postal Services (DPS). At present, posts are remaining vacant for months together and additional charge/combined duty is ordered, which adversely affects the efficiency of the services and also delay in settling staff matters.

Vacant posts are being filled up.
Item closed.
Regular Promotion in LSG/HSG-I to SBCO Cadre.
Regular promotion to LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I SBCO Cadre are not taken up periodically in all Circle by convening DPC. As a result, majority of supervisory posts are lying vacant and being managed under office agreements. This pre-empts the availability of eligible LSG officials to go on promotion to HSG-II and HSG-I Cadre and causes extra work load to T/S Pas SBCO. Therefore, it is requested to issue necessary instructions to all Circle Heads to convene the DPC in a time bound manner and accord promotions to the staff every six months.

Appropriate instructions will be issued to circles.
 Filling up of Postmaster Grade III vacancies
In the same analogy of filling up of vacant HSG-I Post there is a dire need of filling up of all Postmaster Grade-III Posts in the following ways.

(a)               By relaxing the qualifying years of service in to 3 years par with HSG I RR. The above proposal for relaxation has already been taken up with DOPT/UPSC but pending for a long time.
(b)               Till such time the above relaxation come into force, the Postmaster Grade III posts may be operated in the level of Postmaster Grade II as like provided in the HSG-I recruitment rules. At least by this process, the injustice caused to Postmaster cadre Officials may get a temporary relief. It is worthy to mention here that plenty of Postmaster Grade I officials are in queue with requisite qualifying service awaiting for Postmaster Grade II. By this simple and practical approach the entire Postmaster grade posts in PM Grade III, Postmaster Grade II & Postmaster Grade I will get a fair deal par with General line.

The proposal for relaxing the provisions of the RRs of Postmaster cadre is under consideration in consultation with DOPT.
Issues of Postmaster cadre officials
It is happened while calling for volunteers for various grades of Postmaster cadre, it was assured to the applicants vide Para 4, 5, 6 of the Directorate letter No. DG (P) No. 4-17/2008-SPB II dated 07.02.2011 that the same years as minimum qualifying service will be adhered for the promotions of Postmaster Grade-I to Postmaster Grade-II and Postmaster Grade-III as in the cases of LSG to HSG-II and HSG-II to HSG-I, many senior HSG-II officials opted for PM Grade II are now by passed by junior HSG-II officials remained in the General line by getting HSG-I on completion of 3 years of qualifying service.

As assured while the initial constitution of Postmaster Grade by the Directorate to maintain same qualifying service, all the Postmaster Grade-II officials having 3 years of service in HSG in HSG II & Postmaster Grade-II combinedly may be promoted to Postmaster Grade-III by taking in to account of anomaly caused to Postmaster Grade-II officials, Since there is clear cut going back from the instructions and assurances, the volunteers opted for Postmaster Grade on the basis of the said assurances may be allowed to switch over to General Line, There is a provision in the extant instructions on returning back the Postmaster cadre official to General line if they are not fulfilling the requisite standards during their probation. As the Postmaster Grade officials are much frustrated of their future career profile are not commensurate with their responsibilities, most of the Postmaster Grade-I and Grade II officials are ready to switch over the General line at least to work in Head offices as supervisors and to fit in PS Group ‘b’ examination.

Proposal is already under submission to DOP&T.
Transfer & Placements
Request to identify the appellate authority for the order issued by the competent Authority in case of transfers recommended by the transfer and placement committee. Reasonable opportunity should be given by opening and appeal channel to the affected officials.

Policy will be reviewed so that officials will have a chance for appeal.
Hardships in Rule 38 transfers
Request for relaxation in granting Rule 38 transfers. Exemption may be granted for adjusting the requests with communal vacancies, since the present system having the possibility of overlooking senior requests made and in cases of particular communal vacancy not available in a particular division, no officials from that particular community can get transfer to that division decades together, till such time the post based roster point vacated. This is against natural justice.

As per government orders this cannot be done.
Item closed.
Fill up all vacant posts in all cadres including MMS (excluding GDS).

(a)             By direct recruitment
(b)             By holding DPC and granting promotions
(c)              By conducting departmental promotional examination.

The revised Recruitment Rules of Manager, Sr. Manager and Sr. Manager (NFSG) have been approved by the DOP&T and UPSC and are presently with Ministry of Law and Justice for legal vetting.  Once the same are notified, the recruitment in MMS cadre will be initiated.
Issues relating to Postmaster Cadre officials.
(a)                Allow to write IP and PS Group ‘B’ examinations

(b)             Relaxation in service conditions for promotion from one grade to another, at par with general line promotions.

(c)              Filling up of all PS Group ‘B’, PM Grade III and Grade II posts by eligible officials and till that time adhoc-promotion may be granted.

(d) Other related issues such as filling up of 100% senior Postmaster/Chief Postmaster posts earmarked for PM cadre by PM cadre officials alone and maintenance of Circle Gradation list etc.

(a)             to (c) The proposal will be examined.

(d)               (d) The matter is subjudice.  Action cannot be taken till the OA is disposed.
More PS Group B Posts to General line and others
The percentage of PS Group ‘B’ Posts to General line may be increased to 25 percent in  LDCE and allow all PACO/PA SBCO & SA cadres also to write the examination
The proposal will be examined again on receipt of the same from the Staff Side.
Non Filling of Vacant Posts of Postmen and MTS (GROUP ‘D’)
There is huge shortage of Postmen and MTS staff and workload is increasing day by day on postmen and they are unmanageable day to day work. 

The matter is being pursued with the Circles vigorously.  The Department is developing an online tool to be made operational by January’15, which will facilitate monitoring of action at circle level.
Notification for Direct Recruitment of Postmen/MTS and fill up the posts.100% vacant post from 2009 to 2012.and 2013:
i.                  Notification for Direct Recruitment of Postmen/MTS for last three years is not yet published. This is necessary to give notification for direct recruitment of Postmen/MTS at the earliest and fill up the posts.100% vacant post from 2009 to 2012.and 2013
ii.               Filling up the posts of MTS at Administrative Offices
                  The posts of MTS at various administrative offices like RO/CO/DO/PSD etc are vacant over a number of years. Necessary action is required for immediate filling of these posts.

Same as above.
Recruitment of MMS Drivers through GDS Staff:
At present, the posts of MMS Drivers are recruited directly by calling applications through open advertisement. However, it is necessary to modify the recruitment rules for MMS Drivers and 50 % quota should be given to GDS Staff in such recruitment as the eligibility for these MMS Driver Posts are fulfilled by many of the GDS Staff. Further age limits for these Driver Posts applicable to GDS Staff may be kept as 50 Years maximum as like the same for MTS.

There is no such provision in the model Recruitment Rules.
Item closed.
Filling up the posts of MTS at Administrative Offices :
The posts of MTS at various administrative offices like RO/CO/DO/PSD etc are vacant over a number of years. Necessary action is required for immediate filling of these posts.

Same as in item at Sl.No.48.
Filling up of vacant posts in MMS:- Stop the move to dismantle MMS and outsourcing MMS Drivers, Fill up all vacant Posts of Drivers, Artisans Cleaners, AMM, Manager and Dy. Managers, Supply of  Uniforms and sanction justified posts of Drivers and Artisans and replacement of condemned vehicles.

Action to be completed in 4 months.
Permit the staff of Circle Administrative offices to appear at the PS Gr “B” Examination.
Certain number of designated posts like ADPS (P &SR), ADPS (PLI), ADPS (Rectt), ADPS (Staff), ADPS (SB) etc can better be managed by circle office staff for their inherent experience and job nature.

The posts mentioned in proposal are part of PS Group ‘B’ cadre in which 25% posts are filled through IP line (19%) and LSG and above officials (6%) and so it cannot be acceded to.
Item closed.
Rotational transfer of Managers, MMS:
The Directorate has issued clear orders for rotational transfer of all Group ‘C’ officials. But in the case of Managers of MMS rotational transfer order are in paper but practically this not implemented.

It will be monitored closely and ensured that this is implemented by March, 2015.
Syllabus and pattern for LGO Examination for circle administrative offices requires change:
Syllabus and pattern for LGO examination for circle administrative offices should be of MCQ type as in case of Directly recruited Assistants and also for LGO examination for operative offices.                                               
The proposal will be examined in the light of question papers for both the examinations.
Regular Promotion in LSG/HSG-I to SBCO Cadre
Regular promotion to LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I SBCO Cadre are not taken up periodically in all Circle by convening DPC. As a result, majority of supervisory posts are lying vacant and being managed under office agreements. This pre-empts the availability of eligible LSG officials to go on promotion to HSG-II and HSG-I Cadre and causes extra work load to T/S Pas SBCO. Therefore, it is requested to issue necessary instructions to all Circle Heads to convene the DPC in a time bound manner and accord promotions to the staff every six months.   

Repeated.  Item same Sl.No.40.
Estates & MM Division:-
Non Drawal of HRA to the SPMs working at offices having dilapidated post attached quarters.
Despite Directorate instructions vide its letter No. 10-4/2013/-Bldgs dated 06.05.2003, in many circles suspension of post attached Quarters or dequarterisation have not been taken place in respect of inhabitable accommodation. More cases of rented building even after having expiry of rent deed, the department could not find alternative accommodation for the post offices, resulted in litigation of vacation. Such Quarters usually become inhabitable and in the name of Post attached quarters in the rent agreement, the SPMs are penalized of not providing eligible HRA. Those accommodations not conforming SOA and lease deed expired accommodations with inhabitable conditions will be paid with eligible HRA to avoid financial loss to the incumbents.

The power of dequarteriza-tion in the case of inhabitable condition of quarters has been delegated to HoCs. The matter accordingly has to be decided locally at Circle level on need basis.
Item closed.
De-quarterization of Post attached quarters
Decentralization of  power to PMG is requested. Furthermore the power of suspension of quarters beyond 90 days may also please be delegated to the Regional PMsG in order to avoid delay in drawal of due HRA to the incumbent officials

Specific cases of delay will be examined on merit.
DDG (Estates & MM)
Change in specification of all kit items :
Department of Posts supplies various Kit items like Uniform, Chappal, Shoes, Umbrella etc. to all Postmen/MTS/Mail Guards/ Mailman Staff.Specifications of all these three kit items are too old and suppliers of items as per specifications of the department are not available in the markets. Thus it is need of time to change the specification for various kit items at the earliest. Further, all the CPMGs should be given powers to purchase these kit items in the local markets till the specifications are revised.
i.                  Separate letter in this regard alongwith some samples are sent to DDG (Estef). However, it is suggested that after approval of new specification of kit items the required funds may be provided and if possible coupons may be supplied to staff for purchase of kit items from the authorised shop of branded company.
ii.                 Net payment of cost of kit items : It is noticed since last so many years, that timely supply of good quality kit items is not being made. Union therefore demand that decision should be taken at appropriate level to effect net payment of cost of kit items as per standard company rates of items (for example, shoes, chappals, umbrellas).
iii.                Not supplied JD bags to Postman since last above 5 years : Not supplied since last so many years. In some places supply made but it was poor quality and hence withdrawn those bags were sponsored by ICICI Bank. Union request that Circle/Region may be authorised to purchase and supply good quality JD bagsand if some institutions are agreed to sponsor they may be allowed to minimise our expenditure. Secondly, from RPLI/PLI Advertisement funds JD bags may be supplied having PLI/RPLI advertisement.

The action has been initiated in consultation with BIS for change in specifications of kit items.  Any suggestions of the staff side regarding specification of kit items will be forwarded to the Bureau of Indian Standards. (BIS).

There is no provision of giving cash in lieu of uniform as  confirmed by DoP&T.

Bags will be supplied within six months subject to availability of funds.
DDG (Estates & MM)

Item closed.
Construction of New Buildings
Construction of New Buildings is required for the following RMS offices as the present buildings are in a very bad shape and shortage of accommodation:-
1.             Guwahati RMS
2.             Bangalore RMS
3.             MMS Mumbai- Gate Way of  India
4.             Bhiwani Sorting office.
5.             Ernakulam RMS
6.             Kochi Sorting
7.             Bhuj Sorting.

The construction of the buildings will be considered in the 13th Plan based on examination of the projects as per existing guidelines.
DDG (Estates & MM)
Repair of Buildings:-
Buildings of the following RMS offices are in deplorable condition and require immediate repair:-
Ranaghat RMS, Kharagpur RMS ,Bankura RMS , Siliguri Junction ,Malda RMS,RLO Bldg. (Kol RMS), Samastipur RMS, Sahibganj Rest House, Lalgola Rest House, Bankura Rest House, NJP Rest House and Bhagalpur Rest House, `C` Dn. Rest House Howrah.
Under process.
DDG (Estates & MM)
Immediate supply of papers for printing purpose for the Postal Printing Press, Bhubaneswar.
Various forms are printed in the Postal Printing Press for the Department of Posts for different purposes. But for want of much and much inadequate of papers printing of forms including emergent ones are badly hampered.

Under consideration in consultation with IFW.
DDG (Estates & MM)
Provision of  accommodation to RJCM in circles
Providing accommodation to the staff side RJCM to have the office, in the respective circle Headquarters is required. Staff side without accommodation cannot function effectively and efficiently to discuss, prepare and presenting their subjects. In some circles vacant accommodation is presently available. For example in Tamilnadu Circle, there is enormous space available in the adjacent building at Anna Road HPO vacated by the BSNL authorities but not yet allotted. (Though replied positively under item 2 of the RJCM meeting of Tamilnadu Circle held on 24.8.2011, no action taken till date).
Necessary instructions will be issued to CPMGs in this regard.
DDG (Estates & MM)
F. S. Division:-
Eligibility of SB Allowance of SB qualified officials
The eligibility for appearing for the SB Aptitude test is reduced from 5 years to one year vide SB order No. 16/2011 dated 23.08.2011. The principal SB order No. 26/89 issued vide DG Posts letter No. 2-3/86-SB dated 27.04.1989, it is prescribed that the SB Allowance will be admissible only to those Postal Assistants who are selected to be posted in SB Branch having at least 5 years of service with good record and pass in the aptitude test/such other test as may be prescribed and the allowance will be paid for the period they actually work in the SB Branch.
Subsequently vide SB order No. 16/2011 issued vide Directorate letter No. 113-07/2010-SB dated 23.08.2011, the eligibility for appearing in the SB Aptitude test is reduced to one year and many young Postal Assistants are now qualified and they are denied for grant of SB Allowance s the principal SB order No. 26/89 requires a revision in consonance with the subsequent SB order No. 16/2011.
Hence it is requested to cause suitable clarification allowing the drawal of SB Allowance to the officials qualified irrespective of their service and render justice at the earliest.

Agreed.  It is under process in consultation with IFW.
DDG (Estates & MM)
APAR of SBCO staff
Powers for writing APARs of SBCO staff may be delegated to AO (SBCO) instead of Divisional heads and stop imposing the work of SB Branch on SBCO.

After roll out of CBS, the role and responsibility of SBCO is to be designed and fixed.  This issue will be examined in detail thereafter.
Item closed.
Withdrawal of operative work from SBCO Staff:
A number of operative work were added to SBCO such as maintenance of Accounts-wise balance in V 2 SBCO for the categories of RD, MIS,SCSS, verification MPKBY/SAS Agents commission bills, Deputation to sub office for verification of account balances, settlement of minus balances objections. These items of work are not covered under the control procedure of SBCO should be withdrawn.

Instructions in this regard have already been issued to all Heads of Circles.  Copy of the instructions will be given to JCM, Staff side.
Item closed.
Technology Division:-
Sluggish network connectivity for CBS and CIS
It is requested to take action for increasing bandwidth capacity in the Sify net work in all the CBS offices. Presently even  in many LSG offices  the bandwidth  provided  is  only  256 or 512 kbps and  in  major offices  it   was limited to 1  or  2 Mbps, whereas  in  various  Banking sector for the  use of  same  Finacle Soft ware  the  bandwidth  provides is  above 5 Mbps. Because of such poor capacity of bandwidth, sluggish operation and poor connectivity experienced affecting public services badly.

Primary reason for sluggish network connectivity has been identified and necessary action has been initiated to redress the same.
Item closed.
Issues related to IT Moderinisation Project – computerization, Core Banking Solution, Core Insurance Solution etc.
(a)                Replace out dated computers and peripherals with new ones. Increase network capabilities and Bandwidth.
(b)               Set right the Users credential problems in leave arrangements etc.

(c)                Stop hasty “Go live” of CBS, CIS till cleansing of data pucca.

(d)               Provide all assistance and stop harassment in the Implementation of CBS & CIS
(e)                Grant enhanced financial powers to Head Postmasters

The requirement for replacement has been worked out and action for procurement / approval is under process.
Item closed.
PAF Division:-
Allotment of Sufficient funds and sanction all pending bills.
(a)                PLI/RPLI incentive bills
(b)                Medical Reimbursement Bills (ROHSC)
(c)                 Tour TA bills
(d)                OTA Bills                                                                                          

Information regarding expenditure will be obtained from all DAPs and instructions  issued to clear all pending bills.
Repairs and Maintenance of Departmental buildings
Sufficient funds to circles for carrying out constructions, repairs and maintenance of Departmental buildings/ Postal Staff quarters and RMS Rest houses are needed to keep the building meat and tidy.                                             

Same as item at Sl.No.69 above
66.Review of the results of JAO (P) Part-II examination held in December 2012 :
 JAO (P) Part-II examination was held in December 2012 vide PA Wing notification 3-24/10-PACE/Exam (DE)/2111 to 2210 dated 11thSeptember 2012. This examination was held after about 18 years after the JAO Part – I exam was held. The candidates who are qualified in the JAO Part-I examination were eligible to write this examination. This examination was conducted as per the Recruitment Rules notified by the Department on 11-02-2002. JAO posts are classified by the then RRs as Gr.B (non-Gazetted). Meanwhile the nomenclature of the post JAO is changed to AAO and it is regrouped under Gr.B (Gazetted) by an Administrative decision and till date the Recruitment Rules are not framed. For all purposes old Recruitment Rules of JAO 2002 are in vogue. PA Wing has abandoned the process of the review of the results of the above said examination in respect of SC/ST candidates on the plea that no review of results is available for Gr.B Gazetted posts. This is not a tenable ground on the facts submitted above. Hence, it is requested to cause orders to conduct the review of the results of the said examination.

Staff side raised the issue that the matter need not be referred to DoP&T. The same will be examined.
Non Availability of Funds for PLI/RPLI Incentive Payment to all eligible employees:
The work of procurement of PLI/RPLI Business as BD Product has been increased a lot over a last two years. However, for payment of Incentive to eligible employees procuring the business the funds available are very insufficient. Hence, maximum funds should be made available for payment of due incentives to eligible employees.

Circles will be asked to clear pendency within the budgetary allotment. However, the case has also been taken up in RE stage to clear pending incentive to the extent possible. The matter has also been referred to CGA and MoF to delink incentive payment from the budgetary allocation.
Budgetary allotment for medical claims:- The budgetary allotment under medical head exhausts within and claims for treatment of patients suffering from prolonged diseases which require a lot of amounts. Consequently medical claims of general cases are not possible to be reimbursed due to scarcity of fund. A huge number of medical bills are pending in various Divisions. Adequate funds may be provided. Ex: Assam Circle.

Information regarding expenditure will be obtained from all DAPs and instructions  issued to clear all pending bills.
Anomaly between the LD promotees from Sorter cadre and promotes from Gr. D cadre:
Due to ban in the filling up of vacancies in the Sorter cadre, which is a promotional channel to Gr. Ds, a 10% SCF quota has been provided for Gr. Ds for promotion to LD cadre directly. This created a situation wherein the officials in the higher cadre were promoted from Sorter under SCF has become juniors in the LDC cadre to the SCF promotes from Gr.D  cadre. This is causing severe heart burn among the senior officials, as both the promotional channels are under SCF quota. Hence, it is requested to remove this anomaly by notionally promoting the higher cadre i.e. promotes from Sorter w.e.f the date on which the 10% SCF quota for promotion of Gr. D officials came into vogue.

The  issue will be                  re-examined.
Restoration of Financial up-gradations: DOP&T vide order no. 35034/2008-Estt.(D) dated 19-05-2009 issued orders on Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) for the Central Government employees. The Scheme was operational w.e.f. 01-09-2008. It is clarified vide the orders stated above that no past cases would be re-opened. But, in some PAOs during the period 01-09-2008 to 19-05-2009 financial up-gradations were given under ACP provisions. Subsequently these cases of financial up-gradations were re-opened and such promotions were withdrawn.  This is against the provision stipulated in Para 11 of the MACP orders that “….no past cases would be re-opened.” Hence, it is requested to issue necessary orders in this regard.

Specific cases, may be provided by the Staff Side, for re-examination.
P.O. Division:-
Withdrawal of ordering Holiday duty on every holidays
It is requested to withdraw the Holiday  duty ordered in many divisions preventing the officials from discharging their religious duties. It is being practiced for every holiday to put into duties  denying the officials to take weekly rest. It not only resulted in mental agony but to intrude in the religious freedom also. Circles/Divisions may be instructed to refrain from ordering unjust holiday duty.
The Staff Side may furnish the specific instances.  Necessary instructions will be issued to the concerned Circles.
Safety & Security in transportation of cash
Non provision of Armed Guard and vehicular facility in many Divisions for conveyance of  heavy cash from  one  Post Office  to another Post Office  resulting in  huge loss of  Govt. money and  recovery of  loss by means of  Contributory  negligence from the  innocent officials. Hence the provision of Armed Guard is to be ensured by issue of suitable instructions to Circles/ Divisions.
Some incidents of loss of cash have been resulted recovery from innocent officials.
(eg. Vriddhachalam , Sirkali  and Pondichery  Divisions of Tamilnadu Circle).
Procedure on engagement of armed guards and vehicles for conveyance of heavy cash is being followed. Instructions will be reiterated for compliance.
Item closed.
Non supply of Postage stamps
Non supply of  smaller denomination  postage stamps and post cards to cater the  need of the public   in  BOs  and  Rural  areas where  there is no BPC  available.

Will be pursued with ISP Nasik.
DDG (Phil)
Regarding discontinued currency of 25 paisa :
Reserve Bank of India has discontinued the currency of 25 paisa in the year June 2006. This being Government of India Policy, department of post is violating it by continuing the postage stamps of denomination 25 paise and Money Order Forms. It is necessary to discontinue the postage stamps of denomination 25 paisa and MO Forms in accordance with Government of India Policy immediately. Further, this decision will also help in automatic doubling of the department's revenue.

PPS of denomination of 25 paisa is mostly used for posting the registered newspapers and that of MO forms.  The Post Offices are now booking electronic money orders and there is no requirement of MO forms now.
Item closed.
Philately Division:-
Inadequate stamp supply
It is widely criticized by the press all over India particularly in Tamilnadu about the non availability of Postage stamps. In many Rural Post offices staff are suffering to face the public resentments. It is requested to arrange adequate supply of required postage stamps to cater the need of the Public and effective function of Rural POs.

Monitoring will continue to be done.
DDG (Phil)
S.R. Division & Welfare Division:-
Delayed holding up of JCM Departmental Council Meeting.
The JCM Departmental Meting are stipulated to be convened in once in 4 months but to our wonder, this is not being happened. It is very essential to keep the forum alive to ventilate the problems of the employees with the top administration. Convening the JCM Departmental Council Meeting once in four months as prescribed by the DOPT may mandatorily be adhered to facilitate to ventilate the problems of the staff side.

Action taken.
Item closed.
Regular holding of periodical meeting sports, welfare board meetings.
Prompt and regular holding of JCM, Departmental Council meeting, Periodical meeting with Secretary Department of Posts, Sports Board meeting and Welfare Board meeting. Ensure representation of recognized Federations in Sports Board and Welfare Board by calling for nominations.

Action will be taken.
Item closed.
Prompt holding of Regional Council/office council meetings.
Ensure prompt and regular holding of JCM (Regional Council) meeting at Circle level, Formal Four monthly meeting with Chief PMG, Bi-monthly meeting at PMG/DPS HQ level and monthly meetings at Divisional level. Implement a monitoring mechanism at Directorate level to ensure conducting of Circle/Divisional level meetings at regular intervals.

Instructions have been issued to all Circle Heads to ensure prompt and regular holding of all the official meetings.  They have also been advised to send quarterly report to Directorate confirming the same.
Item closed
Revengeful trade union victimization
Request to cancel the trade union victimization  in Tamilnadu Circle viz. Mass ‘Dies Non’ ordered in Southern Region to the officials who have taken part in the Demonstration conducted by the Circle Co-Ordination committee of NFPE on 10.01.2014 in front of R.O. on specific charter of demands.( No action taken by CPMG, TN  despite  taking up this case on several times by all the Circle Unions).

The staff side may furnish  specific cases of union victimization so that the same may be examined. Report from Tamil Nadu Circle has been called.
DDG(SR& Legal)
B.D. Directorate:-
Incentive to Postmen staff for delivery of Speed Post articles:
Generally the complaints are being received regarding abnormal delay in payment of Speed Post Delivery incentive bills. It is pertinent to mention that instruction issued by the Directorate is being followed strictly causing delay and financial harassment to the affected staff.  In this connection you letter No 16/56/2011 dated 07th July 2011 addressed to Delhi Circle with copy marked to all other circle. There is backlog of arrears in this regard due to not following the instructions in right perspective. Uniformity for preparing incentive bills and disbursement is very much indispensable to avoid protracted correspondence and harassment to the staff as well. 

Most of the Circles have reported that the incentive bills for delivery of Speed Post articles have been cleared. The staff side may provide information on Circles where there is pendency, so that this could be resolved.

Non issue of Orders for Implementation:
While inviting your kind attention to Minutes of the JCM Departmental Council (DC) Meeting held on 27.11.2013. The decision has been taken on some items as shown below but orders are yet to be issued for implementation despite our letter No P-IV/CHQ/PMCR/2013 dated 18thMarch 2014 remembering for early action:-
(a) Delivery on Heavy parcels and EPP articles: Necessary orders for mechanism for delivery of heavy parcels fixing /suggesting coolie charges are solicited.               

Report of the Committee  formed for fixation of coolie charges for delivery of heavy parcels is under examination.

BPCs Speed Posts centers - It is requested to bring all BPCs Speed Posts centers, Logistic posts Centers etc. under RMS  Division and to post LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I as incharge.            
Instructions have already been issued by the Directorate that the issue of administrative control over Speed Post National Sorting Hubs / Intra Circle Hubs may be decided by the Heads of Circles.  The matter is to be decided locally.
Item closed.
R & P Division:-
Conducting various recruitment exams by private agency. Basic amenities like drinking water, bath rooms etc provided by the exam conducting agency are very poor
At present, recruitment exams for the posts of IP/PM Cadre/LGO etc are conducted by certain private agency. However the accommodations (like municipal schools) provided by the exam conducting agency are very poor. At many places where the exams are conducted, basic amenities like drinking water, bath rooms etc. are not at all available. Hence it is necessary to ask the exam conducting agency to arrange for proper accommodations.

Basic amenities at the time of examination will be ensured in future.
Item closed.
Huge shortage of staff for PACO cadre in Circle Administrative offices. Since long Circle administrative offices have been suffering from huge shortage of staff, The matter was taken up from time to time in different meetings and communications. Many reasons are there but ultimately after new recruitment rules framed in January-14, even exams were conducted in  Arpil and May, 2014, yet in many circles the results of Paper I are yet to be published considering other stages also, delay is a matter of serious concern.
                     - (R&P / Personnel)
8217 vacancies in seven categories in the cadre of Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant in all Circles for the year 2013-14 have been reported.  Result of the 12 Circles (3966 candidates) has been sent to concerned Circles for declaration of result.  The result of other Circles is under process and would be sent to the concerned Circles shortly.
(Action under process).
Vigilance Division:-
Eradication of corruption
Take stringent measures to eradicate corruption from Postal Department. Stern action should be taken against those committing frauds and corruption. Stop disciplinary action against innocent officials in the name of contributory negligence, instead of punishing the principal offender.                          (Vig. / Vigilance Petition)

No directions can be given to any disciplinary authority.
Item closed.
Abnormal use of disciplinary powers on clerical staff/Supervisors of Post office in the name of contributory negligence factors.
In the recent days, there is more number of cases of Severely penalizing the clerical staff /supervisors in the name of contributory negligence factors and fixing them as subsidiary offenders. It is a wonder that in many fraud cases the main offender/Actual culprit is not punished by forfeiting their properties by using Revenue Recovery Act and other available means of law of this country. It is requested to issue instructions to exhaust first the channels of recovering loss from the main offender/culprit despite they put on out of service. In the cases of frauds committed by outsiders like SAs/MPKBY Agents, their property may be attached with the help of the District magistrate. After encouraging all the legal options available to recover the defrauded amount from the culprits by all means, then only the concept of subsidiary offender may come in to field.

It is requested to cause instructions to all administrative authorities to first exhaust the possibility of forfeiting /attaching the property of the Principal offender mandatorily before resorting into Contributory negligence factors on the subsidiary offenders. The term subsidiary offender in respect of contributory negligence appears to be not correct and the term subsidiary contributors or Secondary Contributors.

Same as in Sr. No. 90 above.
Item closed.
M.V. Division:-
Development of self owned transportation system for quick transmission of mails :
In the present scenario of competition, public are demanding quick transportation and delivery of their mails. Due to our department’s dependence on State Transportation, this demand of public could not be fulfilled. Also most of the department’s MMS Vehicles are too old and required to be condemned. A self owned transportation system needs to be developed for quick transmission and delivery of mails to gain the customer base. Hence, department is expected to take some positive steps for reserving some funds for the development of such system.

Action taken.
Item closed.
M.B. Division:-
Supply of 40 seated Railway Bogies for R.M.S Sections in place of 20 seated:- Railway Authorities are providing short space of 20 seated handicapped bogies to RMS sections for carrying mails instead of 40 seated SLR bogies as required. Consequent upon non supply of adequate accommodation for carrying mails, misconnection of mails  or non loading of mails occur very often and thus transshipment of public mails suffer badly.

The matter was discussed with railways authorities and all HoCs are requested to furnish fresh / revised information on accommodation required in major routes and also for new routes as well.  Instructions will also be issued to all HoCs to discuss the matter periodically with railway authorities in          Co-ordination meetings.
Closure/merger of RMS offices:
During MNOP an agreement was reached between staff side and official side that no RMS offices will be closed for three years. But this was not followed by many Circles. In the name of merger, many RMS offices were closed by Heads of Circles.

No specific instance have been referred to and merger, if any, is made under rationalization process after following due procedure.
Item closed.
PLI Directorate:-
(a) All Circle offices / Regional offices / DPLI office, Kolkata must be allowed to function as Circle Processing Centres (CPCs) whileimplementing Core Insurance Solutions (CIS) through McCamish for steady growth of PLI/RPLI Business
The Department is following the prescribed procedure for successful completion of the project and this cannot be deviated.
Item closed.

Stop diversion of 615 posts (576 posts of PAs from C.O.s and 39 posts of PAs from APS PLI CELL) ordered vide Department of Posts, Establishment Division No. 43-47/2013-PE-II dated the 9th June, 2014.

Stop harassment and victimization of staff of Circle Administrative offices in the name of decentralization of PLI/RPLI.
No specific complaints received in the Directorate regarding harassment and victimization of staff of Circle Administrative Offices.
Item closed.
Delay in sanctioning of RPLI and PLI incentive bills in Many Circles.
Due of Paucity fund, the RPLI, PLI Incentive bills are pending for payment for a longtime and accumulated to a huge amount. Appropriate allotment of funds requested.

Same as item at Sr. NO.72 above.
Convert all Circle Administrative offices including Regional Offices and O/O the Director PLI office as Central Processing Centers.
Due to rich experience of Circle Administrative offices and many years awareness of PLI/RPLI works, all Circle Administrative offices should be converted as CPCs for steady growth of insurance business.

Same as item at Sr. No. 95 above.
Item closed.
Provision of staff/equipment for Central Processing centres of PLI/RPLI likely to commence in all HOs.
In the wake of newly created concept of Cnetral processing centres under core Insurance solutions there will be increased work flow related to PLI/RPLI. The task of acceptance of proposals, issue of policy documents, maturity claim, Death claim and loan sanctions apart from continuous customer services are on the way and the staff/equipmentshall be provided to meet the present trend. Further to the above, the Head postmasters are needed to be delegated some financial powers to maintain hospitality with the customers/clients.

Being done.
Item closed.
Give proper importance to the office of the DPLI, Kolkata for making it a National level training center.
DPLI office, Kolkata since its inception long back has been doing multi various critical nature of work relating to PLI/RPLI business, determination of bonus, actuarial work etc. on which the market review depends. These are all being done in addition to their role as central accounting office. No other office has got such huge dimension and verities of works in the field of insurance business of ours.

This cannot be done.
Item closed.
Opening of permanent training centers in PLI sections of every Circle Office.
Considering the increase in number of PLI/RPLI policies and involving large number of agents and D.Os, each and every Circle Office should have training centers for PLI/RPLI works. 
Same as at item at Sr. No.99 above.
Item closed.

Recruitment of MMS Drivers through GDS Staff:
At present, the posts of MMS Drivers are recruited directly by calling applications through open advertisement. However, it is necessary to modify the recruitment rules for MMS Drivers and 50 % quota should be given to GDS Staff in such recruitment as the eligibility for these MMS Driver Posts are fulfilled by many of the GDS Staff. Further age limits for these Driver Posts applicable to GDS Staff may be kept as 50 Years maximum as like the same for MTS.

There is no such provision in the model Recruitment Rules.
Item closed.
Filling up the posts of MTS at Administrative Offices :
The posts of MTS at various administrative offices like RO/CO/DO/PSD etc are vacant over a number of years. Necessary action is required for immediate filling of these posts.

Same as in item at Sl.No.48.
Filling up of vacant posts in MMS:- Stop the move to dismantle MMS and outsourcing MMS Drivers, Fill up all vacant Posts of Drivers, Artisans Cleaners, AMM, Manager and Dy. Managers, Supply of  Uniforms and sanction justified posts of Drivers and Artisans and replacement of condemned vehicles.

Action to be completed in 4 months.
Permit the staff of Circle Administrative offices to appear at the PS Gr “B” Examination.
Certain number of designated posts like ADPS (P &SR), ADPS (PLI), ADPS (Rectt), ADPS (Staff), ADPS (SB) etc can better be managed by circle office staff for their inherent experience and job nature.

The posts mentioned in proposal are part of PS Group ‘B’ cadre in which 25% posts are filled through IP line (19%) and LSG and above officials (6%) and so it cannot be acceded to.
Item closed.
Rotational transfer of Managers, MMS:
The Directorate has issued clear orders for rotational transfer of all Group ‘C’ officials. But in the case of Managers of MMS rotational transfer order are in paper but practically this not implemented.

It will be monitored closely and ensured that this is implemented by March, 2015.
Syllabus and pattern for LGO Examination for circle administrative offices requires change:
Syllabus and pattern for LGO examination for circle administrative offices should be of MCQ type as in case of Directly recruited Assistants and also for LGO examination for operative offices.                                               
The proposal will be examined in the light of question papers for both the examinations.
Regular Promotion in LSG/HSG-I to SBCO Cadre
Regular promotion to LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I SBCO Cadre are not taken up periodically in all Circle by convening DPC. As a result, majority of supervisory posts are lying vacant and being managed under office agreements. This pre-empts the availability of eligible LSG officials to go on promotion to HSG-II and HSG-I Cadre and causes extra work load to T/S Pas SBCO. Therefore, it is requested to issue necessary instructions to all Circle Heads to convene the DPC in a time bound manner and accord promotions to the staff every six months.   

Repeated.  Item same Sl.No.40.
Estates & MM Division:-
Non Drawal of HRA to the SPMs working at offices having dilapidated post attached quarters.
Despite Directorate instructions vide its letter No. 10-4/2013/-Bldgs dated 06.05.2003, in many circles suspension of post attached Quarters or dequarterisation have not been taken place in respect of inhabitable accommodation. More cases of rented building even after having expiry of rent deed, the department could not find alternative accommodation for the post offices, resulted in litigation of vacation. Such Quarters usually become inhabitable and in the name of Post attached quarters in the rent agreement, the SPMs are penalized of not providing eligible HRA. Those accommodations not conforming SOA and lease deed expired accommodations with inhabitable conditions will be paid with eligible HRA to avoid financial loss to the incumbents.

The power of dequarteriza-tion in the case of inhabitable condition of quarters has been delegated to HoCs. The matter accordingly has to be decided locally at Circle level on need basis.
Item closed.
De-quarterization of Post attached quarters
Decentralization of  power to PMG is requested. Furthermore the power of suspension of quarters beyond 90 days may also please be delegated to the Regional PMsG in order to avoid delay in drawal of due HRA to the incumbent officials

Specific cases of delay will be examined on merit.
DDG (Estates & MM)
Change in specification of all kit items :
Department of Posts supplies various Kit items like Uniform, Chappal, Shoes, Umbrella etc. to all Postmen/MTS/Mail Guards/ Mailman Staff. Specificationsof all these three kit items are too old and suppliers of items as per specifications of the department are not available in the markets. Thus it is need of time to change the specification for various kit items at the earliest. Further, all the CPMGs should be given powers to purchase these kit items in the local markets till the specifications are revised.
i.                  Separate letter in this regard alongwith some samples are sent to DDG (Estef). However, it is suggested that after approval of new specification of kit items the required funds may be provided and if possible coupons may be supplied to staff for purchase of kit items from the authorised shop of branded company.
ii.                 Net payment of cost of kit items : It is noticed since last so many years, that timely supply of good quality kit items is not being made. Union thereforedemand that decision should be taken at appropriate level to effect net payment of cost of kit items as per standard company rates of items (for example, shoes, chappals, umbrellas).
iii.                Not supplied JD bags to Postman since last above 5 years : Not supplied since last so many years. In some places supply made but it was poor quality and hence withdrawn those bags were sponsored by ICICI Bank. Union request that Circle/Region may be authorised to purchase and supply good quality JD bags and if some institutions are agreed to sponsor they may be allowed to minimise our expenditure. Secondly, from RPLI/PLI Advertisement funds JD bags may be supplied having PLI/RPLI advertisement.

The action has been initiated in consultation with BIS for change in specifications of kit items.  Any suggestions of the staff side regarding specification of kit items will be forwarded to the Bureau of Indian Standards. (BIS).

There is no provision of giving cash in lieu of uniform as  confirmed by DoP&T.

Bags will be supplied within six months subject to availability of funds.
DDG (Estates & MM)

Item closed.
Construction of New Buildings
Construction of New Buildings is required for the following RMS offices as the present buildings are in a very bad shape and shortage of accommodation:-
1.             Guwahati RMS
2.             Bangalore RMS
3.             MMS Mumbai- Gate Way of  India
4.             Bhiwani Sorting office.
5.             Ernakulam RMS
6.             Kochi Sorting
7.             Bhuj Sorting.

The construction of the buildings will be considered in the 13th Plan based on examination of the projects as per existing guidelines.
DDG (Estates & MM)
Repair of Buildings:-
Buildings of the following RMS offices are in deplorable condition and require immediate repair:-
Ranaghat RMS, Kharagpur RMS ,Bankura RMS , Siliguri Junction ,Malda RMS,RLO Bldg. (Kol RMS), Samastipur RMS, Sahibganj Rest House, Lalgola Rest House, Bankura Rest House, NJP Rest House and Bhagalpur Rest House, `C` Dn. Rest House Howrah.
Under process.
DDG (Estates & MM)
Immediate supply of papers for printing purpose for the Postal Printing Press, Bhubaneswar.
Various forms are printed in the Postal Printing Press for the Department of Posts for different purposes. But for want of much and much inadequate of papers printing of forms including emergent ones are badly hampered.

Under consideration in consultation with IFW.
DDG (Estates & MM)
Provision of  accommodation to RJCM in circles
Providing accommodation to the staff side RJCM to have the office, in the respective circle Headquarters is required. Staff side without accommodation cannot function effectively and efficiently to discuss, prepare and presenting their subjects. In some circles vacant accommodation is presently available. For example in Tamilnadu Circle, there is enormous space available in the adjacent building at Anna Road HPO vacated by the BSNL authorities but not yet allotted. (Though replied positively under item 2 of the RJCM meeting of Tamilnadu Circle held on 24.8.2011, no action taken till date).
Necessary instructions will be issued to CPMGs in this regard.
DDG (Estates & MM)
F. S. Division:-
Eligibility of SB Allowance of SB qualified officials
The eligibility for appearing for the SB Aptitude test is reduced from 5 years to one year vide SB order No. 16/2011 dated 23.08.2011. The principal SB order No. 26/89 issued vide DG Posts letter No. 2-3/86-SB dated 27.04.1989, it is prescribed that the SB Allowance will be admissible only to those Postal Assistants who are selected to be posted in SB Branch having at least 5 years of service with good record and pass in the aptitude test/such other test as may be prescribed and the allowance will be paid for the period they actually work in the SB Branch.
Subsequently vide SB order No. 16/2011 issued vide Directorate letter No. 113-07/2010-SB dated 23.08.2011, the eligibility for appearing in the SB Aptitude test is reduced to one year and many young Postal Assistants are now qualified and they are denied for grant of SB Allowance s the principal SB order No. 26/89 requires a revision in consonance with the subsequent SB order No. 16/2011.
Hence it is requested to cause suitable clarification allowing the drawal of SB Allowance to the officials qualified irrespective of their service and render justice at the earliest.

Agreed.  It is under process in consultation with IFW.
DDG (Estates & MM)
APAR of SBCO staff
Powers for writing APARs of SBCO staff may be delegated to AO (SBCO) instead of Divisional heads and stop imposing the work of SB Branch on SBCO.

After roll out of CBS, the role and responsibility of SBCO is to be designed and fixed.  This issue will be examined in detail thereafter.
Item closed.
Withdrawal of operative work from SBCO Staff:
A number of operative work were added to SBCO such as maintenance of Accounts-wise balance in V 2 SBCO for the categories of RD, MIS,SCSS, verification MPKBY/SAS Agents commission bills, Deputation to sub office for verification of account balances, settlement of minus balances objections. These items of work are not covered under the control procedure of SBCO should be withdrawn.

Instructions in this regard have already been issued to all Heads of Circles.  Copy of the instructions will be given to JCM, Staff side.
Item closed.
Technology Division:-
Sluggish network connectivity for CBS and CIS
It is requested to take action for increasing bandwidth capacity in the Sify net work in all the CBS offices. Presently even  in many LSG offices  the bandwidth  provided  is  only  256 or 512 kbps and  in  major offices  it   was limited to 1  or  2 Mbps, whereas  in  various  Banking sector for the  use of  same  Finacle Soft ware  the  bandwidth  provides is  above 5 Mbps. Because of such poor capacity of bandwidth, sluggish operation and poor connectivity experienced affecting public services badly.

Primary reason for sluggish network connectivity has been identified and necessary action has been initiated to redress the same.
Item closed.
Issues related to IT Moderinisation Project – computerization, Core Banking Solution, Core Insurance Solution etc.
(a)                Replace out dated computers and peripherals with new ones. Increase network capabilities and Bandwidth.
(b)               Set right the Users credential problems in leave arrangements etc.

(c)                Stop hasty “Go live” of CBS, CIS till cleansing of data pucca.

(d)               Provide all assistance and stop harassment in the Implementation of CBS & CIS
(e)                Grant enhanced financial powers to Head Postmasters

The requirement for replacement has been worked out and action for procurement / approval is under process.
Item closed.
PAF Division:-
Allotment of Sufficient funds and sanction all pending bills.
(a)                PLI/RPLI incentive bills
(b)                Medical Reimbursement Bills (ROHSC)
(c)                 Tour TA bills
(d)                OTA Bills                                                                                          

Information regarding expenditure will be obtained from all DAPs and instructions  issued to clear all pending bills.
Repairs and Maintenance of Departmental buildings
Sufficient funds to circles for carrying out constructions, repairs and maintenance of Departmental buildings/ Postal Staff quarters and RMS Rest houses are needed to keep the building meat and tidy.                                             

Same as item at Sl.No.69 above
66.Review of the results of JAO (P) Part-II examination held in December 2012 :
 JAO (P) Part-II examination was held in December 2012 vide PA Wing notification 3-24/10-PACE/Exam (DE)/2111 to 2210 dated 11th September 2012. This examination was held after about 18 years after the JAO Part – I exam was held. The candidates who are qualified in the JAO Part-I examination were eligible to write this examination. This examination was conducted as per the Recruitment Rules notified by the Department on 11-02-2002. JAO posts are classified by the then RRs as Gr.B (non-Gazetted). Meanwhile the nomenclature of the post JAO is changed to AAO and it is regrouped under Gr.B (Gazetted) by an Administrative decision and till date the Recruitment Rules are not framed. For all purposes old Recruitment Rules of JAO 2002 are in vogue. PA Wing has abandoned the process of the review of the results of the above said examination in respect of SC/ST candidates on the plea that no review of results is available for Gr.B Gazetted posts. This is not a tenable ground on the facts submitted above. Hence, it is requested to cause orders to conduct the review of the results of the said examination.

Staff side raised the issue that the matter need not be referred to DoP&T. The same will be examined.
Non Availability of Funds for PLI/RPLI Incentive Payment to all eligible employees:
The work of procurement of PLI/RPLI Business as BD Product has been increased a lot over a last two years. However, for payment of Incentive to eligible employees procuring the business the funds available are very insufficient. Hence, maximum funds should be made available for payment of due incentives to eligible employees.

Circles will be asked to clear pendency within the budgetary allotment. However, the case has also been taken up in RE stage to clear pending incentive to the extent possible. The matter has also been referred to CGA and MoF to delink incentive payment from the budgetary allocation.
Budgetary allotment for medical claims:- The budgetary allotment under medical head exhausts within and claims for treatment of patients suffering from prolonged diseases which require a lot of amounts. Consequently medical claims of general cases are not possible to be reimbursed due to scarcity of fund. A huge number of medical bills are pending in various Divisions. Adequate funds may be provided. Ex: Assam Circle.

Information regarding expenditure will be obtained from all DAPs and instructions  issued to clear all pending bills.
Anomaly between the LD promotees from Sorter cadre and promotes from Gr. D cadre:
Due to ban in the filling up of vacancies in the Sorter cadre, which is a promotional channel to Gr. Ds, a 10% SCF quota has been provided for Gr. Ds for promotion to LD cadre directly. This created a situation wherein the officials in the higher cadre were promoted from Sorter under SCF has become juniors in the LDC cadre to the SCF promotes from Gr.D  cadre. This is causing severe heart burn among the senior officials, as both the promotional channels are under SCF quota. Hence, it is requested to remove this anomaly by notionally promoting the higher cadre i.e. promotes from Sorter w.e.f the date on which the 10% SCF quota for promotion of Gr. D officials came into vogue.

The  issue will be                  re-examined.
Restoration of Financial up-gradations: DOP&T vide order no. 35034/2008-Estt.(D) dated 19-05-2009 issued orders on Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) for the Central Government employees. The Scheme was operational w.e.f. 01-09-2008. It is clarified vide the orders stated above that no past cases would be re-opened. But, in some PAOs during the period 01-09-2008 to 19-05-2009 financial up-gradations were given under ACP provisions. Subsequently these cases of financial up-gradations were re-opened and such promotions were withdrawn.  This is against the provision stipulated in Para 11 of the MACP orders that “….no past cases would be re-opened.” Hence, it is requested to issue necessary orders in this regard.

Specific cases, may be provided by the Staff Side, for re-examination.
P.O. Division:-
Withdrawal of ordering Holiday duty on every holidays
It is requested to withdraw the Holiday  duty ordered in many divisions preventing the officials from discharging their religious duties. It is being practiced for every holiday to put into duties  denying the officials to take weekly rest. It not only resulted in mental agony but to intrude in the religious freedom also. Circles/Divisions may be instructed to refrain from ordering unjust holiday duty.
The Staff Side may furnish the specific instances.  Necessary instructions will be issued to the concerned Circles.
Safety & Security in transportation of cash
Non provision of Armed Guard and vehicular facility in many Divisions for conveyance of  heavy cash from  one  Post Office  to another Post Office  resulting in  huge loss of  Govt. money and  recovery of  loss by means of  Contributory  negligence from the  innocent officials. Hence the provision of Armed Guard is to be ensured by issue of suitable instructions to Circles/ Divisions.
Some incidents of loss of cash have been resulted recovery from innocent officials.
(eg. Vriddhachalam , Sirkali  and Pondichery  Divisions of Tamilnadu Circle).
Procedure on engagement of armed guards and vehicles for conveyance of heavy cash is being followed. Instructions will be reiterated for compliance.
Item closed.
Non supply of Postage stamps
Non supply of  smaller denomination  postage stamps and post cards to cater the  need of the public   in  BOs  and  Rural  areas where  there is no BPC  available.

Will be pursued with ISP Nasik.
DDG (Phil)
Regarding discontinued currency of 25 paisa :
Reserve Bank of India has discontinued the currency of 25 paisa in the year June 2006. This being Government of India Policy, department of post is violating it by continuing the postage stamps of denomination 25 paise and Money Order Forms. It is necessary to discontinue the postage stamps of denomination 25 paisa and MO Forms in accordance with Government of India Policy immediately. Further, this decision will also help in automatic doubling of the department's revenue.

PPS of denomination of 25 paisa is mostly used for posting the registered newspapers and that of MO forms.  The Post Offices are now booking electronic money orders and there is no requirement of MO forms now.
Item closed.
Philately Division:-
Inadequate stamp supply
It is widely criticized by the press all over India particularly in Tamilnadu about the non availability of Postage stamps. In many Rural Post offices staff are suffering to face the public resentments. It is requested to arrange adequate supply of required postage stamps to cater the need of the Public and effective function of Rural POs.

Monitoring will continue to be done.
DDG (Phil)
S.R. Division & Welfare Division:-
Delayed holding up of JCM Departmental Council Meeting.
The JCM Departmental Meting are stipulated to be convened in once in 4 months but to our wonder, this is not being happened. It is very essential to keep the forum alive to ventilate the problems of the employees with the top administration. Convening the JCM Departmental Council Meeting once in four months as prescribed by the DOPT may mandatorily be adhered to facilitate to ventilate the problems of the staff side.

Action taken.
Item closed.
Regular holding of periodical meeting sports, welfare board meetings.
Prompt and regular holding of JCM, Departmental Council meeting, Periodical meeting with Secretary Department of Posts, Sports Board meeting and Welfare Board meeting. Ensure representation of recognized Federations in Sports Board and Welfare Board by calling for nominations.

Action will be taken.
Item closed.
Prompt holding of Regional Council/office council meetings.
Ensure prompt and regular holding of JCM (Regional Council) meeting at Circle level, Formal Four monthly meeting with Chief PMG, Bi-monthly meeting at PMG/DPS HQ level and monthly meetings at Divisional level. Implement a monitoring mechanism at Directorate level to ensure conducting of Circle/Divisional level meetings at regular intervals.

Instructions have been issued to all Circle Heads to ensure prompt and regular holding of all the official meetings.  They have also been advised to send quarterly report to Directorate confirming the same.
Item closed
Revengeful trade union victimization
Request to cancel the trade union victimization  in Tamilnadu Circle viz. Mass ‘Dies Non’ ordered in Southern Region to the officials who have taken part in the Demonstration conducted by the Circle Co-Ordination committee of NFPE on 10.01.2014 in front of R.O. on specific charter of demands.( No action taken by CPMG, TN  despite  taking up this case on several times by all the Circle Unions).

The staff side may furnish  specific cases of union victimization so that the same may be examined. Report from Tamil Nadu Circle has been called.
DDG(SR& Legal)
B.D. Directorate:-
Incentive to Postmen staff for delivery of Speed Post articles:
Generally the complaints are being received regarding abnormal delay in payment of Speed Post Delivery incentive bills. It is pertinent to mention that instruction issued by the Directorate is being followed strictly causing delay and financial harassment to the affected staff.  In this connection you letter No 16/56/2011 dated 07th July 2011 addressed to Delhi Circle with copy marked to all other circle. There is backlog of arrears in this regard due to not following the instructions in right perspective. Uniformity for preparing incentive bills and disbursement is very much indispensable to avoid protracted correspondence and harassment to the staff as well. 

Most of the Circles have reported that the incentive bills for delivery of Speed Post articles have been cleared. The staff side may provide information on Circles where there is pendency, so that this could be resolved.

Non issue of Orders for Implementation:
While inviting your kind attention to Minutes of the JCM Departmental Council (DC) Meeting held on 27.11.2013. The decision has been taken on some items as shown below but orders are yet to be issued for implementation despite our letter No P-IV/CHQ/PMCR/2013 dated 18thMarch 2014 remembering for early action:-
(a) Delivery on Heavy parcels and EPP articles: Necessary orders for mechanism for delivery of heavy parcels fixing /suggesting coolie charges are solicited.               

Report of the Committee  formed for fixation of coolie charges for delivery of heavy parcels is under examination.

BPCs Speed Posts centers - It is requested to bring all BPCs Speed Posts centers, Logistic posts Centers etc. under RMS  Division and to post LSG, HSG-II and HSG-I as incharge.            
Instructions have already been issued by the Directorate that the issue of administrative control over Speed Post National Sorting Hubs / Intra Circle Hubs may be decided by the Heads of Circles.  The matter is to be decided locally.
Item closed.
R & P Division:-
Conducting various recruitment exams by private agency. Basic amenities like drinking water, bath rooms etc provided by the exam conducting agency are very poor
At present, recruitment exams for the posts of IP/PM Cadre/LGO etc are conducted by certain private agency. However the accommodations (like municipal schools) provided by the exam conducting agency are very poor. At many places where the exams are conducted, basic amenities like drinking water, bath rooms etc. are not at all available. Hence it is necessary to ask the exam conducting agency to arrange for proper accommodations.

Basic amenities at the time of examination will be ensured in future.
Item closed.
Huge shortage of staff for PACO cadre in Circle Administrative offices. Since long Circle administrative offices have been suffering from huge shortage of staff, The matter was taken up from time to time in different meetings and communications. Many reasons are there but ultimately after new recruitment rules framed in January-14, even exams were conducted in  Arpil and May, 2014, yet in many circles the results of Paper I are yet to be published considering other stages also, delay is a matter of serious concern.
                     - (R&P / Personnel)
8217 vacancies in seven categories in the cadre of Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant in all Circles for the year 2013-14 have been reported.  Result of the 12 Circles (3966 candidates) has been sent to concerned Circles for declaration of result.  The result of other Circles is under process and would be sent to the concerned Circles shortly.
(Action under process).
Vigilance Division:-
Eradication of corruption
Take stringent measures to eradicate corruption from Postal Department. Stern action should be taken against those committing frauds and corruption. Stop disciplinary action against innocent officials in the name of contributory negligence, instead of punishing the principal offender.                          (Vig. / Vigilance Petition)

No directions can be given to any disciplinary authority.
Item closed.
Abnormal use of disciplinary powers on clerical staff/Supervisors of Post office in the name of contributory negligence factors.
In the recent days, there is more number of cases of Severely penalizing the clerical staff /supervisors in the name of contributory negligence factors and fixing them as subsidiary offenders. It is a wonder that in many fraud cases the main offender/Actual culprit is not punished by forfeiting their properties by using Revenue Recovery Act and other available means of law of this country. It is requested to issue instructions to exhaust first the channels of recovering loss from the main offender/culprit despite they put on out of service. In the cases of frauds committed by outsiders like SAs/MPKBY Agents, their property may be attached with the help of the District magistrate. After encouraging all the legal options available to recover the defrauded amount from the culprits by all means, then only the concept of subsidiary offender may come in to field.

It is requested to cause instructions to all administrative authorities to first exhaust the possibility of forfeiting /attaching the property of the Principal offender mandatorily before resorting into Contributory negligence factors on the subsidiary offenders. The term subsidiary offender in respect of contributory negligence appears to be not correct and the term subsidiary contributors or Secondary Contributors.

Same as in Sr. No. 90 above.
Item closed.
M.V. Division:-
Development of self owned transportation system for quick transmission of mails :
In the present scenario of competition, public are demanding quick transportation and delivery of their mails. Due to our department’s dependence on State Transportation, this demand of public could not be fulfilled. Also most of the department’s MMS Vehicles are too old and required to be condemned. A self owned transportation system needs to be developed for quick transmission and delivery of mails to gain the customer base. Hence, department is expected to take some positive steps for reserving some funds for the development of such system.

Action taken.
Item closed.
M.B. Division:-
Supply of 40 seated Railway Bogies for R.M.S Sections in place of 20 seated:- Railway Authorities are providing short space of 20 seated handicapped bogies to RMS sections for carrying mails instead of 40 seated SLR bogies as required. Consequent upon non supply of adequate accommodation for carrying mails, misconnection of mails  or non loading of mails occur very often and thus transshipment of public mails suffer badly.

The matter was discussed with railways authorities and all HoCs are requested to furnish fresh / revised information on accommodation required in major routes and also for new routes as well.  Instructions will also be issued to all HoCs to discuss the matter periodically with railway authorities in          Co-ordination meetings.
Closure/merger of RMS offices:
During MNOP an agreement was reached between staff side and official side that no RMS offices will be closed for three years. But this was not followed by many Circles. In the name of merger, many RMS offices were closed by Heads of Circles.

No specific instance have been referred to and merger, if any, is made under rationalization process after following due procedure.
Item closed.
PLI Directorate:-
(a) All Circle offices / Regional offices / DPLI office, Kolkata must be allowed to function as Circle Processing Centres (CPCs) whileimplementing Core Insurance Solutions (CIS) through McCamish for steady growth of PLI/RPLI Business
The Department is following the prescribed procedure for successful completion of the project and this cannot be deviated.
Item closed.

Stop diversion of 615 posts (576 posts of PAs from C.O.s and 39 posts of PAs from APS PLI CELL) ordered vide Department of Posts, Establishment Division No. 43-47/2013-PE-II dated the 9th June, 2014.

Stop harassment and victimization of staff of Circle Administrative offices in the name of decentralization of PLI/RPLI.
No specific complaints received in the Directorate regarding harassment and victimization of staff of Circle Administrative Offices.
Item closed.
Delay in sanctioning of RPLI and PLI incentive bills in Many Circles.
Due of Paucity fund, the RPLI, PLI Incentive bills are pending for payment for a longtime and accumulated to a huge amount. Appropriate allotment of funds requested.

Same as item at Sr. NO.72 above.
Convert all Circle Administrative offices including Regional Offices and O/O the Director PLI office as Central Processing Centers.
Due to rich experience of Circle Administrative offices and many years awareness of PLI/RPLI works, all Circle Administrative offices should be converted as CPCs for steady growth of insurance business.

Same as item at Sr. No. 95 above.
Item closed.
Provision of staff/equipment for Central Processing centres of PLI/RPLI likely to commence in all HOs.
In the wake of newly created concept of Cnetral processing centres under core Insurance solutions there will be increased work flow related to PLI/RPLI. The task of acceptance of proposals, issue of policy documents, maturity claim, Death claim and loan sanctions apart from continuous customer services are on the way and the staff/equipment shall be provided to meet the present trend. Further to the above, the Head postmasters are needed to be delegated somefinancial powers to maintain hospitality with the customers/clients.

Being done.
Item closed.
Give proper importance to the office of the DPLI, Kolkata for making it a National level training center.
DPLI office, Kolkata since its inception long back has been doing multi various critical nature of work relating to PLI/RPLI business, determination of bonus, actuarial work etc. on which the market review depends. These are all being done in addition to their role as central accounting office. No other office has got such huge dimension and verities of works in the field of insurance business of ours.

This cannot be done.
Item closed.
Opening of permanent training centers in PLI sections of every Circle Office.
Considering the increase in number of PLI/RPLI policies and involving large number of agents and D.Os, each and every Circle Office should have training centers for PLI/RPLI works. 
Same as at item at Sr. No.99 above.
Item closed.