Tuesday, August 30, 2011

No P-IV/CHQ/77-24/2011     Dated 21st August 2011



      Notice regarding Holding of 24th  Bi-ennial All India Conference of All India Postal Employees Union Postmen & MSE/Gr. 'D' under Article  42(xi) & 44(c) (v),  11( iii) and 20 of union constitution.


        It is hereby notified for all concerned that the 24th Bi-ennial All India onference of All India Postal Employees Union Postmen & MSE/ Group 'D' will be held from 25th to 27th Sept 2011 at Vaishnav Dharamshala Bhatt Bavdi Road Pushkar (Ajmer) (Rajasthan). The conference will start at 11.00 a.m. on 25th September 2011


       Notice for resolution if any on constitutional amendments shall reach the Central Headquarters not later than 10th September 2011.


The following shall be agenda.

1.         Homage to martyrs and condolences to departed leaders.

2.         (a)  Adoption of Bi-ennial draft report of activities of the Union and

            (b) Adoption of audited accounts for the year 2009-2010 and year 2010-2011

3.         (a)Review of latest position of13th  July 2010, called off by JCA &  deferred strike 05th

            July 2011 - Charter of Demands

           (b) Review of Nationwide general Strike 07th Sept 2010. 

4.          Regularization of daily wager and part-time contingency paid workers.

5.         6th Pay Commission anomaly therein and our task.

6.         Upgraded Pay Scale of Postmen with effect from 1.1.1996 and present             

            Position of the case filed by the CHQ in Hon'ble Supreme Court.

7.         Cadre restructuring for postmen and MTS.

8.         TA/DA for Mail Overseer on the same pattern of IPO/ASP

9.        Timely Supply of superior quality of uniform and allied matters with Kit Book.

10.       Shortage of Postmen & MTS staff

11.       financial review of CHQ

12       Staff Problem of Postmen and allied cadre and MTS staff including women staff

13.      Attack on Postal Services

            (a) Downsizing and franchising of postal outlets as Postal Shoppe

            (b) Privatization of pre-mailing activities. Abolition/curtailment of postal      deliveries / letter box clearances and abolition of post of postmen and MTS             etc.     

  14.   Counting Speed Post Articles and other business mail in the work load of postmen staff.

15        Stop Speed Post hub /Delivery Hub /Mail Hub

            (a) Stop combination of beat of Postmen.

            (b) Stop single batch system in Metero and Big Cities

            (c) Stop merger and closure of Post Offices.

 16.      Adopt scientific norms for postmen & MTS staff and include all premium   services of

            business development in the work load.

 17.     Fix maximum length of beat after taking into account the height of multi storey


 18       Compassionate appointment to the dependents of deceased postal            employees.

19.       PFRDA Bill in Parliament and new Pension Scheme.

20.       Organizational review of

          (a) Branch/Division/Circle

            (b) CHQ/NFPE/Postal JCA/Confederation of CGE & Workers

            (c) RJCM/Departmental Council /National Council

            (d) Union Journals/Publication of CHQ

21.       CHQ Building at Ghaziabad

22.       Amendment of the union constitution, if any.

23.       Resolution on staff problems and policy programme of the union.

24.       Election of Officer Bearers and Federal Councilor

25        Venue of the next All India Conference.

26        Closing address of the President.

27      Vote of thanks. 

                         (I. S. Dabas)                                                                                                             General Secretary

Copy forwarded to:

1          DG (posts) N. Delhi

2.         All Principals CPMsG/Chief PMsG.

3.         All Central Office Bearers.

4.         All Circle/Divisional/Branch Secretaries of AIPEU Postmen & Gr. 'D'

5.         Secretary General NFPE

6.         Postal Life/Indian Postmen.

7.         O/c

(I. S. Dabas)

 General Secretary


No P-IV/CHQ/63/2011        Dated 21st August 2011




         Notice regarding Holding of Central Working Committee Meeting of All India Postal Employees Union Postmen & MSE/Gr.'D' under Article 40(b), 41, 43(c)(v) & 44 of Union constitution of A.I.P.E.U. Postmen & MSE/ Gr. 'D',


            It is hereby notified  that the Central Working Committee Meeting of All India Postal Employees Union Postmen & MSE/Gr. 'D' will be held on 24th September 2011 at Vaishnav Dharamshala Batrtbavdhi Road Pushkar (Ajmer) (Rajasthan)   The C.W.C. will start at 10.00 A.M. sharp on 24th Sept 2011.


The following shall be the agenda:-

 1.     Homage to martyrs and condolences to departed leaders.

 2.     Approval of biennial report for the period under review.

 3.     Approval of audited account for the year 2009-2010 and 2010-2011.

 4.     Approval of the agenda of 24th biennial of AIC

 5.    Any other items with the permission of the chair.


 All members and Central Office bearers are requested to attend the meeting of Central Working Committee on 24th Sept 2011 at 10 AM sharp.


               (Ishwar Singh Dabas)

              General Secretary


Copy forwarded to:-

1. D.G. (Posts), New Delhi-110001

2. All Principal Chief PMsG/Chief PMsG.

3.  All Central Office Bearers and All Circle Secretaries.

4.  Secretary General NFPE

5&6 Postal Life and Indian Postman

7. OC                                                                                                                                    

              (Ishwar Singh Dabas)

                General Secretary



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