Friday, April 13, 2012

Sub: Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee constituted under the Chairmanship of CGM, PLI to consider the issues related to Postmen
D.G. Posts No. No:09-01/2005-WS-I/PE.I  Dated: 9th April , 2012
             The meeting of the Committee was held on 5th March, 2012 at  1100 hrs. in PLI Directorate.  The meeting was attended by the following:
i)       Shri S.K. Sinha, CGM, PLI …. Chairperson
ii)       Shri V.P. Singh, DDG (Establishment)
iii)      Shri Satish Kumar, Director (FA)
iv)     Mr. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE
v)      Mr. D. Theagarajan, Secretary General, FNPO
vi)     Mr. I.S. Dabas, General Secretary, AIPEU Postmen
& Group `D’/ MTS
vii)    Mr. T.N. Rahate, General Secretary, NUPE Postmen
& Group `D’/MTS
2.            The items assigned to the Committee as per the Terms of Reference were discussed at length in the meeting.  The gist of discussions and the decisions taken are as follows:
(I)          Extraction of data entry work from Postmen: There was in principle agreement of the staff side that the Postmen had no objection in performing the data entry work provided suitable time factor for this element of work was allowed in their overall work load. The Committee noted that Meghdoot LAN norms for Postmen Module have already been circulated by the Department on 28.7.2008 for implementation in all computerized HPOs.  It was, accordingly, decided that the time factor given for various activities in the Postmen Module of MD – LAN may also be provided to Postmen, if they undertake these activities. It was further decided that Directorate will consider to issue suitable instructions to all the Circles in this regard by 30th April, 2012 as some Postmen find it difficult to make computer data entry , it was also agreed to impart necessary computer training to Postmen.
(II)        Irregular computation of working hours for Postmen working in field units:  Certain items in the revised norms for Postmen as issued by the Postal Directorate vide F.No.9-1/2005-WS-I/PE.I dated 5.2.2010 were agitated by the staff side.  After discussion, the following decisions were taken:
a)    The staff side mentioned that the time factor of 0.42 minutes provided for `delivery of unregistered mail in multi-storied buildings’ (Sl.No.2) is grossly inadequate and needs to be relaxed.  It was decided that while carrying out the review of Postmen establishment, the time factor for delivery of unregistered mail (other than in multi-storied buildings as given at Sl.No.1) in the revised norms will also be provided in cases of delivery of unregistered mail in multi-storied building in which mail boxes have not been provided at the ground floor;
b)    On the demand of providing the same time factor for delivery of Speed Post articles as provided for Registered Mail, it was decided that `while carrying out the review of postmen establishment, the person-specific speed post articles (Passports, Aadhaar Cards,  Driving Licenses) will be provided the time factor of 2.5 minutes as provided for registered mail’.
c)    The staff side vehemently demanded to work out suitable time factor for door-to-door distance travelled by foot by the Postmen.  In the course of discussion, the Committee noted that this demand of the staff side is being met by providing time factor for delivery of unregistered mail (other than in multi-storied buildings) to unregistered mail delivery in such multi-storied buildings which do not have mail boxes on the ground floor.  Moreover, the Committee also noted that no further action on this demand is perhaps called for in view of Note No.11 provided in the Directorate letter dated 5.2.2010 which is reproduced below:
     “Distance travelled means distance covered on the main roads, lanes and bye lanes.  Distance travelled covered for entering various houses is included in time factor for delivery of articles.”
      The Staff Side was of the view that since Note No. 11 was prepared many years back in 1975 -79, it does not reflect the present ground reality. This aspect may be considered by the department at the time of next review.
e)    The time factor provided for travelling distance by foot and by bicycle in hilly and mountainous terrains of less congested areas needs to be relaxed in view of the extra physical efforts and timing involved in covering such areas.   The staff side was informed that this aspect is under consideration by the Directorate and comments of several Circles have already been received in this regard. 
(III)       Removal of minimum cycleable distance for grant of Cycle Maintenance Allowance of Postmen:  The staff side was informed that necessary orders for grant of Cycle Maintenance Allowance irrespective of the distance covered by the Postmen have been issued by the Directorate.  In view of this, the staff side agreed to close this item.
(IV)      Scheme of payment of incentive to Postmen for delivery of Speed Post articles: The Committee was informed that the CGM, Business Development and Marketing Directorate (BD & MD) has already been requested to issue suitable instructions to all the Circles to the effect that all payments of speed post delivery incentive bills pertaining to Postmen may be cleared by 31st March, 2012.   It was, therefore, decided to close this item.
(V)        Minimum and maximum area of beat to be covered on foot/bicycle during duty hours: The staff side demanded that the Department should prescribe the maximum beat length which a Postman is supposed to travel by foot / bicycle as there are several cases in which the Postmen have to travel 30-40 kms. per day in effecting their deliveries.  After discussion, the Committee felt that the incidence of abnormally long Postmen beats is primarily because of non-review of Postmen establishment in a proper manner in several Divisions.  It was further decided that :
a)    The Directorate will consider to issue instructions to all the Circles to ensure proper review of Postmen establishment, which should inter-alia include proper measurement of beat length, the rationalization of beats and demarcation of beats in such a way that a Postmen is not required to travel unduly long distance in his duty hours;
b)    It was pointed out that the combination of beats being resorted to in the Post Offices having 4+ strength of the Postmen should be removed.  After detailed discussion it was decided that Directorate will consider issue of instructions to all the Circles to the effect that combination of beats should be resorted to only by exception as it adversely impacts the delivery efficiency;
c)    It was pointed out by the staff side that Postmen face difficulty in delivery of registered parcels weighing more than 5 kgms. each and EPP articles for which the maximum weight of 35 kgms. per article has been fixed. It was highlighted that either some reasonable rate and mode of conveyance for delivering EPP articles should be fixed, or the rates of coolie charges fixed in the past should be revised for efficient delivery of registered parcel. It was decided that the Directorate will consider reiterating the instructions on coolie charges to all the Circles so that the delivery of heavy parcels is not adversely affected.  
                     Additional Points:

a)    The staff side drew attention of the Committee to note at Sl.No.8 in the Directorate letter No.9-1/2005-W.S.I/PE.I dated 5.2.2010 which stipulates that “area having a density of population of 2500 per Sq. KM may be taken as congested areaand pointed out that the same has been incorrectly printed as it should refer to 2500 per Sq. Mile instead of 2500 per Sq. KM.  They quoted a clarification received from PTC, Mysore which has cited Directorate letter dated 19.2.1975 indicating establishment norms for Postmen and defining congested area as having a density of population of 2500 per Sq. Mile.  After discussion it was agreed that Directorate would examine and issue suitable amendment / corrigendum to the Note 8 of the revised norms of postmen establishment. 
b)    Creation of justified additional posts while implementing new system for delivery work and allowing postmen to write correct remarks for non delivery: The staff side drew attention to Item No.25 minutes of the last JCM meeting issued on 1.3.2012 wherein it is mentioned that the issue is under examination by the Postman Committee being Chaired by CGM (PLI).  After discussion, the view emerged that this item is not part of Committee’s mandate as the issue pertains to creation / redeployment of post which is basically a policy issue.  However, the staff side mentioned that the Postmen were not able to write correct remarks for non-delivery of articles due to heavy work in the Project Arrow Offices. It was, therefore, decided that the experience gathered after implementation of Project Arrow in various Post Offices could be examined and, if required, instructions with regard to delivery could be issued by the Directorate.
3.           With the deliberations and decisions as noted above, the Committee concluded its work with regard to the Terms of Reference assigned to it.  The Committee, however, felt that the Establishment Division of the Directorate may ensure follow-up action on the decisions of the Committee so that the issues are taken to their logical conclusion.               
4.           The final meeting of the Committee ended with Vote of Thanks to the Chair. 
(V.P. Singh)
DDG (Estt.)

     Copy to:
i)                              Shri S.K. Sinha, CGM, PLI   
ii)                             Ms. Kalpana Rajsinghot, Director (Estt. & DE)                                             
Shri Satish Kumar, Director (Finance)
iii)                Shri Prabhu Das Xalxo, ADG (Estt.)
iv)               Mr. M. Krishnan, Secretary General, NFPE
v)                Mr. D. Theagarajan, Secretary General, FNPO
vi)               Mr. I.S. Dabas, General Secretary, AIPEU Postmen
             & Group `D’/ MTS
vii)              Mr. T.N. Rahate, General Secretary, NUPE Postmen
             & Group `D’/MTS
Copy for information to:
Director (SR) – with reference to SR & Legal Section’s letter
No.1/2/2010-SR dated 9.1.2012 on Formation of a
Committee to discuss issues relating to Postmen –
 Change in its composition.

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