Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Central Headquarters
1st floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001.
No.Conf/Meeting/2015                                                        19-01-2015
        It is hereby notified that the extended National Secretariat meeting of the Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers will be held at Confederation Headquarters (1st Floor, North Avenue Post Office building) New Delhi-110 001 on 17th February, 2015, Tuesday.  The meeting shall commence at 10.30 AM on 17-02-2015 and continue till close.  All National Secretariat members (CHQ Office Bearers) and State C-O-C General Secretaries are requested to attend the meetingwithout fail.  The following shall be the agenda of the meeting.
1.      Organisational Review
2.      All India Trade Union Workshop held at Bangalore - Review
3.      Implementation of decision of the National Joint Council of Action (National Council JCM Staff side)
          a)      Review of the 11th December National Convention.
          b)      Implementation of the decisions of NJCA dated 11-12-2014 & 11-01-2015.
          c)      Fixing of quota to all affiliates of Confederation and COCs for participation in the 28th April 2015 Parliament March of Central Govt. Employees.
4.      Financial Review and remittance of arrears of quota by affiliates.
5.      All India Workshop of Women Employees of Confederation - Fixing venue and dates.
6.      Any other item with permission of the chair.
                                                                                                Yours fraternally,
                                                                                                      M. Krishnan,
Secretary General.


VAN.Namboodiri President AIBDPA inaugurating the CMC

As notified the 1st meeting of the Central Managing Committee (CMC) was held at the M.P Club, North Avenue, New Delhi 110001 on 17-01-2015 under the Presidentship of CHQ President Comrade D.K.Rahate. Comrade Rajender Prasad Verma (CHQ Organising General Secretary & the Chairman of the Reception Committee) formally delivered the welcome address. Despite the cold weather and late running of trains Office Bearers and State General  Secretaries representing Kerala, Tamilnadu, Andhra, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Punjab, Himachal Pradesh and Delhiattended the CMC.

The CMC was inaugurated by Comrade VAN.Namboodiri (President of All India BSNL DOT Pensioners Association) and his speech elaborated on the growing international unity of Pensioners and Senior Citizens since the international conference of TUI at Barcelona (Spain) and the problems faced by the pensioners in the background of new political climate. He traced the history of social security in the world and how that rights are being taken away in the background of fall of socialism and growth of neo-liberalism. He also informed the Asia Pacific regional meeting of TUI Pensioners & Senior Citizens will be hosted by AIBDPA in New Delhi shortly.

Comrade S.K.Vyas (Secretary General NCCPA) addressed the CMC and in detail narrated the pensioners demands before the 7th CPC and pointed out that the issues of pensioners are linked with the issues of CG Employees like DA Merger, Interim Relief etc. He touched the issue of bringing GDS under the 7th CPC ambit and the justification of Parity in Pension as recommended by the Mathew Commission. He advised us to start an educative campaign among all Postal Pensioners about the pensioners demands and the attitude of the Government that is denying them. He emphasized about formation of departmental  level Pensioners Organisations like the BSNL DOT Pensioners Association, the AIPRPA etc being a scientific approach and said that as like the Confederation of CG Employees the pensioners movement also will be strengthened by the strengthening of all departmental level pensioners organisations coming under a united banner like BCPC / NCCPA. He explained about the importance of Nagpur All Pensioners National  Convention on 15-02-2015 and said that convention will finalise the Pensioners Charter and the path to be followed unitedly by all Pensioners Organisations.

Comrade R.Seethalakshmi General Secretary of P4 NFPE addressed the CMC and highlighted the need to take  up the issues of GDS under SDBI scheme and about the inordinate delay in settlement of retirement benefits to GDS Promotees and the need to bring in more women pensioners to the managing committees of AIPRPA at all levels. She assured total support in building the AIPRPA.

Comrade N.Subramanian General Secretary of P3 NFPE praised the preparation of the Memorandum to 7th CPC by AIPRPA and explained the taking up the problem of non-inclusion of postal pensioners in CGHS after retirement in the Postal Departmental Council JCM meeting recently held. He suggested taking up several issues of Postal Pensioners on the lines of benefits extended to Railways Pensioners etc by the respective departments and assured all cooperation and support of P3 organisation in building the AIPRPA.

Comrade K.P.Singh AGS R3 NFPE addressed the CMC and assured all support to the AIPRPA on  behalf of his organisation.

The subjects committee approved the Agenda as circulated by the CHQ and a written report by the General Secretary was submitted for the consideration of the CMC.Comrade K.Ragavendran General Secretary initiated discussion on the agenda items and focussed on the issues of pensioners in general and the Postal Pensioners in particular and stressed the need to strengthen the AIPRPA at all states and this could not be done without total interaction with the NFPE leadership at all levels. As a follow up to the joint appeal by the SG NFPE and GS AIPRPA, the issue will be discussed with NFPE and a way to organise a discussion between the Circle Secretaries of NFPE and the AIPRPA leaders will be evolved. All CHQ Office Bearers and State General Secretaries of AIPRPA will have to take initiative to sit with the Circle Secretaries of NFPE unions and focus on formation of AIPRPA in those states where no formation has taken place so far. He also presented that the experience of both 17th December Pensioners Day programme and the 12th January FMA demonstrations and said that our membership participated with full enthusiasm in these programmes of CHQ and therefore we can organise a Programme of Action on our Sectional Demands in addition to any Programme of Action finalised by the BCPC National Convention at Nagpur. He explained about the need to release a journal for CHQ and certain names suggested for the journal by comrades.  

A discussion followed and all participating CMC Members took part and presented their valuable views. All Comrades appreciated the call given by CHQ for 12-01-2015 FMA demonstrations as timely and successful and reported that the participation of pensioners in the demonstrations was enthusiastic. They collectively felt that more Programme of Action on important sectional issues is necessary but that can be launched after the completion of common movement if any is finalised by the BCPC National Convention. Many speakers concentrated on CGHS deficiencies; Non-admission of Postal Pensioners into CGHS; Lack of CSMA facilities in spite of the Supreme Court directives; Rent free BSNL landline to Postal Pensioners; Allotment of vacant staff quarters to Pensioners on concession rent; inclusion of family pensioners and GDS and NPS Pensioners as members into our organisation; Problems faced by Pensioners in drawing pension on the pension day due to technical problems faced by introduction of CBS in some places; and need for a mechanism for periodical negotiation with the authorities as like staff associations. 

The President also delivered the Presidential speech on all issues of agenda. After the summing up by the General Secretary the following decisions were taken unanimously:

  1. All Office Bearers and State General Secretaries will attend the Nagpur National Convention of BCPC on 15-02-2015.
  2. All suggestions of the Office Bearers and State General Secretaries will be noted by the CHQ and appropriate follow up action will be taken.
  3. A Programme of Action on Charter of Demands as finalised by National Convention will be effectively carried out. Efforts will be made to include important Postal Pensioners issues in the Charter itself.
  4. A Programme of Action on Postal Pensioners’ Sectional issues will be undertaken if necessary after the Programme of Action of Common issues as finalised by BCPC Convention is completed.
  5. CHQ will interact with NFPE for necessary directions to Circle Secretaries of NFPE at all Circles for a discussion with the AIPRPA leaders to collectively plan formation of AIPRPA in those States where the formation has not yet taken place. It was emphasised and understood that without the active involvement of NFPE leadership at all levels the building of AIPRPA into a strong organisation will be impossible. This fact must be borne in mind by all comrades and the task of building AIPRPA should be attended to with close consultation and cooperation of Circle Secretaries of NFPE Unions as guided by the NFPE & AIPRPA joint circular.
  6. Until a journal is published for CHQ, a monthly Bulletin will be regularly issued by the CHQ. All the States will email the mailing list of all District / Divisional Secretaries with Mobile Numbers for facilitating sending of the Bulletin directly to all.
  7. All State General Secretaries and the CHQ Office Bearers in those States where no State General Secretaries are elected so far will issue a Circular to Pensioners explaining the background of AIPRPA formation; the role played by AIPRPA in formulating the common and sectional memorandum to 7th Pay Commission; the issues being taken up by the CHQ with the Administration and the Programmes launched so far by the CHQ etc to members in local languages.
  8. The Flag of the AIPRPA will be of 3:2 in Red Colour with White letters of AIPRPA. For an appropriate logo to our Association, suggestions will be invited from all Comrades and the best will be selected as our LOGO.
  9. The finances of the CHQ and the State Associations should be strengthened. The CHQ Office Bearers and the State General Secretaries will monitor and arrange for remittance of due quota to CHQ and State by the District Associations as per the by-law provisions.
The role of the Reception Committee of Delhi State AIPRPA came to praise by all participating comrades. The Reception Committee was in fact took pains to organise the CMC meeting in a befitting manner and all arrangements of the venue of the CMC and catering arrangements were of nice order. The CMC concluded with a formal vote of thanks.

General Secretary

Rajender Prasad Verma Chairman Reception Committee welcoming CMC Members

K.Ragavendran GS garlanded by Sankarpal Singh Reception Committee
CHQ President D.K.Rahate delivering Presidential Address
S.K.Vyas SG NCCPA addressing the CMC

CMC members in session
R.Seethalakshmi GS P4 addressing the CMC

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