Thursday, June 18, 2015


            Central Working Committee Meeting of AIPEU Postmen and MTS was held from 14th to 15th June 2015 at Narayan Sewa Sansthan (Badi) Udaipur Division (Rajasthan) under the chairmanship of Com Vikram Shah (President CHQ) along with Circle Conference of Rajasthan Circle AIPEU Postmen and MTS inaugural session held on 14th June 2015 at Mahasansthan auditorium.
             The arrangement made by the Reception Committee deserves all appreciations. The Chairman of Reception Committee was a sacred man who devoted his services to the Society specially to the physically challenged persons. It is our proud privileged to convey our heartfelt thanks to Padamshri Kailash Manav (Retired employee from our Postal Department served in RMS) . He is the founder of Narayan Seva Sansthan – Udaipur (Rajasthan) providing free medical treatment with food and shelter alongwith patients and attendants specially polio affected persons and physically challenged persons by dedicating the services of his whole family members. He was honoured by Padamshri Award for his dedicated services rendered to the Society.      

       Our Special appreciation and sincere thanks to other members of Reception Committee under the leadership of Com. Manohar Lal Sen, Vice President (P-IV CHQ), Com SN Gautam, Circle Secretary (Raj Circle) Senior Com. guiding factor, SG Kuduskar, Com BL Gautam, Ex P-IV Circle Secretary (Raj Circle), Com. Mohan Lal Meghwal, Divisional Secretary Udaipur Dn, Com. Bhawar Lal Mali, Com Ganesh Lal Kumar, Com Ram Prasad Sharma, Com Tek Chank Paliwal and many other comrades of Udaipur Division (Rajasthan Circle) for their sincere efforts to the excellent arrangements made for this CWC.
             On 14th June 2015 at morning 10.30 AM, flag hosting ceremony held. National flag hosted by Com Giriraj Singh, President NFPE and General Secretary R-3. NFPE flag hosted by Com. R.N Prashar, Secretary General, NFPE and General Secretary P-III. AIPEU Postmen and MTS flag was hosted by Com. Vikram Shah, President (P-IV CHQ). The Chairman of Reception Committee Padma Shri Kailash Manv invited all by giving warm reception with special band music and garland/bouquet and delivered welcome speech. Smt Kiran Maheshvari, PWD Minister (Rajasthan State) inaugurated the open session. In her inaugural speech she appreciated the postal services and specially postmen as an identical cadre in the department for their services and said that even many changes happened in the society due to information technology still letter writing is evident on the human relation instead of pasting any thing in the Face Book or Tweet. She elaborated as Modi Government is having very much concern with the employees and workers in this country and planning for their welfare in all respect by bringing many schemes and plans and reforming many labour laws. Government is very friendly to the Working Class and it would take all the care.
             Comrade R.N. Prashar, Secretary General NFPE elaborately spoken on political changes in this country opted by the present Government concerning anti working class. In the name of reformation so many privileged rights of working class were snatched. This Government is very much liberal to Multinational and Multi Millionized. In our department also the Government is planning to convert the department as Corporate like BSNL and making way for privatization of Postal Department gradually by implementing Task Force Recommendation. He explained in detail about Seven CPC, Cadre Review, GDS Issues, 6th May Deferment of Strike and PJCA demands (26 Points). He spoke on proposed call for one day Nation wide Industrial Strike on 2nd September 2015. On Proposed Indefinite Strike Call by National JCM from 23rd November 2015 (10 Points Charter of Demands) and other issues. He requested all Branch/Division/Circle Secretaries collect membership NFPE and take up the challenge and complete the process before 30th June 2015. He repeated the inspiring history of NFPE and requested rank and file for strong movement. He also requested P-IV Union to support all NFPE affiliates unions to remain united for achieving our bright future.

             Comrade Giriraj Singh, President (NFPE) and General Secretary R-III also highlighted several important issues relating to Postmen and MTS as well as Postal Department in his speech. At the evening beautiful cultural Programme was arrange by reception committee. Rajasthani foke dances performed by Udaipur durdarshan artists.   

       On 15th June 2015 Comrade P.Panduranga Rao, General Secretary AIPEU GDS (NFPE) addressed the CWC and extended thanks to P-IV Union for the support given for formation of AIPEU GDS (NFPE) Union and further requested for the moral support for formation of AIPEU GDS (NFPE) in all division where union not yet formed and also appealed for financial assistance to Second All India Conference of AIPEU GDS(NFPE) to be held from 19th to 20th Sept 2005 at Shimla (HP). Com. SG Kuduskar, Senior Leader in NFPE (Rajasthan Circle), Com. I.S Dabas Ex GS (P-IV), Com. SK Humayun (Ex President CHQ and JCM Leader), Com. C. B. Surve , JCM Leader, Com. H. P. Divakar (All India Ex officer bearer ),  Com M Neelappa (Ex AGS P-IV) , Com Veeranna Shetty (Ex Dy CS P-IV Ktk Circle) all graced the occasion. Retired following office bearers were felicitated by CHQ:-

  (1) Com C.B. Surve, JCM Leader (2) Com Jai Ram Organizing Secretary (CHQ) (3) Com Janak Raj Rana (Circle Secretary Punjab Circle) (4) Com. Veerana Shetty (Ex Deputy Circle Secretary  Ktk  Circle)

       CWC represented by all Circle Secretaries (20) except NE and UK and all CHQ Office Bearers (13) except two AGS, namely, Com Tirumugan and Com. Chandrasekhar Agenda items/draft report were discussed by all representatives and finally the following decisions were taken:-
 (a) It was decided to assure participation for the calls given by Confederation/NFPE and also call given by Mass Organization, one day Token Strike on 02nd September 2015 and indefinite Strike call from 23rd November 2015 by National JCM and if PJC Arevived Deferred Strike Call (6th May 2015) will make success
 (b)Regarding appeal given by AIPEU GDS (NFPE) for financial assistance to their Second AIC on 19th and 20th Sept 2015 at Shimla (HP) was discussed and agreed
 (c) Regarding 26th AIC of our union, if invitation  by  any Circle/Division, intending to host the AIC is  not received by CHQ  positively by 30th June 2015, then Constituted Committee for this purpose in this  CWC will decide venue and date by taking responsibility. The Committee so constituted with five members among the (CHQ Office Bearers) is as follows:-
 (i) Working President (ii) President (iii) General Secretary (iv) Deputy General Secretary (v) treasurer
(d) CWC also approved the accounts for the year 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 subject to audit
             CWC was concluded by convincing reply given by General Secretary and presidential address, by Com Vikram Shah with Vote of thanks             With warm greetings.
                             On Behalf of Central Headquarters

General Secretary

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