The Joint platform of Central Trade Unions (CTUs) of the
Country along with Independent National Federations of employees of different
industries and services including Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and
Workers, have decided to organize All India General Strike on 2nd September
2016, against the anti-people, anti-workers policies and authoritarian attitude
of the NDA Government. Intensive campaign and preparation to make the general
strike a resounding historical success is going on in full swing throughout the
country. The attitude of the NDA Government is profoundly negative and hugely
challenging to the working class including Central Govt. employees. The issues
in the Charter of demands submitted by the Trade Unions to the Govt. relate to
basic interest of the country’s economy and also issues concerning the
livelihood of the working people of both organized and unorganized sectors.
Govt. has not taken any meaningful step to curb price rise
of essential commodities and to generate employment except making tall baseless
claims. Govt. is mysteriously silent on the question of retrieving the black
money stashed abroad and recovering lakhs of crores of rupees of bad debts of
public sector banks. Whole range of social security measures are under severe
attacks including the pension of post – 2004 entrants in Central Govt.
Services. Govt. has launched atrocious attack of drastic cut in interest on
small savings deposits. Totally ignoring the united opposition of the working class,
the Govt. has been moving fast to demolish existing labour laws thereby
empowering the employers with unfettered rights to “hire and fire” and
stripping the workers and trade union of all their rights and protection
provided in laws. Alongwith the peasantry and agri- labourers are also under
severe attack. Attack on public sector has been pushed to unprecedented height
with Govt. announcing mega strategic sale and also allowing unlimited FDI in
strategic sectors like Railways, Defence and financial Sector as complimentary
to the move of privatization and Public Private partnership etc. The
anti-worker and authoritarian attitude of the Government is also nakedely
reflected in their refusal to implement the consensus recommendations of 43rd,
44th and 45th Indian Labour Conference for
formulations of minimum wages, equal wage and benefits of regular workers to
the Contract workers.
The neo-liberal economic policies pursued by the Govt. has
landed the entire national economy in distress and decline affecting the
working people the most.
Central Govt. Employees
worst affected:
The policy offensives of the Govt. like downsizing,
outsourcing, contractorisation, corporatization and privatization has affected
the Central Govt. departments and employees in a worst manner. Ban on creation
of new posts and non-filling up of about six lakhs vacant posts had increased
the work load of the existing employees and adversely affected the efficiency
of the services. The New Pension Scheme (NPS) implemented with affect from
01.01.2004, is nothing but a “No Pension Scheme”, as it is fully dependent
on the vagaries of share market forces. The Govt. is not ready to grant civil
servant status to Gramin Dak Sevaks and to regularize the services of causal,
contingent and contract workers. The 5% ceiling on compassionate appointment is
not yet removed. The bonus ceiling enhancement from Rs.3500/- to Rs. 7000/- is
not made applicable to Central Govt. Employees. Govt. is not ready to modify
the 7th CPC recommendations, which is worst ever made by any
pay commissions. The assurance given to the staff side regarding enhancement
minimum pay and fitment formula is yet to be implemented. All other retrograde
recommendations like reduction in the percentage of HRA, abolition of 52 allowances
etc. are yet to be modified. Overall the attitude of the Modi Govt. is totally
negative towards the Central Govt. employees and pensioners.
The National Secretariat is of the firm opinion that unless
the policy of the Govt. is changed, more attacks are likely to come on the
Central Govt. employees and working class. To change the policy the united
struggle of entire working class is required. It is in this background the
Confederation of Central Govt. employees and workers has decided to join the General
Strike along with other sections of the working class of our country.
The Confederation National Secretariat calls upon the
entirety of Central Govt. employees to make intensive campaign and preparation
for making the 2nd September 2016 strike a grand success. Along
with the 12 Point charter of demands of the working class, the Confederation
has decided to submit the demands pertaining to the Central Govt. employees
also as Part-B of the Charter of demands to the Govt. The Chater of demands
(Part A and B) is furnished below:
2016 September 2nd General Strike 12 Point
Charter of Demands of Joint Platform of Central Trade Unions submitted to
1. Urgent measures for
containing price rise through universalization of public distribution system
and banning speculative trade in commodity market.
2. Containing unemployment
through concrete measures for employment generation.
3. Strict enforcement of all
basic labour laws without any exception or exemption and stringent punitive
measures for violation of labour laws.
4. Universal social security
cover for all workers.
5. Minimum wage of not less
than 18000/- per month with provisions of indexation (for unskilled worker).
6. Assured enhanced pension not
less than 3000 p.m for the entire working population (including unorganized
sector workers).
7. Stoppage of disinvestment in
Central/state public sector undertakings.
8. Stoppage of
contractorisation in permanent/perennial work and payment of same wage and
benefits for contract workers as that of regular workers for the same and
similar work.
9. Removal of all ceilings on
payment and eligibility of bonus, provident fund and increase in quantum of
10.Compulsory registration of trade unions within a period
of 45 days from the date of submitting application and immediate ratification
of ILO conventions C-87 and C-98.
11.No FDI in Railways, Defence and other strategic sectors.
12.No unilateral amendment to labour laws.
Demand of the Central Govt. Employees
1. Avoid delay in implementing
the assurances given by Group of Ministers to NJCA on 30thJune 2016,
especially increase in minimum pay a fitment formula. Implement the assurance
in a time bound manner.
2. Settle issues raised by the
NJCA, regarding modifications of the 7th CPC recommendations,
submitted to Cabinet Secretary on 10th December 2015.
3. Scrap PFRDA Act and New
Pension System (NPS) and grant Pension/Family Pension to all Central Government
employees under CCS (Pension) Rules 1972.
4. No privatization,
outsourcing, contractorisation of Government functions.
5. (i) Treat Gramin Dak Sevaks
as Civil Servants and extend all benefits on pay, pension and allownaces of
departmental employees.
(ii) Regularise casual, contract, contingent and daily rated
workers and grant equal pay and other benefits.
6. Fill up all vacant posts by
special recruitment. Lift ban on creation of new posts.
7. Remove ceiling on
compassionate appointments.
8. Extend benefit of Bonus Act
amendment 2015 on enhancement of payment ceiling to the Adhoc bonus/PLB of
Central Govt. employees with effect from the financial years 2014-15. Ensure
payment of revised bonus before Pooja holidays.
9. Revive JCM functioning at
all levels.
All affiliated organisations and C-O-Cs are requested to
plan phased campaign programme during the month of August 2016 by conducting
squad work, general body meetings, conventions, and printing and circulating
notices, pamphlets and posters. Each affiliated organization should
issue their own separate circulars and instructions to all their units
endorsing the decision of the Confederation National Secretariat.
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Mob: -09447068125, 09968898009
E-mail: mkrishnan6854@gmail.com
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