Monday, September 12, 2016


Federal Council of NFPE was held at Guwahati (Assam) from 07th to 09th September, 2016.

            The programme commenced with Flag hoisting on 07.09.2016 F/N. The National Flag was hoisted by Com. M.R. Das, Working Chairman, Reception Committee and NFPE Flag was hoisted by Com. Giriraj Singh President NFPE. After that homage was paid to the Martyrs by offering floral tribute on martyrs Column. First of all Com.A.K. Padmanabhan, All India President C.I.T.U. offered the flowers on Martyrs Column after  that it was followed by all leaders , guests, delegates and visitors including Coms. KKN Kutty, M. Krishnan, M S Raja, Vrigu Bhattacharjee, CC Pillai, K. Ragavendran, K V Sridharan,Giriraj Singh , R.N. Parashar, all General Secretaries , NFPE office bearers and all Federal Councilors and visitors.

            The open session was conducted at Distt. Library Auditorium, Guwahati. All leaders and Comrades started from BSNL Compound to Distt Library Auditorium in a form of procession shouting slogans. The lady Comrades in traditional uniform dress of Assam were the main attraction of procession.

            The open session started at 4 p.m.  on 07.09.2016 with traditional Assamese  folk song by the Cultural  group of lady  Comrades of Postal &  RMS Guwahati. The open session was presided by Com. Giriraj Singh, President, NFPE. Welcome speech of Chairman Reception Committees, was read out by Com. L.P. Saikia, President, R.C.C & P-III Assam Circle as he could not attend  due to his illness. All leaders were honoured by garlanding showl and presenting Mementos.

            The open session was inaugurated by Com. AK. Padmnabhan, Presindent, C.I.T.U.  In his inaugural speech he elaborately decribed  the adverse  impact  of neo-libral economic policies on working class. He stated that the 2nd September strike was a grand success and working class has comeout to protest the policies of Central Government unitedly. He stressed the need of united trade union action to resist the onslaughts of ruling class on workers. Com. KKN Kutty, President Confederation, spoken on pay commission related issues and deferment of 11th July strike. Com. M. Krishnan, Secretary general Confederation expressed his dissatisfaction over pay commission report and stated that if within 4 months period no positive result comes out Confederation will chalk out  its own programme of action to achieve the  demands. Com. M.S. Raja, Working President Confederation  and Secretary General Audit , Com. Vrigu Bhattacharjee, Treasurer  Confederation & Secretary General Cicil Accounts , Com. Satanjib Ds, Joint Convenor JCTU Assam, Shri M.K. Seth, CGM Telecom also addressed the  open session. Com. R.N. Parashar , Secretary General NFPE, vehemently opposed the policies of Government which are mostly in favour of corporates  and against  working class. He stated that we will not allow the Government to privatize or outsource any function of Postal Department. He stressed the need to chalk out some agitational programme with Confederation to achieve the demands related to Pay Commission.

       Vote of thanks was given by Com. G. Talukdar, AGS & Circle Secretary R-III. The programme was anchored by Com. D.K. Debnath General Secretary, Reception Committee.
      The Open Session ended with the presidential speech of Com. Giriraj Singh, President NFPE.
     After open session very good cultural programme in various forms was presented by the Cultural group of Children and women Comrades of Postal & RMS Guwahati (Assam).

    2nd Day i.e. on 08.09.2016  the proceedings of Delegates session  started at 10A.M. in BSNL Hall, Pan Bazar, Guwahati under Presentship of Com . Giriraj Singh, President, NFPE.

            Before commencement of the delegate session homage was paid to the leaders, Comrades, Eminent personalities and known & unknown persons who lost their lives in various natural calamities during this period. The resolution on homage was presented by Com. R.N. Parashar, Secretary General NFPE and after that one minute silence was observed by all in respect of Martyrs.
            The Notice of agenda was readout by Secretary General and it was approved by the house after some addition.

            The following Committees were formed to run the business:
(i)         Com. Giriraj Singh- President
(ii)        Com. A. Manoharan-Working Presendent.
(iii)       Com.  K.K. Sharma- Vice President.
(iv)      Com.  T. Satyanarayana-Vice President
(v)       Com.  Pranab Bhattacharjee-Vice President.

Minutes Committee-
(i)         Com. S.B. Yadav
(ii)        Com. Virendra Tiwari
(iii)       Pranab Bhattacharjee.

Resolution Committee:
Com. R. Seethalakshmi- Convenor
Com. Janardan Majumdar- Member
Com. P.V. Rajendran-Member
Com. P. Suresh – Member.
Credential Committee:
Com. S. Raghupathy- Convenor
Com. Subhash Chakraborty-Member.

            The Draft Triennial Report for the years 2013-14, 2014-15 & 2015-16 was presented by Com. R.N. Parashar Secretary General, NFPE for discussion in the house.

            In the delegate Session , Com. C.C. Pillai, Ex. Secretary General NFPE, Com. K. Ragavendran , Ex. Secretary General NFPE and Com. K.V.  Sridharan Ex. General Secretary P-3 & Com. M.R.Das, Working Chairman Reception Committee, G/S P-III delivered their speech.

            The following Federal Councilors took part in discussion on agenda items.
Com. A. Sri Niwas (Karnatak R-III),  Com. Balwinder Singh (P-III Delhi),  Com. K. Ram Chandram (Admn.-AP), Com. P.K. Murlidharan(P-III-Kerala), Com. Ganacharya (GDS, Assam)
Com. B.A. Sheikh (R-III Mah.),  Com. D.B. Mohanty-(P-IV Odisha), Com.K.R. Ganeshan-(R-IIITN), Com.G. Janki Ram (P-III –Karnataka), Com. Mausami Mujumdar(P-III-Assam),Com. A.C. Hota (R-IV Odisha), Com. Raj Kumar (R-III Bengal), Com. Sukumar Bose(GDS-Bengal),Com. Km. Shalini Bhardwaj(P-III Punjab), Com. Monohar Lal Sharma(P-III Rajasthan),Com.Subojit Das (PO Accounts-Assam),  Com.R. Sudershan (R-III Keral),Com. Sanjiv Barua(SBCO-Bengal)
Com. R.C. Mishra (P-III Odisha),Com.D.N. Borade(MMS-Mah),Com.D.A.S.V. Prasad(P-III (AP)
Com.Vishwajeet Naik (R-III Odisha),Com.Subhash Chakraborty (P-IV –Bengal),Com.K.M. Tripathi(R-III-Haryana),Com.Mallikarjun (P-IV-Karnataka),Com. Kuldeep Sharma (P-III- J&K) Com.S.M. Gautam(P-IV-Rajasthan),Com.R.K. Chaubet(P-III –MP),Com.Rama Krishna (R-III-Karnataka), Com.U.K. Tiwari (P-III- Bihar),Com.Nanda Sen (P-III-Bengal), Com. Ramani Kant Bhattacharjee (P-III-NE), Com. H.S. Guleriya (P-III-HP),Com. Anneswa Biswas (P-III-Bengal),Com. Naresh Gupta(P-III-Haryana),Com. Manorar Lal (P-IV- Jodhpur- Raj),Com.   Prabhat Ranjan(P-III-Jharkhand),Com.J. Ramamurthy (P-III -TN),Com.V.K. Jain (P-III Ch. Garh)
Com.D.K. Debnath (R-III –Assam) & G/S Reception Committee.

After delegates the following General Secretaries   took part in the discussion:
            Com.Janardan Mujumdar  Deputising  G/S P-III,   Com.S.B. Yadav,Deputisng, G/S –PO Accounts,  Com. P. Panduranga Rao, G/S-GDS, Com.Virendran Tiwari G/S-SBCO,  Com. P. Mohan, G/S –Casual Labourers Union,   Com. P Suresh- G/S(R-IV), Com. P.V. Rajendran Deputising G/S R-III, Com. Subhash Chakraborty Deputising G/S-P-IV, Com. K. Ramchandram –Deputising G/S Admn.,

The following NFPE Office Bearers  participated in discussion:
            Com. A.Manoharan Working President.
            Com. T. Satyanarayana Vice President
            Com. K.K. Sharma-Vice President.
            Com. Pranab Bhattacharjee -Vice President
            Com. R. Seethalakshmi-Dy. Secretary General
            Com S. Raghupathy-Asstt. S/G
            Com. Raj Kumar –Financial secretary.

            After debate & discussion by all Federal Councilors, General Secretaries & NFPE Office Bearers, Com. R.N. Parashar , Secretary General , gave reply on all the questions and queries raised by them to sum up the debate and discussion on triennial report and agenda items. The discussion on agenda items was approved  by the house.
            The credentials were presented by Com. S. Raghupathy, Convenor credentials Committee.
            The Resolutions on various subjects were presented by Com. R.Seethalakshmi, Convenor, Resolution Committee.

           A Resolution on Postal demands and Programme of action was presented by Secretary General  which was approved by the house unanimously.

            After that election proceedings started as per agenda. Com. T. Satyanarayana Vice President acted as election officer. The following Office Bearers elected unanimously:

President               :   Com. Giri Raj Singh, R-3 (Delhi).

Working President:  Com. A. Manoharan (P-3 Tamilnadu)

Vice Presidents    :      Com. K.K. Sharma, R-IV (Delhi).
                                    Com. Umashankar Chakraborti (Admn) DPLI (Kolkata)
                                    Com. S.B. Yadav (Postal Account) UP.
Secretary General:   Com. R.N. Parashar, P-III (UP)

Dy. Secy. General:    Com. R. Seethalakshmi, P-II(Karnatak)

Asstt. Secy. General:  Com. S. Raghupathy P-III(Tamilnadu)
                                    Com. Janardhan Mazumdar (P-3) West Bengal
                                    Com. M.V. Janardanan (P-4) Kerala
Financial Secretary: Com.  Raj Kumar, P-IV (Delhi).

      After that other subjects were taken by the President.
          The Vote of thanks was delivered by Secretary General.
The Session came to end after Presidential address of Com. Giriraj Singh President NFPE.

                                                                                    (R.N. Parashar)
                                                                                    Secretary General


            This 10th Federal Council of National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) held at Guwahati (Assam) from 7th to 9thSeptember 2016, views with grave concern the totally negative attitude of the Central Government in settling the common demands of the Central Government employees including increase in minimum wage and fitment formula and other modifications sought for by the National Joint Council of Action (NJCA) and JCM (NC) staff side. The Federal Council while appreciating the efforts being made by Confederation of Central Government employees & Workers jointly with NJCA to settle the demands calls upon the NJCA to organize higher form of trade union action including revival of the deferred strike to get the demands settled in a time-bound manner.

            This Federal Council further notes that in the Postal department also due to the negative attitude of the Government and Postal administration long pending demands are remaining unsettled. None of the 7th CPC related demands of various cadres of Postal department are settled. Regularization of Gramin Dak Sevaks and grant of all benefits of regular employees on pro-rata basis is still pending. The New Pension Scheme (NPS) has created uncertainty among the employees recruited after 01.01.2004, about their pensionary benefits. Department has unilaterally issued orders for outsourcing booking and delivery of registered, speed post and express parcel post articles. The task force committee recommendations are not yet dropped, no effective remedial measures are taken to streamline the functioning of CBS/CIS, revision of wages and payment of arrears of casual labourers from 01.01.2006 is still pending in many circles, more than 60000 vacancies in various cadres including promotional posts are remaining unfilled. All the above issues are agitating the minds of the employees for a long time.

            The federal council after reviewing the situation prevailing in the Postal department came to the unanimous conclusion that to settle the above issues, serious agitational programmes are to be launched. Accordingly the Federal Council resolve to implement the following phased pregramme of action, either independently or jointly with other Federation.
Programme of action.

1st Phase   -    March to all Divisional offices and submission of copy of memorandum to all Divisional heads. (Memorandum and Charter of demands will be submitted to Minister, Communications and Secretary posts on the same day).
2nd Phase       -           Mass dharna in front of all Divisional offices.
3rd Phase        -           Mass dharna in front of all CPMG/PMG offices.
4th Phase        -           Mass demonstration in front of Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.

Inspite of the above agitational programmes , if the Government of India and department of
Posts refuse to concede the legitimate demands of the Postal Employees, NFPE shall  Organize higher form of trade union action including indefinite strike. This Federal Council
authorizes the Federal  Executive to take  follow up action in this regard.

1.    Settle the demands of various cadres of Postal department relating to 7th CPC recommendations submitted to Secretary, Posts in memorandum dated 08.12.2015.
2.    Implement cadre restructuring in all remaining cadres in the Department of Posts and settle the residual issues arising at implementation stage.

3.    Grant Civil Servant status to Gramin Dak Sevaks and grant all benefits of departmental employees on pro-rata basis.

4.    Revision of wages and payment of arrears from 01.01.2006 to all casual, part-time, contingent and daily-rated mazdoors and regularization of services.

5.    Stop outsourcing of booking and delivery of registered, speed post and parcel articles.
6.    Fill up all vacant posts in all cadres including promotional posts.

7.    Conduct membership verification of Gramin Dak Sevaks and declare the result of the verification already conducted among departmental employees during 2015.

8.    Revision of OTA rates & OSA and fixation of norms for CRC/Speed post and Parcel in RMS.

9.    Settle problems arising out of implementation of CIS and CBS.

10.  Grant of upgraded 3050 pay scale to Postmen w.e.f. 1.1.1996 as per Supreme Court Judgment.

11.  Withdraw “Very Good” bench mark condition for MACP and future increments.

12.  Grant of S D.A. & HCA to the Assam & NE & remove discrimination.

 10th Federal Council Meeting of NFPE- Guwahati (Assam)

The 10th Federal Council Meeting of National Federation of Postal Employees has been commenced today in Guwahati (Assam) (07-09-2016)
The Federal Council Meeting is scheduled for 3 days i.e., 7th, 8th & 9th of September 2016.
Flag Hoistation & Floral tributes at Martyr's column

Inagural session / Open session :
Venue : District Library Auditorium
Inaguration: Com.A.K.Padmanabhan, All India President, CITU.
Com.K.K.N.Kutty, President, CCGEW
Com.M.S.Raja, Secretary General, AIAAEA
Com. Satanjib Das, Joint Convener, JCTU, Assam
Com.Vrigu bhattacharjee, Secretary General, AICAEA
Com.M.Krishnan, Secretary General, CCGEW
Com.R.N.Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE
Com.M.K.Seth, CGM, BSNL
Com.Giriraj Singh, President, NFPE
Vote of thanks : G.Talukdar

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