Thursday, July 30, 2020


  No ...........                                                                                   Date ...............

    Shri P.K. Bisoi,
Department of Posts 
Dak Bhavan 
New Delhi - 110001

Sub: Scrutiny of Constitution/Bye-laws of Service Association in accordance with CCS (RSA) Rules 1993 for verification process to be held in the year 2020 - Request for arranging a meeting by Secretary, Posts, with Staff side – reg

Ref : Director (SR & Legal) letter No.T - 15/2/2020 - SR dated 24th July 2020 ( copy enclosed for ready reference)

With reference to the above cited letter received from Director (SR & Legal) regarding the process of membership verification, Iam to inform you that the Managing Body of our union, viz -------------------------------------------, held detailed deliberations on the contents of the letter and like to place the following request before you.

As you may be aware , after the promulgation of the CCS(RSA) Rules 1993, three or four membership verification process had been completed and recognition was granted to our Union every time, During the earlier verification process also we have submitted copy of our constitution along with the Application. In the first verification process itself, our constitution was scrutinized by the Department and after vetting by Department of Personnel & Training, the same has been approved, as we have complied with all the requirements of the Department and DOP&T. After the first verification process, recognition was accorded to our Union. Subsequently, in all Verification process we have submitted the same copy of the constitution which is approved by Department and DOP&T during the first verification process.  No objections or discrepancies were raised by the Department and the constitution submitted by our union was accepted without any further modifications and recognition was also granted after the verification process conducted earlier.

       This being the fact, we are at a loss to understand why the Department is raising objections and discrepancies in various clauses of the same constitution now. It is also felt that some of the modifications and discrepancies raised, like deletion of all references to our affiliated Federation, viz; NFPE from the constitution, replacing the word "union" with "association" in the text of the constitution etc, will change the basic character and fundamental principles laid down in the union constitution.

       Further , once a constitution is approved by the Department and also by our All India Conference which is the highest policy decision making body , any amendment to the constitution can be made only with the approval of the next All India Conference as per the clauses of  "department - approved" and "All India conference approved"  constitution of our union. Amending the clauses of the constitution in violation of the provisions of the constitution can be challenged by any of our bonafide member in the court of law, and we will be put to an embarrassing position.

  In additions to the above , we have certain apprehensions regarding the amendments sought by the department in Director (SR & Legal) letter cited above , for which we need some clarifications from the department to enable us to take our decision on the amendments / discrepancies raised by the Department.  

          In view of the above, it is requested that a meeting with the staffside may be arranged by the respected Secretary, Department of Posts at the earliest, to put the records straight and to clarify our genuine apprehensions and doubts.

    Awaiting positive decision,

                                                                                         Yours Sincerely
                                                                                     (R.N. Parashar)
                                                                                              Secretary General

Copy to :

1.    Director General, Department of Posts, Dak Bhavan, New Delhi -- 110001
2.    The Member (P), Department of Posts, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi.
3.    The DDG (SR) , Department of Posts Dak Bhawan New Delhi-110001
4. The Director (SR & Legal) , Department of Posts , Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-   
 5. The Section Officer, SR Section, Dak Bhawan, New Delhi

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