Monday, January 25, 2021



No. Confd./Circular-2021                                    

                                CIRCULAR                   Dated: 22.01.2021

Dear Comrades,                       

            During our campaign to make the 26th November one day General Strike a grand success, we faced innumerable queries over the long pending demands of the Central Government employees, especially,  the freezing and denying the DA/DR payment upto 30th June, 2021,  the continuing impasse over the NPS; the dubious attitude of the Government over honouring the assurance held out in 2016 etc.  The lamenting of the Cabinet Secretary over the financial health of the Government when the Staff Secretary met him recently would be considered by the rank and file of the membership as nothing but a pitiful distraction.  There had been no such situation when the promise was held out in 2016 .  In fact the Government had been boasting of the steady growth of the economy then.  Even during covid days they merrily went ahead with the privatisation spree; On the contrary the Government had been taking advantage of a pathetic situation of the people at large in pushing through their agenda.  There had been no response from the Government to very many issues and problems of the employees faced with the covid-19 pandemic.  They had no qualms in pushing through the despised legislations over the labour code during this period. 

The Indian farmers has no doubt shown the way as to how to combat the situation emanating from sheer chicanery.  They have proved that the unflinching determination is the only way forward.  We must salute them and imbibe the qualities they have demonstrated in no uncertain terms.

We are, therefore, happy to note that the National JCA has decided to hold a protest demonstration on 1st Feb. 2021, the day when the Finance Minister will rise to present her budget proposal before the Parliament.  We would like to name the programme as protest day rather than the call attention day for this Government  has no intention to  listen to any legitimate grievances of the people.  The protest day may be organised in front of all offices, eliciting the participation of the entirety of the employees.  The occasion must be used to explain the chicanery indulged in by the Government by not honouring the assurances held out on revision of minimum wage;  how unprecedented and wrong was it to deny the Dearness Allowance/Relief to employees and pensioners; how the NPS will deny the requisite pension to the employees even after collecting contribution from them; as to how the privatisation of public sector and Government run organisations is amounting to selling away the Nation’s assets for a song to the cronies of the ruling party; as to how the negotiating forum has been permanently shut down etc. etc.  Above all it must  be the occasion to congratulate the farmers of the country  for their determination, courage, conviction  and unflinching faith in struggles as the certain way to success.  While explaining the grievances of the farmers emanating from the enacted farm laws, we must also  point out as to how the parliamentary system was overturned by dubious methods, when the Government had no majority in Rajya Sabha. 

It will also be pertinent to point out that the enacted legislation has the strange provision in as much as the farmers are not entitled to approach the judiciary (the courts of law at any level) to settle their dispute with the giant corporates.  The Law stipulates that such disputes are to be brought before the Government appointed bureaucrats, whose decision would be deemed to be  final.  For not anything, at least for this obnoxious and extremely untenable provision alone, the enactment must be scrapped

In the charter of demands, prepared by the NJCA and endorsed, all important demands have been included.  For the sake of uniformity, we would not like to incorporate any other issue.  We would like to convey a strong message of unity of the Central Government employees to the Government.

We request all affiliates, State COCs to immediately convey to the Branches and through them to all members of the programme slated for Ist Feb. 2021 and take immediate steps required to make the programme a grand success on Ist Feb. 2021.  All Branches, divisions, regions of all affiliates, the district and state units of COCs must ensure that each and every member of the unit and present on that day at the office takes part in the demonstration adhering to the norms and stipulations made by the concerned Governments to arrest the spread of Covid 19. 

We have convened the meeting of the National Sectt. to discuss and decide as to how to make the programme participative of all members and a grand success.

With greetings,


Yours fraternally, 

   R.N. Parashar

Secretary General.

Encl: Charter of demands.

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