Monday, December 5, 2011


Circular No: 23 Dated 03-12-2011

 Dear Comrades,

                The hard work put in by all concerned paid dividends on 25th November, 2011.  There was impressive gathering of all sections of CGEs as also pensioners in the March to Parliament against PFRDA Bill. The rally commenced at 10.00 A.M and went on up to 3.00 P.M.  The fog which had disrupted the train services, especially in and around Delhi created difficulties for those who came from distant destinations.

                The steering Committee's ambitious objective to have 10 million signatures did not however come about.  While Kerala and West Bengal did contribute immensely to the endeavour , in so far as Confederation is concerned the vigour and efforts were not so visible at other places.  The target was not at all impossible.  The idea was to make the campaign reach the grass root level workers and their friends and relatives.  Had it been given a little more importance by our leaders and cadres, the target could have been achieved.  The break-up of figures, organisation wise is as under:

AISGEF- 10,64,071, AIRF- 2,37,312, CONFDN.- 3,25,022. TEACHERS- 2,74,123. PENSIONERS, 97,864, AIDEF- 69,020, BSNLEU. 10,180. OTHERS- 1841. TOTAL- 20,79,018.

                We enclose herewith the Press statement issued by the Convenor, Steering Committee on 25th.  As you know, the Parliamentary Standing Committee had unanimously recommended for specifying a guaranteed minimum Pension to protect the subscribers and employees from the vagaries of equity market.  The Cabinet had unfortunately rejected it.  The delegation consisting of Com. Sukomal Sen (Sr. Vice President, AiSGEF,) Com. S.K.Vyas, (President, Confederation and Gl Secretary, NCCPA and convenor, Steering Committee) Com. Shivgopal Misra, (AIRF) Com. K.K.N. Kutty. (Secretary General, Confederation) , Com.Rajendran, (Gl, Secretary, STFI) Com. S.N. Pathak, (President. AIDEF) Who met the Prime Minister on 25th had harped on this issue and told the PM that  the rejection of the Standing Committee's recommendation to have a guaranteed minimum pension to all subscribers  had no tenable basis.  This apart, the delegation also pointed out that even while making the pension fund available to private entrepreneurs  the  USA, Britain  and other western countries  had protected the subscribers by providing a minimum pension benefit irrespective of what happens to the investment made on behalf of the subscriber.  The delegation also brought to the notice of the Prime Minister that the Bhattacharya Committee and the committee set up by the 6th CPC both too had recommended the need to have a provision for a minimum pension guaranteed by the Government, for the Government has the moral and legal responsibility as in the scheme of things the government collects the subscription from the contributors.

            The delegation was accompanied by Com.Basudev Acharya, MP and leader of CPI(M) in Lok Sabha and Cpm.Tapan Sen, MP(Gen. Secretary, CITU) Both of them requested the Prime Minister to have a relook into the matter and accept at least those recommendations of the standing committee on which there had been unanimity of opinion amongst different political parties.

                While asserting that his Govt. Is not at all against the interest of workers and are bound to protect them, the Prime Minister said that the new pension scheme would be providing better returns to the employees than the defined benefit scheme.  When pointed out that if that be the case, as to why not the Govt, make the new scheme optional, the PM said that he will get the contentions made in the petition examined and considered by the Finance Ministry.         

The National Council Meeting

            The National Council as already intimated will meet at Kochi on 16th December, 2011. The National Secretariat members, the Chief Executive of all affiliates and the State Committee Secretaries of Confederation, the Chairman and Convenor of the Women committee constitute the council. The meeting will be held at the following venue:


Near Ernakulam Junction

(Ernakulam South Railway Station)

Chittoor Road

KOCHI. 682016


            Accommodation has been arranged for 3 days 15th, 16th and 17th December, 2011.  The rooms are to be vacated on 17th.  All National Council Members are requested to kindly intimate Com.Sasindran or Com.Krishnan whose mobile numbers are given hereunder of the date and time of their arrival and departure:

                Com.Sasindran:  09447355334

                 Com.M.Krishnan: 09447068125

Central TU decides for another one day strikeOn 28th Feb. 2012

                The joint committee of Central Trade Unions in the meeting on 24th November, 2011 has proposed to organise a one day's strike on 28th February, 2012 against the neo-liberal policies and in pursuance of the 5 point charter of demands.  Both BMS and INTUC have agreed to this proposal and the strike when it takes place will be the largest worker participated strike in the country.  The National Council inter alia will deliberate as to how the CGEs could be participants in this great national struggle action.

                With greetings,

Yours fraternally,

K.K.N. Kutty

Secretary General

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