Saturday, June 4, 2022


P.IV/Circular-3/2021-23                                                                 Dated 03rd June, 2022


The Historic Central Working Committee Meeting of C.H.Q. held at Garhwal Bhawan, New Delhi-110001 on 20, 21 and 22 May 2022


All the Office bearers, Circle/Division/ Branch Secretaries,


Ø Various decision of the CWC meeting.

Ø Start Phase wise Agitational Programme from 17th June 2022.


Dear Comrades,


      As per notice dated 05th April 2022 of General Secretary, the first Physical Central   Working  Committee Meeting after 28th AIC at Udupi was held at Garhwal Bhawan, New Delhi on Date 20th, 21st & 22nd May 2022 under the Presidentship of Com Vikram Shah, President  C.H.Q.


Out of fifteen Office bearers, eleven were present, four were absent i.e. Com Deepak Rajvanshi, Com Perumal, Com Sudhir Singh and Com Manindra Kumar. Out of twenty three Circle Secretaries twenty Circle Secretaries were present in the C.W.C. Three Circle were absent i.e. Assam, North East and Uttrakhand.


      The CWC meeting was started on 20th May, 2022 at 1100 hrs. National Flag hosted by Com Iswar Singh Dabas Ex. General Secretary, NFPE Red Flag was hosted by Com Janardhan Majumder officiating Secretary General NFPE. The AIPEU P4 Flag was hosted by Com Balkrishna Chalke, Ex-President C.H.Q martyr column were garlanded and flower offered by all present C.W.C members and invited guests.


The C.W.C meeting formally inaugurated by Com Janardhan Majumder, in his speech he was narrated about privatisation of the Department of Posts, we will protest vehemently and keep the Department of Post as a Central Government Department. Com P.U. Khadse, General Secretary AIRMS & MMS Group ‘C’ addressed the C.W.C and spoken about the R.T.N  (Road Transport  Network) and to strongly protest the RTN and other leadership Com Giriraj Singh Ex-President NFPE also narrated about  Government how speedily going to privatise the Department and our task to put stone before the wheel. Com K.P. Singh, AGS R-III, Com Raj Kumar, Ex Financial Secretary General NFPE, Com Ashok Sharma, Ex C/S Delhi addressed the house, Ex General Secretary Com, I.S Dadas addressed the C.W.C and told to keep the Unity more stronger and save the department from privatisation. At second session on 20th May, 2022 one by one Circle Secretaries were addressed the C.W.C and placed their problems facing at circle and grass root level i.e second delivery of mail with existing staff is a big problem before the delivery staff, PMA dislocation, APAR, Dak Mitra, Central Delivery Centres (CDC), Nodal Delivery Central (NDC) un expected targets for IPPB Ltd. Other scheme works, Aadhaar, Jivan Praman etc. The meeting was adjourned 09:00 AM  21st May 2022.


      On 21st May, 2022 the meeting was started Com K. Ragvendran addressed the C.W.C Meeting on the subject, the role of Divisional Secretary/Circle Secretaries and conduct rules, with departmental issues. Building Committee was formed to look after the business of Ghaziabad Building. At 1400 hrs. 10 members of the committee were proceeded to Ghaziabad for Inspect the flat at Kausambi. The members were reported to the house that renovation work of the flat is required, the proposal put by the President in the house. The proposal of renovation of the building was approved in the house, another proposal also placed by the Building Committee to utilise the funds balance at Bank. It was unanimously approved in the house that it will be decided by the Building Committee to purchase a land for union and house declared that the building committee is empowered to take decision on the issue. The building committee headed by Com. President, General Secretary and Treasurer, Com. Rajesh P. Sarang (M.H) Subhash Chakarbarty, (W.B) Satyanarayan Gautam (Raj), Subas Chand (DEL) Sukh Chain Singh (PB) Ghan Shyam Rathore, (Guj) Com. IS Dabas Ex Gen. Secy. Mukul Chandra Das, Ex-Treasurer (CHQ) Balakrishna Chalke, Ex-President (CHQ), Com. Jay Prakash Sharma, Ex. Circle President Delhi.


Com. Naresh Gupta, AGS P-III and Chairman Ambala Co-operative Bank Joined the house and addressed the C.W.C Meeting. There after remaining Circle Secretaries take part in the discussion up to night session. The meeting was adjourned till 9 A.M of 22nd May 2022.


3rd day Meeting on 22nd May, 2022 was started as per scheduled time at 10.00 hrs. Com. RN Parasar Secretary General CCGE&W was taken a class on the subject “Problems of Central Govt. Employees and Role of Confederation and NFPE”. Elaborately discussed the subject and finally he was told that one broader form of agitational programme are going to be organized after consultation with Defence Federation and State Govt. Federations. 1st week of July 2022 one convention will be held at New Delhi. Tentatively, it will be organized 1st week of July 2022 at New Delhi, then the form of the agitational programme will be finalized. The office bearers of CHQ addressed the meeting with some proposals. Com. General Secretary discussed the problems raised by C.W.C members. Finally one charted of demand were finalized, beside that some problems also presented by the General Secretary. House was unanimously decided to go for phase wise agitational programmes starting from 17th June 2022.



1.    17th to 23rd June, 2022 wearing of Black Badges with Demand Cards on the chest.

2.    1st to 7th July, 2022 demonstration at all work spot at lunch hours or as per suitable at grass root level.

3.    18th July, 2022 One Day Dharna in front of Divisional Offices.

4.    Ist  August, 2022 One Day Dharna in front of Circle Offices.

5.    19th September, 2022 either mass deputation to Delhi or One Day/Two Days Strike (It will be finalized shortly and intimated).

-:Charter of Demands:-


1.            Fill up of all sanctioned vacant posts of all cadres of the department in general, Postman, MTS and GDS in particular.

2.            Scrap NPS and Restore OPS for all.

3.            (a) Withdraw Dak Mitra scheme, Common Service Centres.

(b) Stop attack on POSB /PLI /RPLI in the name of expanding to IPPB Ltd.

4.         (a) Ensure transmission of mails within 3 days from one part to another part of the country.

(b) Before introducing any scheme related to department and staff, must be discussed with staff side.

(c) Stop unnecessary expenditure in the name of modernizing, upgrading of administrative offices building etc.

(d) Ensure annual maintenance of staff quarters.

5.         Provide high speed network as per requirement for smooth functioning of Postal Department as a whole without any interruption.

6.         Advertisement of Department of Posts own products like eMO, Speed Post, Registered Posts (Letters) Payments of eMO next day, step wise SMS to registered/speed post letters rate of interest of POSB more than IPPB Ltd.

7.            Stop Nodal Delivery Centre and Decentralized the Parcel delivery.

8.            Provide hand held devices to postman for collecting, booking the speed post             letters, registered letter and other postal articles from the door step of respected customers.

9.            Include all scheme works done by postman in ESTT–III, no incentive on scheme works Aadhaar, Jivan Praman, Driving License, AEPS, and opening of IPPB Ltd. Account

10.         Stop further utilized of work force of Postal Department as a laboratory starting from GDS to PA/SA (operative staff).

11.         Second delivery should be started after fill up of all sanctioned posts of delivery staff in the Department of Post.

12.         Create more Postman & GDS posts as per expending of all the cities of the country and time to time update the traffic rules (all the metropolitan cities including all cities of country unexpectedly expanded).

13.         Provision of cashless treatment facilities to the employees working at non CGHS Area.

14.         Provision of three days special leave on each month to the Post woman.

15.       (a) Cadre restructuring of Postman/MTS cadre should be done on percentage basis like Railway because the Postman joined as Postman and retired as Postman.

(b) DPC should be met minimum four times or quarterly in a year to fill-up of MTS to Postman vacancies.

c) The Provision of 25% promotion from seniority cum fitness quota from GDS to MTS/Postman.

16.     Pending TA/Medical bills should be paid immediately, due since 2018, 2019 onwards, sufficient funds may be provided to the circle and divisions on TA head of overseer cadre.

17.     Appropriate scale of pay should be given to the Postman and MTS cadre as per qualification and other nature of work on computer at offices, Aadhaar Centre, CDC etc. Postman pay with 2800/- grade pay and MTS pay with Rs. 2400/- grade pay.

18.     Postman/MTS should be attended the PA/SA examination after completion of two years of regular service, in one cadre, promoted MTS to Postman cadre should not be waited another two years in Postman cadre.

19.     Training period of Postman and MTS should be counted as regular service as per PA/SA induction training period treated as regular service since 1983.

20.     Insurance facilities should be provided to the government/public money, including life of the official at the time of huge cash transmission from office to office, where vehicle/security facilities are not available.

21.     Enhance FMCA (Fixed Monitory Compensation Allowance), Rate of Sunday/Holiday duty to Postman and OTA Rate to MTS cadre.

22.       Enhance dress allowance from Rs. 5,000/- to Rs. 15,000/-

23.       Fill-up of all vacant Sorting Postman posts in almost all Circles.

24.       Stop harassment to delivery staff on repairing/recovery of Mobile Phones.

25.       All the Administrative Offices should be opened on Saturday.

Quota remittance to higher body like Circle C.H.Q NFPE regularly maximum three months can be given to the Division/Branch Secretaries after that, Trade Union facilities will be withdrawn.

The Federal Council of NFPE will be held at Mysore on 6th,7th & 8th Nov, 2022.

It has been decided by the NFPE that All India Women convention and seminar will be organized at Bidar (Ktk) on 06th & 07th Aug, 2022. State wise quota has been finalized and circulated by NFPE, so all the Circle Secretaries are requested to accommodate the All India Women Sub Committee members from their respective Circles.

            The accounts of the last AIC discussed in the house and it will be finalized in next CWC meeting may be held at Mysore/Kashmir in presence of General Secretary of 28th AIC Reception Committee.  

The Circle Secretaries and Divisional Secretaries are requested to translate Charter of Demand and programme dates in their local language and propagate among the staff as well as public place through posters, leaf late and using local print & electronic media. If we will be succeeded in above noted programme with whole heartedly then definitely Department come forward to negotiate with the staff side.

The President CHQ has been given vote of thanks and requested all the CWC members to organize our programmes and carry out decision properly with this President declare the historic CWC Meeting at Delhi conclude. 

(Debabrata Mohanty)

General Secretary







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