Thursday, June 7, 2012

 No P-IV/CHQ/Circular /2012                 Dated 01st June 2012 
            All Circle Secretaries/CHQ Office bearers
            All Divisional and Branch Secretaries
Dear Comrade,
       It has been decided by the Confederation and NFPE that the Parliament March will be organized on 26th July 2012 and one day token strike thereafter P-4. CHQ has been given Quota as 2000 participants in parliament March Circle wise quota is allotted as mentioned below:-

Andhra Pradesh            60            
Karnataka                                   30
Assam                         15
M. P.                                        100
Bihar                            50
Maharashtra                              100
Chhatisgarh                 15
N. E.                                          15
Delhi                         600
Odissa                                       35 
Gujrat                         50
Punjab                                     100
Haryana                    200
Rajasthan                                 150
Himachal Pradesh       20
Tamil Nadu                                 50
J&K                             5
U. P.                                        300
Jharkhand                  15
Uttrakhand                                  20
Kerala                        40
West Bengal                               50
            Circle Secretaries may allot Division-wise Quota: - Keeping in view the CWC at Trivendrum on 21st and 22nd July 2012. Circle Secretaries should ensure participation of delegates and they may give responsibility to other office bearers for Parliament March on 26th July 2012. Accommodation has been booked in Hindu Maha Sabha Bhawan near CHQ for the participants  coming from for away circles.
            NFPE All India Convention:- Federal Secretaries decided to organize an All India Convention on 26-07-2012 at New Delhi Convention will start at 2.30 P.M. Venue & programme will be intimated later. Those delegates participating in the Parliament March should also attend the all India
            C.W.C. At Trivendram:-CWC of our Union is scheduled to be held at Trivandrum from 21st July to 22nd July 2012.  All CWC members are requested to book their up and down tickets in advance to avoid inconvenience.  All should book their return tickets from Trivendrum to New Delhi to participate in Parliament March and NFPE Convention and GDS on 26th and 27th July2012P-IV Divisional/Branch Secretaries should make all efforts for joining the maximum number of GDS employees in their divisions to the new GDS union.
        Association Membership to AIPEU GDS (NFPE): Federal Secretaries has decided to grant associate membership to the newly formed AIPEU GDS (NFPE) All Circle /Divisional unions of NFPE are requested to extend full cooperation and support to AIPEU GDS (NFPE).

NFPE REGIONAL STUDY CAMP:-As decided earlier All India Camps will be organized on Regional Basis as shown below:-
Region-1      J&L, Punjab, H.P.  Haryana Delhi, U. P.,                 
                        Uttarakhand & Rajasthan   
                        Venue Kurukshetra Haryana)
Region  2      Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal                 
                                    N.E. & Assam                                      
                        Venue Jamshedpur(Jharkhand)
Region  3      M.P., Chhattisgarh, Gujrat & Maharashtra             
                        Venue Sagar (M.P)                                                                                 
Region 4     Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra & Tamilnadu                                                               
                    Venue Tamilnadu Circle (Exact venue will be intimated later)

FINANCIAL POSITION OF CHQ:-All Divisional and Branch Secretaries are requested to clear the quota of CHQ and NFPE as per membership. Circle Secretaries will keep strict watch on remittance of quota and ensure full remittance.
            All Circle Secretaries are requested to issue Circulars and send up to Division and Branch level.
          With  revolutionary greetings.   

Yours Comradely,
(Ishwar Singh Dabas)
General Secretary

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