Friday, June 15, 2012

D.G. Posts No. 1-01/2009-WL/Sports         Dated 11.06.2012
            A meeting of Postal Services Staff Welfare Board(PSSWB) was held on 16.05.2012 in Shri G.P. Roy Committee Room , Dak Bhawan, under the Chairmanship of Hon`ble Minister of State for Communications & IT.
            Secretary (Posts) , while welcoming the Hon`ble Chairman, explained in brief the various welfare schemes being run by the Department of Posts, with special reference to the initiatives recently taken in regard to Garmin  Dak Sevaks. It was assured that the schemes would be run more efficiently under the guidance of the Chairman.
            After the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board and the action report thereon, was confirmed by the Board, discussion on the agenda items began. During the deliberations of the meeting, the following decisions were taken:
1.         Opening of Holiday Homes.
            The members of the Board were explained that the power to set up holiday homes stands delegated to the Heads of Circles. However, the proposal to have Holiday Homes at various places was discussed and it was decided to issue instructions to all the circles to take action keeping in view the demand as also the powers delegated. In regard to booking of holiday homes on line, the Board was informed that this facility would become available shortly.  
2.         Timely allotment of Welfare Funds.
            The Board was explained that whatever delay occurred in allotment of funds in the recent past was due to late receipt of audited accounts from the Circles. The matter has been re-considered and it has been decided to ensure timely release of funds to those Circles whose audited accounts have been received in time. The Circles which delay submission of accounts will be released funds in the second installment.
3.         Enhancement of powers of head of circle for grant of financial assistance in case of prolonged illness/major surgical operations to postal employees/Gramin Dak Sewaks/full time and part time casual lbourers.
            The following decisions were taking in this regard.
-       In case of Gramin Dak Sewaks, the limit of Rs. 5000/- which is being observed for grant of financial assistance for prolonged illness/ major surgical operations was raised to 10000/-.
-       All cases for grant for financial assistance under category (both regular employees as well as GDSs)will be considered by a committee comprising of the CPMG, DPS and DAP..
4.         Enhancement of immediate death relief of the family / dependents on the death of postal employees and Gramin Dak Sewaks/full time and part time casual labourers.
      -     All other things remaining unchanged, it was decided to raise the amount of financial assistance payable to family/dependents of Postal Employees/GDSs /full time and part time casual labourers from the existing Rs.7000/- to Rs. 10000/- in case of death due to accident while on duty.
5.         Enhancement of financial assistance under Education Scheme:
            The following decisions were taken in this regard.
a)         It was decided to increase the existing amount of scholarships both for technical and non-technical courses by 25%.
b)         It was agreed to increase the mount of book award to Gramin Dak Sevaks by 25%. However, the grant of book award to regular employees of he Department was dropped as this facility is now a component under CEA being granted for school education.
            The issue of revision of pay ceiling for grant of Scholarship was also decided to be examined in the context of MTS where both husband and wife are working.

6.         Introduction of scholarship for Post Graduation.
            -           It was decided to grant scholarship for all technical courses at Post Graduation      level on par with under graduate courses.
7.         Grant of award for outstanding performance of children of employees in the Public Examination for 10th Standard.
            -           The Board was informed that some of the education boards follow grading System in place of percentage of marks. Therefore, it was decided to examine the       issue   in         the light of grade criterion fixed by various education boards, for which all Heads         of         Circles will be addressed.
8.         Provision of Canteen in Circle Head Quarter.
            -           The Board was explained that there are centralized instruction of the            Department    of             Personnel and Training regarding provision of various             categories of canteens,        depending upon manpower of an office. All    infrastructural facilities are provided by the         Department in the running of      canteens and its employees are Departmental employees.        There is no    provision to grant any subsidy in this regard.
9.         Implementation of health insurance scheme.
            -           The proposal does not fall within the purview of PSSWB of Department of   Posts and therefore no action is warranted.
10.       To increase the subscription of Group Insurance Scheme.
            -           The subject matter concerns Ministry of Finance.
11.       Increase in subsidy to crèche.
            -           It was decided to examine the issue regarding revision of financial assistance            being provided for meeting recurring and non-recurring expenditure in the matter of        crèches which includes monthly remuneration to ayahs/helpers, visits by Doctors,          remuneration to lady supervisor, expenditure of medicine, supplementary nutrition and    contingencies like soap oil & deodorant etc.
12        .Increase of grant of scholarship/Transport charges to handicapped/physically challenged and ward of Postal employees and GDS.
            -           It was decided to examine the revision of financial assistance being provided to         physically challenged Postal Employees/GDS and physically challenged wards of          employees, including GDS.
13.       Allocation of Funds under the Head SC-Sub Plan & ST-Sub Plan.
            -           The item does not fall within the purview of PSSWB.
14.       To make provision for including representatives of All India P&T SC/ST Welfare Association in all Circle Welfare Board and Circle Sports Board.
            -           It was agreed to issue suitable instructions in this regard to all Heads of Circles.
15.       To make provision of IQ for Circle/Divisional representatives of P&T SC/ST Welfare Association, irrespective of any scale/Posts.
-           The Bard was explained that provision of IQ in not one of the trade union facilities where office bearers of the association could be given preference. The eligibility for the IQ is to be decided as per standing instructions.
16.       To increase Postal Hospital as there is no facility in CGHS Dispensaries for indoor treatment, OPD in evening shift on working days and Sundays/Holidays.
            -           The Board appreciated the view point of the Circle representatives about lack of         adequate             medical facilities being made available to the Postal Employees. The Board   was informed   that this matter also came up for consideration in the 10th Meeting of the    Board and as a             result thereof, the matter was taken up at the level of Hon`ble      Minister with the Ministry of     Health & Family Welfare. The matter is being pursued and             monitored very closely.
17.       To fix time limit for deciding representation/appeals/petitions/Review Petitions etc. by the concerned Authorities.
            -           Does not fall within the purview of PSSWB.
18.       To make provision for granting festival advance on the Birth day Celebration of Dr. Br. Ambedkar and Sant Siromani Guru Ravidas Ji.
            -           Does not fall within the purview of PSSWB.
19.       To exempt from duty work the retirees on the day of retirement so that he/she may complete all formalities without any tension.
            -           Does not fall within the purview of PSSWB
20.       Issue of Plastic Card/Smart Card to all employees /Pensioners for availing medical facilities irrespective of places/areas.
            -           The Chairman appreciated the suggestion and it was decided to start it in one or        two Circles and based on their experience, it may be followed in other Circles also. The          selection of circles will be finalized soon.
21.       Opening of Postal Dispensary at Madurai or extension of CGHS scheme to Postal Staff at Madurai Corporation.
            -           Does not fall within the purview of PSSWB.
22.       Grant in aid to P&T Residential Welfare Association (RWA).
            -           The issue was discussed at length to understand the activities of the RWAs on           which the amount of financial assistance is to be spent. The Heads of Circles will be      addressed to invite their comments in this regard.
23.       Annual Medical check up for those who are above 45 years of age.
            -           It was decided to have annual medical cheek up of employees of and above the         age of 50 years. Suitable instructions in this regard will be issued to All Heads of Circles.
24.       Sanction of loan from Circle/Regional Welfare Fund for purchase of a computer to the wards of the employees studying Degree/Engineering /Polytechnic etc.
            -           Does not fall within the purview of PSSWB
25.       Increase of voluntary contribution to Circle Welfare Fund.
            -           The members of the Board were explained that being voluntary contribution, it may   not       be desirable for the Department to make it mandatory, to contribute towards this    fund.    However, if the representatives of the union give in writing to the Department           conveying        willingness of their members, the issue would be examined.
26.       Enhancement of cost of memento presented to the retiring officials.
            -           Not covered under any of the Welfare Scheme of the Department, and hence no          action.
27.       For all Postal Colonies constitution and membership of RWAs should make compulsory so that P&T Colonies could be managed well.
            -           The item was well taken by the Board and it was decided o issue suitable       instructions to All Heads of Circles, taking into account the step taken by Rajasthan          Circle in this regard. It was also decided to ensure membership of RWAs while issuing     letters regarding allotment of quarters as also their continuation.
28.       Raising of the present limit for 500 KMS for Excursion Trip.
            -           The Board, after deliberations, agreed to raise the limit existing 500 Kms. to 700         Kms. for Excursion Trip. Further, not more than one Excursion Trip will be arranged in a             year.

            In the summing up of the meeting, the Hon`ble Chairman stressed on the need to hold the meeting of the PSSWB at least once in a year. The need to have full utilization of the grant-in-aid for the benefit of the employees/GDSs was also highlighted by the Chairman with clear direction to the Board to submit a complete proposal towards that during the next 3 to 4 months.

            The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the Chair.

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