Thursday, July 24, 2014

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

PRESS NEWS -- Com.M.Krishnan Deliberates on NPS at Pensioners AIC at Vellore TN

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VELLORE, July 21, 2014

Centre has no liability since fund created will be administered by private insurance firm

M. Krishnan, secretary general of the Confederation of Central Government Employees, speaking at the conference of All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association in Vellore on Sunday.— Photo: C. Venkatachalapathy
M. Krishnan, secretary general of the Confederation of Central Government Employees, speaking at the conference of All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association in Vellore on Sunday.— Photo: C. Venkatachalapathy
The New Pension Scheme (NPS) introduced under the New Pension Fund Development and Regulatory Authority (NPFDRA) Act passed by the United Progressive Alliance-II government with the support of the Bharatiya Janata Party will affect the existing pensioners as well as all those who joined the service prior to January 1, 2004, according to M. Krishnan, secretary-general of the Confederation of Central Government Employees (CCGE).
Speaking on ‘New Pension Scheme and its Impact’ on the second day of the two-day First Foundation All India Conference of the All India Postal & RMS Pensioners Association (AIPRPA) here on Sunday, Mr. Krishnan said that the NPS was introduced by the Centre based on the recommendations of the Bhattacharji Committee which stated that the financial position of the Central government employees would be far better at the time of their retirement since they were getting better wages while in service.
On these grounds the committee recommended the introduction of the contributory pension scheme (CPS). The committee also stated that the pensioners need not be paid any compensation for price rise except the increase in pension which they would get whenever there was a pay hike for the serving staff. Based on this, the then National Democratic Alliance government issued the order introducing the NPS and making it applicable only to those who joined service after January 1, 2004.
The UPA-I government did not cancel the order but gave a legal status to the NDA government’s order by bringing an Ordinance, which however could not be made into a law because of the opposition of the Left parties. But the subsequent UPA-II government passed the NPFDRA Act in Parliament with the support of the BJP.
With the passing of the Act, the employees who joined after January 1, 2004 suffered a 10% salary cut since this 10% went towards the New Pension Fund created under the Act. The General Provident Fund too was withdrawn for this category by the government which stated that the employees who were under the CPS would get 60% of their contribution as pension at the time of their retirement. Under the NPFDRA, the Central government had no pension liability since the Pension Fund created under the Act was to be administered by a private insurance company which would invest the fund in the share market, which only went to benefit the corporates.
“This virtually amounted to privatisation of pension,” he said.
Cautioning existing pensioners and those Central government employees appointed prior to January 1, 2004 who were under the wrong impression that the NPS would not affect them, Mr. Krishnan pointed to a clause in the NPFDRA Act which states that the NPS could, by a notification of the Government of India, be extended to those who were appointed prior to January 1, 2004 too.
The Secretary General said that a committee constituted by the Central government to work out the projected liability for it if it were to make an initial contribution towards the Pension Fund to provide pension to those who joined before the cut-off date stated that the Centre would have to contribute Rs. 3,35,628 crores to provide pension for the next 30 years, which the Sixth Pay Commission said the government could not bear.
So the committee suggested that the government could consider segregating the liability into one for those below 40 years, and another for others. But such a fund too would be managed by a private agency which would invest it in the unpredictable share market.
“So, the Damocles’ sword of the NPS hung on the existing pensioners too”, he said, adding that the Central government employees and pensioners should fight a joint struggle against the NPS.
The Prime Minister spent about one-and-a half–hours on the Postal department

Ravi Shankar Prasad
Ravi Shankar Prasad
Proper digital connectivity of all post offices in the country is top priority for the Government, Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad told the Lok Sabha here on Monday.

Replying to questions related to his Ministry, Prasad said the Prime Minister was personally monitoring a host of departments and postal services were one of them.

“The Prime Minister spent about one-and-a half–hours on the postal

 department and has given suggestions, which will be considered,” he said, in reply to a query by Biju Janata Dal’s Tathagata Satapathy on the status of the banking licence applied for by the postal department.Prasad said there was need for reforms in postal reforms as also upgradation of Grameen Dak Ghar Services, catering to the rural population.
Mobile networks

Prasad said the Government’s priority was also to improve BSNL services.
Responding to a question raised by Congress MP Ashok Chavan on poor mobile network in Naxal-affected regions in Maharashtra, Prasad said mobile networks, under the Universal Service Obligation Fund (USOF) scheme in such areas are likely to be set up in 15 months.
A proposal to install mobile towers at 1,836 locations in nine States affected by Left Wing Extremism with funding support from USOF has already been approved, he added.
The Minister said Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) had installed mobile towers at 363 locations for which financial support to meet operational expenses would be provided through USOF.
On a question on lack of diesel supplies to BSNL mobile towers leading to their non-functionality and affecting security, he admitted there were concerns on diesel supply and “there is scope for improvement“.
The idea of using solar power for telecom towers was also being looked into, especially in the hilly regions of North East, Prasad said.
(This article was published on July 21, 2014)

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July 22, 2014

Going Postal

Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan had a word of advice for Telecom Minister Ravi Shankar Prasad. Taking note of the number of questions that MPs had for the Minister, especially about postal services and post offices, she told the Minister, “A lot of people want to raise questions on the issues. You should pay more attention to the postal department.”The Minister on his part announced that the government had decided to open 80 Gramin Dak Sewa Post Offices and 80 sub post offices in the country under Rural Business and Access to Postal Network scheme.

Central Headquarters
1st floor, North Avenue Post Office Building, New Delhi-110 001.
Circular No. 17                                                                           23-07-2014
           1.   General Secretaries, State C O Cs
           2.   National Secretariat Members.
           3.   Mahila Committee Members
           4.   Chief Executives of all affiliated organisations.
Dear Comrades,
               National Secretariat of  the Confederation of  Central Govt. Employees & Workers was held on 17th July, 2014 at New Delhi under the presidentship of Com.K.K.N.Kutty.  Com.S.K.Vyasji, Advisor was also present.
               The meeting held detailed chapter-wise discussion on the memorandum submitted to 7th CPC by the JCM National Council, Staff side.  The following decisions are taken.
1.     It is decided to submit a detailed memorandum by Confederation to 7th CPC before 31-07-2014 on common demands of the Central Govt. Employees incorporating all the acceptable suggestions / additions / alterations put forward by the rank and file membership and also leaders at State / CHQ level.
2.     In the maiden Budget of  Modi Government  none of the major demands of the  Central Govt. Employees such as DA merger, Interim relief, inclusion of Gramin Dak Sevaks under 7th CPC, compassionate appointment etc. are considered.  National Secretariat is of the considered opinion that submitting memorandum and interim memorandum to 7th CPC alone will not solve the problems of Central Government employees.  Educating the employees and Creating mass sanction of entire employees behind the demands is a must.  Hence,  it is decided to organise phased agitational programmes for settlement of confederation charter of demands.
3.     As it is indicated that AIRF leadership has expressed its willingness for a joint programme of action on common demands, the National Secretariat decided not to declare the Confederation’s nationwide phased programme of action, for the time being and wait for the outcome of the joint meeting being arranged by AIRF leadership.  National Secretariat authorised the Headquarters Office Bearers to declare the  phased  programme of action later on at an appropriate time.
4.     National Secretariat adopted a resolution on the continued attack by TMC hooligans on the working class of West Bengal and decided to organize   “West Bengal Solidarity Day ”  on 27-08-2014 throughout the country.  Copy of the resolution is appended.  All District / State COCs and affiliated organisations are requested to organise the programme throughout the country, in a befitting manner.
                                                                            Yours sincerely,
                                                                             Secretary General.

               The National Secretariat meeting of the Confederation of Central Government employees & Workers held at New Delhi on 17th July, 2014 expresses serious concern on the continuing severe attacks and intimidations on the people and working class including Central Government Employees of West Bengal by the Trinamool Congress (TMC) led goons and anti-social elements for last 37 months since May 2011.  During this period more than 157 left parties and Trade Union activists were killed and the number is increasing every day.  Thousands are physically attacked and injured with police administration aiding and abetting such attacks and onslaughts.  Even after declaration of the election results on 16th May 2014 such attacks and intimidation have been continuing in full steam and 12 comrades including two women were brutally murdered.  Several thousands are ousted from their areas of work and residence.  More than 15000 comrades and activists have been implicated in false cases and many of them were even jailed for months together having been booked on non-bailable cases.  Molestation and rape of women by TMC hoodlums have become almost a frequent happenings in the state.  Latest has been the brutal rape of one Anganwadi Worker by TMC miscreants at Nadia District on 7th July 2014 and it is the same district where TMC MP had given open threat to get women raped by his men a few days before such dastardly incident of rape.  The police has been actively patronising such attacks.  After declaration of the election result, intensity of such attack has increased targeting the working people both in towns and rural areas.
               Democratic right of holding meetings, rallies etc. are being sought to be denied.  Refusal of permission by police administration to hold public meeting, even hall meetings, and using mike throughout the state at the instigation of TMC has become almost a regular affair.
               During last strike of 12th & 13th February 2014 TMC elements with a handful of employees raised anti-strike slogans and threatened the striking employees in Aykar Bhawan and G.S.I. HQ on both the days of strike.  However they could not break the strike.  Our comrades avoided the provocation. 
               During previous one day strike called by Confederation and also during two days strike called by Central TUs, attacks were launched by TMC hooligans at Barrackpore, Kalyani, Contai, Tamluk and few other places where striking Postal comrades were manhandled.  In a TSO of Barrackpore the Sub Postmaster was made to wear a garland of shoe and abused.  The same was propagated through electronic media in order to defame not only that particular comrade but also all strikers.  Botanical Survey of India employees are also under constant threat by TMC hooligans led by one Minister of West Bengal Government for last three years.  The Comrades who were manhandled during strike could not submit any FIR as they were afraid of being arrested by Police.  This is the order of the day in West Bengal; the victims of attack are being arrested and those who attacked are set free.
               Our Comrades specifically Gramin Dak Sevaks were compelled to leave their houses as they are supporters of left forces and carrying red flag of their union.  Attacks were made in the Conferences of Postal Union and Pensioners Associations in various places including Kolkata.  The displaced comrades could not attend offices and taking leave.  Few of them had to face disciplinary action for continuing on leave for more than 180 days leave.
               Administration specially in Postal Department taking advantage of this political situation are harassing and issuing charge sheets against NFPE comrades.  The appellate authority also reviews the punishment to enhance it.  Two comrades were awarded compulsory retirement.  Another comrade was also rewarded with same punishment after Rule 14 proceedings.  Those three cases were for launching demonstration.
               Attempts are being taken to change union by way of intimation and threats by the supporters of TMC.  In spite of it most of the new recruits are enrolling themselves in our unions due to sustained efforts taken by our Comrades.  The TMC Party leaders are intervening in the internal affairs of the Postal administration to get our organizers transferred.  The common employees specially lady employees are being transferred to inconvenient places and after putting them in inconvenience the transfer order is being reversed if the employee joins unions supporting TMC.
               Comrades all over the state are fighting for redressal.  But the same is not enough as situation is worsening day by day. 
               National Secretariat of the Confederation while condemning such Government sponsored hooliganism in West Bengal, expresses full support and solidarity with the struggle of the people and working class and demands upon the State Government in West Bengal to put a stop to such attacks and onslaughts.  Confederation calls upon the entire Central Government Employees of our country to organize solidarity action and campaign against the ongoing brutalities by the fascist humpen-led TMC regime on the democratic people and working class of West Bengal.
               Confederation National Secretariat further calls upon all District/State units and also affiliated organisations to observe “WEST BENGAL SOLIDARITY DAY” on 27th August 2014, throughout the country.

K.K.N. Kutty                                                           M. Krishnan,
National President,                                               Secretary General.
Confederation.                                                         Confederation.


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