Saturday, August 16, 2014

Highlights of Prime Minister’s Address on Independence Day

1. Dear countrymen, on this auspicious occasion of Independence Day, many good wishes from the Prime Servant of India. I am here amidst you not as a Prime Minister but as the Prime Servant.

2. I bow to all freedom fighters who sacrificed and dedicated their lives for country’s independence.

3. Independence Day is an occasion to take a pledge for the welfare of all those who are down trodden, poor, exploited and oppressed and to do something for them.

4. Every action should be tested on the yardstick of national interest. If we resolve to live a life like that, the festival of Independence may become an inspiration to take India to new heights.

5. This country has been built not by the rulers but by farmers, workers, mothers and sisters, youth, sages and saints, teachers, scientists and social workers.

6. A child hailing from a small town and belonging to a poor family is today having the good fortune of bowing before India’s tricolour from the ramparts of the Red Fort. It is the power of India’s democracy and priceless blessing given by the authors of the Indian constitution. I bow to them.

7. All Prime Ministers of the country have contributed to the progress of the country after independence. Likewise, all Governments of the country as well as state Governments have also contributed.

8. Let us move together, think together, resolve together and unitedly take the country forward.125 crore countrymen have taken the country forward with this credo.

9. We are not among those who function on the strength of majority. We want to move forward on a strong base of consensus.

10. I also greet all Members of Parliament and all political parties from the ramparts of the Red Fort with pride. We ended the Parliament session yesterday with an important experiment of taking the nation forward with strong consensus.

11. When I had an insider’s view after coming to Delhi, it looked as if dozens of parallel Governments were running within the Government, each with its own fiefdom. I witnessed conflict and scattering. I have begun an attempt to make the Government an organic unit.

12. The machine called Government or establishment is to be made sharper and swifter for fulfilling aspirations of the people.

13. Right from a peon to the Cabinet Secretary everybody is capable. Everybody has power and experience. I want to harness their power and use it to speed up national welfare. I will certainly do it.

14. Our great leaders won freedom, do we not have a duty towards the India of their dreams, and don’t we have a national character. A time has come to think seriously over these issues.

15. Should 125 crore countrymen not have a mantra to ensure that their every step is in national interest.

16. Everything is not for self. Some things are also for the nation. One should rise above the self-interest and think about the national interest.

17. Parents ask a number of questions when a daughter goes out, but do they ever have the courage to ask their son about his friends or where is he going or why. After all a rapist is also someone’s son.

18. Nepal provides an example of youth laying down arms and taking to education. It can inspire the youth who have taken to violence, all over the world.

19. Even after independence we sometime face poison of casteism or communalism. How long will it continue and who is going to benefit from it?

20. I appeal to youth of the country that the poison of casteism, communalism or sectarianism is a hindrance to country’s progress. Think and try a ten years moratorium to get a society free of all these tensions.

21. In Commonwealth games our 64 sports persons won medals. These include 29 women. Let us be proud of these daughters.

22. There are two tracks in the country to move forward, good governance and development. We can progress only on these tracks.

23. Crores of families have mobile phones but not a bank account. We have to change this situation.

24. Those in Government service are not doing a job but a service, this feeling is to be renewed.

25. Just imagine, if 125 crore countrymen take a step forward the country will move 125 crore steps forward.

26. Who so ever will open an account under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana will be provided with a debit card and insurance worth Rs.One lakh.

27. We want to link poor people of the country with a bank account facility through Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana.

28. Our country is the youngest nation of the world. Skill development is our mission for development of the country.

29. I want to develop such youth who are job creators.

30. If we wish to provide maximum employment to youth we will have to promote manufacturing sector.

31. We have skill, talent and discipline and a will to perform. We want to give a collective opportunity to the world. ….Come, make in India, we have the strength, come to our country, I invite you.

32. A farmer serves the country by filling the granaries in the same way as a soldier defends the motherland. It is also a national service.

33. Youth should resolve that may be at a small level, they will make at least one article that the country imports, so that it may never need be imported in future.

34. Youth belonging to the IT profession have paved the way for establishing India’s new identity in the world.

35. Digital India is our dream for the nation. When I say ‘digital India’ it is not meant for the rich but for those who are poor.

36. If we move with the dream of electronic digital India and manufacturing of electronic goods and become self-reliant, it will be a major gain for the country. 

37. There was a time when it was said that Railway unites the country. I say, today IT has the power to unite the country and its people.

38. We want to promote tourism. Tourism provides employment to the poorest of the poor. Even the small vendor, auto driver, chaat seller and tea stall owner earns from it. While talking of tea seller, I feel a degree of affinity. 

39. Biggest obstruction to development of national character is the filth seen all around us. The first job in the government I did after coming here, was that of cleaning. People were surprised. Is it the job of a Prime Minister. But for me, it is a very big job.

40. If 125 crore countrymen decide not to ever spread filth, then no power in the world can make our village or town dirty.

41. Let us decide that in 2019 when we observe Mahatma Gandhi’s 150th anniversary, we will not let our village, city, country, school, colony,   temple, hospital and all other areas remain dirty. It is not Government’s job, it is to be done by public participation.

42. Presently, our mothers and sisters are forced to defecate in open. Do we like this and is not our responsibility to arrange for toilets at least?

43. I have to launch a Swachch Bharat campaign from 2nd October and we want to carry this forward within four years.

44. One task which I would like to begin today, is toilet in all schools of India and a separate toilet for girls. Only then the girls will not drop out of schools. I urge all Members of Parliament to use their MPLAD fund for construction of toilets in the schools for one year.

45. When we stand here on next 15th August, we should be confident that there is no school left in the country without separate toilets for boys and girls.

46. I today announce a scheme named after the Parliamentarians- ’Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana’. Every MP has to develop one village in his or her constituency into a model village under this scheme.

47. A Parliamentarian should develop two more villages before going for election after 2016 in the year 2019. After that every MP has to develop at least five villages during a five year tenure.

48. A complete blue print of Saansad Adarsh Gram Yojana will be presented to all MPs and all State Governments by 11th October, Jayprakash Narayan’s Jayanti.

49. We will have to think about giving a new shape to the Planning Commission in order to utilise our federal structure as a heritage of development and better team work between the Centre and states.

50. Strengthen State Governments, federal structure, with new outlook, new body and soul and with new direction, we will create a new institution. Very soon this new institute will start working in place of Planning Commission.

51. India’s divine strength and spiritual heritage will play a major role in world’s welfare. These thoughts were expressed by Shri Aurobindo.

52. As Swami Vivekananda said that once again Mother India has awaken, my mother India will take her place as teacher of the world and every Indian will be a tool of global welfare.

53. Why shouldn’t all SAARC countries fight against poverty and defeat it.

54. I went to Bhutan and Nepal. Dignitaries from SAARC countries came to swearing in ceremony. This is a very good beginning. Definitely there will be good results.  

55. I assure you, if you will work for twelve hour I will work for thirteen because I am not a Prime Minister but a Prime Servant. I have come with this government as a servant not as a ruler.

56. I felicitate country’s security forces, para military forces for protecting Mother India and for their determination and sacrifice.

Source: PIB News

Thousands laid down their lives, So that our country is breathing this day
Never forget their sacrifice

Freedom in Mind, Faith in Words Pride in our Heart,
                                        Memories in our Souls. Let’s Salute the Nation on 
Happy Independence Day.

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