Wednesday, August 27, 2014

        Wednesday, August 27, 2014

COC Karnataka meets Chirman 7th CPC at Bangalore
Confederation of Central Government 
Employees and Workers
Karnataka State

The meeting with CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS of 7th Central Pay Commission was held at Bangalore 0n 24th August 2014 for about 50 minutes.
The following members of COC Karnataka participated in the meeting.
Com S. Radhakrishna President of COC Karnataka
( Representing department AG’s)
Com Juliana Vincent Vice President of COC Karnataka
(Representing department Survey of India).
Com P.S.Prasad General Secretary of COC Karnataka
(Representing department Central Ground Water Board.)
Com Vinod Joint Secretary of COC Karnataka
(Representing department Income Tax office).
Com M,Ramakrishna Joint Secretary of COC Karnataka
(Representing department RMS).
Com Dominic Vijaya Anand Finance Secretary COC Karnataka 
(Representing department Postal Accounts).
Com D.K.Bharathi Assistant Secretary of COC Karnataka
(Representing department Postal Admin.)
Com Muthukumar Advisor of  COC Karnataka
(Representing department Postal.)
Com C.A.Kamesharwary Asst Finance Secretary of COC Karnataka
 (Representing department IMD.)
The President Com Radhakrishna welcomed the Chairman and Members of the 7thCPC for the meeting.
The General Secretary Com P.S.Prasad presented the power point presentation.
The interactions were held for about 50 minutes with the Pay Commission officials,
Com   Radhakrishna, Com P.S.Prasad, Com Muthukumar , Com Vinod, & Com Ramakrishna spoke effectively on various subjects.
The following items and points were presented:
Bangalore Prices:
It was brought to the notice of the commission that the cost of living is high in Bangalore compared to other metro cities in the country and the prices of all essential commodities are comparatively high in the State of Karnataka. House rent is in the range of  Rs 7000/- per month to Rs 35,000/- per month. The private school fees is from Rs 25,000/- to Rs 50,000/- per year.  Donation is also too high, the cost of local transportation is from Rs 2000/- to Rs 10,000/- per month.
(This was only informative portion on prices)

Minimum Wage:
It was brought to the notice of the commission that:
a)      Since Government is a model employer, they should provide minimum wages as per the 15 ILO conference and other wages as per the educational qualification & skill requirement of the job .
b)      Higher skill requirement due to computer usage and modernisation of equipment's. The skill requirement is higher compared to earlier days due to technology advancement.   
c)      The  higher inflation which is existing from the last eight years which is effecting the Government Employees, the money value has gone down to a large extent & there is erosion in wages.
d)      The salaries of the Government Employees are fully accounted for tax calculation, whereas in private sector allowances are not taxed.
(The commission Agreed to consider this on the lines of JCM memorandum)
It was brought to the notice of the commission that to attract higher talent to Central Government higher pay scales should be given.
(The commission was of the view that people choose their career on various aspects including wages.  Wages of Government employees cannot be compared with private sector.   It was pointed out by us that though the wages cannot be compared with private sector there is a need to keep the wages in central government that people will continue in government after joining.  Chairman assured to examine this aspect)


It was brought to the notice of the commission that in respect EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL WORK
a)      For the same post which include similar duties and responsibility, there are different pay scales/ Grade Pay existing for same nature of duties and similar recruit qualifications.
b)      Grant of Grade Pay Rs.4800 to all Supervisors cadre.
c)      The gazetted Group “B” post be  started  from Rs 5400/- GP. 
d)      LDC pay scales should be provided with Grade Pay of Rs.2400 as their minimum qualifications is 12th std.
e)      There should not be any discrimination in the Pay scales of CSSS Cadre and Subordinate Departments since the nature of work being carried out by them is similar. Hence, disparity is to be removed.
f)        The Drivers of Subordinate offices  be placed with starting pay of Rs 2400/ GP as in Lok Sabha Secretariat.
g)      Graded structure for MTS should also be recommended as the 5th CPC vide para no 53.13 had recommended graded structure for these MTS.
h)      Pay scales of Stores wing persons be upgraded considering their work load and level of responsibility.
i)        Provide additional increment w.e.f. 01.01.2006 to staff working in old pay scale Rs.7450-11500 as in case of Inspectors of Central Excise and Income tax departments.
 (The commission positively agreed to consider this suggestion except Drivers case.)

Increment rate of 5% and Promotion policy.
It was brought to the notice of the commission that on Increment rate of 5% and Promotion policy.
a)      As the Government employee put more and more service, he will be more trained to perform his duties in a better befitting manner. Thus the Government is more beneficial as good quality of work can be expected from an experienced official.
b)      His family responsibility will increase with age.
c)      They has to educate the children in professional courses, marriage of his children has to be performed, his medical expenses will also increase.
d)      There should be adequate financial protection for him, the better rate of increment should motivate him to work more.
e)      The person joining a Central Government Service is not just for the employment is for a whole career.
f)       On promotion one shall get two additional increments subject to an minimum salary increase of Rs 3000/- per month as he will perform higher duties and responsibility's.
g)      He shall get not less than five financial up gradations in promotional hierarchy during his service to motivate him to work more.
h)      Similarly the scientist are provided to FCS and get promotions every 4 years.
(The commission positively agreed to consider this suggestion.)

Consumer Price Index & Dearness Allowance Formula.
It was brought to the notice of the commission that on Consumer Price Index & Dearness Allowance  Formula.
a)      CPI as on 1/1/2006  was 115.76 points.
b)      CPI as on 1/1/2014  was 237 points.
c)      The CPI has increased by 121 points .
d)      But the DA increased by just 100% as on 1/1/2014 from 1/1/2006.
e)      The actual DA should have been 121 % not just 100% as on Jan 2014.
f)       Actual increase in price rise is more than 200 % and DA should have been more than 200%.
g)      6 months average DA computation of Consumer Price Index should be provided to Central Government employees rather than 12 months average.
h)      Rounding off DA be done whenever it crosses fraction more than 0.50
(The commission positively agreed to consider this  suggestion.)

It was brought to the notice of the commission that on Allowances
a)      All allowances such as HRA, Tour DA, CEA (tuition fees) , Cashier Allowances, etc. should be increased by four times.
b)      OTA & Night Duty to be paid on par with Railways .
c)      When ever there is an increase in Dearness Allowance, the above  allowances be also increase as in the case of Transport allowance.
(The commission positively agreed to consider this suggestion.)

Transport allowance:
It was brought to the notice of the commission that on Transport allowance
a)      The  field oriented organizations like CGWB, Survey Of India, GSI, IBM, IMD, etc. most of the categories remain in fields, even Postal Employees and AG's Employees  are effected.  
b)      Now the field going staff are deprived of earlier CCA and present Transport Allowance as they cannot fulfill the condition of at least one day stay in a month in head quarters.  
c)      This condition of being present at Hqrs. Office at least a day in a calendar month becoming eligible for transport Allowances should be removed.
(The commission positively agreed to consider this suggestion.)

It was brought to the notice of the commission that on taxes:
a)      The  Fifth Central Pay commission in its report vide para no105.12 has said that  Dearness allowance  be paid free of net taxes as the DA is paid for compensation against price rise. All other allowances should also be paid net of taxes which has been examined by 5th CPC in para no 167.
(The commission agreed to examine this suggestion.)

Health Care system:
It was brought to the notice of the commission that on Health Care system
a)      More CGHS hospitals should be made available or alternatively the person should have the option to choose any of the hospitals of his choice and the bill to be passed with AIMS rates.  
b)      Existing CGHS system needs improvement.
c)      Proper ward entitlement should be made as per grades.
d)      Cash less facility for hospitalization.
e)      Autonomous bodies shall also be included in CGHS
(The commission to examine this suggestion, but not satisfied with demand of Cash less facility for hospitalization.)
It was brought to the notice of the commission that on following issues.

Other points:
a)      Central Government Strength.
b)      Non-filling up of vacant posts has resulted in increased work load on the existing employees.
c)      Lower Spending by Central Government on its Employees.
d)      Leave / Holidays.
e)      12 days Casual Leave.
f)       Restrictions EL of  300 days to be removed.
g)      The PSU are providing reward medals after 15 years, 25 years and end of service, similarly such reward should be provided to Central Government Employees.
h)      In case of death of Government Servant during while on duties, his family members should get compassionate  appointment not considering restrictions of 5%.
i)        Education Loan should be provided.
(The commission to examine this suggestion)
National Council JCM Staff Side has made a demand to 7th PAY Commission for Interim Relief and Merger of DA with Basic Pay
NC JCM had raised the issue regarding payment of interim relief and merger of dearness allowance with pay , as an Agenda Item of the Standing Committee of National Council (JCM ) in its meeting held on 7th May, 2014
National Council (Staff Side)

Shiva Gopal /Mishra
National Council (Staff Side)
Joint consultative Machinery for Central government employees
13-C, Ferozshah Road, New Delhi –110001

The Hon’ ble Chairman,
7th Central Pay Commission
Chatrapati Shivaji Bhawan,
1st Floor, B-14/A, Qutab Institutional Area,
New Delhi -110016

Respected Sir,

Reg : Payment of Interim Relief and Merger of Dearness Allowance with Pay.

The Staff Side of National Council (JCM) , had raised the issue regarding payment of interim relief and merger of dearness allowance with pay , as an Agenda Item of the Standing Committee of National Council (JCM ) in its meeting held on 7th May, 2014.

After detailed deliberations , it was stated by the Secretary (Expenditure), Ministry of Finance on this item that since the terms of reference enables the 7th CPC to send Interim Report , as such, the Staff Side might approach the Pay Commission for a report on Interim Relief and Merger of Dearness Allowance, as recorded in the Record Note of meeting, forwarded to Staff Side vide Director(JCA), Government of India, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensioners , Department of Pension and Pensioner’s Welfare ‘s letter No. 3/9/2014/JCA dt.24/7/2014.

We, therefore, humbly request you to kindly favourably consider our demand of payment of Interim Relief and Merger of Dearness Allowance with pay as Dearness Allowance, has since crossed the value of 100% on 1st January, 2014 and a number of Government Employees are superannuating every month,who would be deprived of the benefit of the same.

Yours sincerely,
(Siva Gopal Mishra )
Secretary (Staff Side)
Photos of Felicitation for Com. M. Krishnan, General Secretary on 24.08.2014

Photos of CWC, AIPEU Group 'C' held at Ongole A. P. from 22.08.2014 to 23.08.2014


Why do we join Union?

In the words of .....................
Smt. Nandita Mohanty
Chairperson, Women Sub-Committee

AIPEU, Gr-C, Bhubaneswar Division 

With the evolution of society and growth in social needs there is a sharp development in industrialization. It involves use of modern technology and employment of large number of workers. As large number of people are involved,  it becomes necessary to safe guard the interest of the workers. They need to be organized to fulfil their demands in respect of salary, welfare and social security. There comes the concept of `Union’. 

          So, union is the long-term association of workers to advance and protect the interest of members of the union in the working relationship. According to Flippo “A labor union or a trade union is an organization of workers formed to protect, promote and improve through collective action, the social, economic and political interest of its members.” 

          Whenever any employee joins a union, he has some expectations in his mind. He may join the union for the following reasons:- 
·          Economic benefits: When any employee joins an organization the main interest is the salary or wage. As the social status of a person is defined by the economic standard he carries, more emphasis is given to the economic benefits. But any single individual has very little bargaining capacity as compared to the huge power of the management. He thinks, if he joins the union, union will fight for the economic interest of the employee as the union has great bargaining capacity to get its demands accepted by the management.  But the union has also its own limitations. It can bargain on the genuine ground according to the prevailing rules. It can demand for the economic up-gradation when the organization is economically sound. For that the employees have to give their hundred percent so that union can demand enhancement of monetary benefits. Because no organization will give any economic benefit unless and until it is economically sound. At that time expectation of economic advancement is baseless. 

·          Platform for self-expression: At the primitive days of industrialization, lives of the workers were like slaves without any voice against the tyranny of the management. They used to live at the mercy of the management. They couldn’t raise their voice against un-hygienic working conditions, hard work, low wage, long and inconvenient hours of working etc. Self-expression and individuality were totally prohibited. But the desire for self-expression is a fundamental drive which can’t be ignored. By joining the union the employees get a platform for self-expression. The union provides the mechanism through which employees can make their voice heard by the top management. Union serves as the communicating device between the employees and the management.  Sometimes due to low perspective and narrow-mindedness, some can’t understand the long-term views taken by the organization in the context of overall growth of the organization and employees. Anything which does not result in immediate reward becomes unattractive to them. This attitude results in the difference in views and conflict in union. One thing we should keep in mind that union is by the employees, for the employees and of the employees. So to be in union, one should go beyond oneself. 

·          Check-bar on arbitrary action of the management: The employees join the union to fight against the arbitrary action of the management. It works like a brake to the monopoly of the management. Employees expect a just and fare dealing from the management on the basis of the prevailing rules and regulations. Union  serves a checkmate when management goes beyond the prevailing rules and take action against the employees which is irrational, unlawful or  discriminatory. Thus union safe- guards the interest of the employees. 

·          Security :  The employees join union because they think that at the time of need the union will stand by them. They can get the protection from hazards and economic insecurities at the time of illness, accidents, unemployment etc. For example, trade union ensures compensation to the injured workers under the Workman’s Compensation Act 1923, secures the retirement benefits under Gratuity Act 1972 and PF Act 1952, employees’ health, social security, payment of wage, bonus, insurance, maternity benefit etc. and other welfare measures by compelling the management to abide by these. With the union, employees feel safe and secure both mentally and physically. 

·          Employee-employer relationship:  The employee may not have easy access to the top management. But union is the proper machinery which maintains a sound communication between the employer and the employee. Employees feel attached to the organization by this. If the relation between the employer and employees is good then industrial disputes, conflicts, strikes and lock-outs can be avoided. 

·          Sense of participation: Sense of participation is also a fundamental desire among the employees. They expect that their voice should be heard in making decisions in the organization. This is known as the Workman’s Participation. Being in the union, they can make their voice heard by the management in matters affecting them and can also influence to take a correct decision. 

·          Sense of belongingness: When any employee joins an organization the sense of belongingness is developed inside him. He tries to feel that he is the integral part of the organization. For that he may join the union. Because his co-workers are with the union. He may have the feeling that if he will not join the union he will be odd man out and can’t get any assistance at the time of need. On the contrary, when he is in the union he feels that he is attached with the organization and experiences a feel-good factor. He begins to think that he has some importance in the organization and among the co-workers. 

·          Background factor: Some who are born and brought up in the industrial area or in the organizational background where the society members and members of the family are attached with the union, join the union as a nature of practice. Here the past history works. As a result,  they think it obvious and natural enough to join the union. 

Though it is the mere truth that union is for the safe-guard of the employees, we can’t use it as the weapon against the management. If management strives for the long term benefit of the organization which may sound unreal on the today’s back ground,  then union also has to think in that angle for the mutual benefit. We should aspire for the long term benefits because our next generation may get the fruit out of it. We have to make the union strong for the bright future.

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