Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Grand celebration of NFPE Diamond Jubilee by AIPEU, group-C, Bhubaneswar Division on 02.11.2014

Written By Admin on November 3, 2014 | Monday, November 03, 2014

As an affiliate of National Federation of Postal Employees, New Delhi, the All India Postal Employees Union, Group-C, Bhubaneswar Divisional branch celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of National Federation of Postal Employees on 2nd November 2014 at NALCO Auditorium, Bhubaneswar. The Diamond Jubilee celebration was inaugurated by Sri Jual Oram, Hon’ble Union Minister, Tribal Affairs, Govt. of India as Chief Guest. At the outset, Sri Gadadhar Rath welcomed and introduced the Guests and Com. Bruhaspati Samal, Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar Division briefly narrated the reason and importance of such celebration. Com. Samal also ventilated the problems of the postal employees to the Hon’ble Minister requesting to solve the difficulties of CGHS Dispensary No. III, Bhubaneswar. He also handed over two memoranda  on behalf of AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar Division and AIAIASP, Odisha Circle branch in this regard to the Hon’ble Union Minister on the dais with assurance for early interference.
Addressing the Diamond Jubilee as Chief Guest, Sri Jual Oram, Hon’ble Union Minister told that the Department of Posts is going to play a major role in the proposed Digital India dreamt by Hon’ble Prime Minister of India. He assured to solve the CGHS problems of the employees and to take care of the demand of the employees to expedite release of commemorative stamps on lady personalities of Odisha like Padmashree Tulshee Munda ( Social Worker ), Prativa Ray ( Writer) and Smt Nandini  Satpathy (ex-Chief Minister of Odisha).
            Addressing the celebration as Chief Speaker, Com. M Krishnan, Secretary General Confederation of Central Govt. Employees and Workers, New Delhi told that the P & T Trade Union Movement initiated during 1905 latter became recognized as National Federation of Post and Telegraph Employees (NFPTE) on 24thNovember, 1954 after years of uncompromised struggles and sacrifices for the benefit of the whole working class in general and P & T employees in particular. Consequent upon separation of the Department to Department of Posts and Department of Telecommunications in February, 1986, NFPTE was bifurcated to National Federation of Postal Employees (NFPE) and National Federation of Telecom Employees (NFTE).  With its glorious history and tradition, NFPE constituting nearly 75% membership of the Department of Posts is committed to serve the postal workers to improve their economic and service conditions.
Addressing the occasion as Hon’ble Speaker, Com. R N Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE narrated the sacrifices and struggles of our leaders like Babu Tarapada Mukherjee, Dada Ghosh , Com. Adi Narayan and all others in making this organization a militant one to work for the welfare of the entire working class.
To commemorate Diamond Jubilee celebration, a Special Cover was released. The Special Cover was handed over by Com. R N Parashar, Secretary General, NFPE, New Delhi to the Chief Guest, Sri Jual Oram, Hon’ble Union Minister, Govt. of India for release in the presence of guests of honour  Sri Pawan Kumar Singh, Director Postal Services(HQ),  Odisha Postal Circle, Bhubaneswar, Sri Smruti Ranjan Swain, Director Accounts(Postal), Cuttack and  Sri Subash Chandra Barik, Sr. Supdt. of Post Offices, Bhubaneswar Division and hon’ble speaker Sri Ramesh Chandra Mishra, Circle Secretary , Odisha and Vice President CHQ.
The Chief Guest Sri Jual Oram distributed prizes to the winners of different competitions earlier arranged by AIPEU, Group-C, Bhubaneswar Division among children of postal families. On the occasion, some retired comrades of Odisha Postal Circle were also awarded. The Diamond Jubilee function was presided by Sri Pramod Kumar Pattnaik, President of the Union and Sri Dipti Ranjan Mohanty, Asst. Secretary, Bhubaneswar Division gave vote of thanks. In the end, a cultural programme of dance and music was arranged by the children of postal families. The cultural programme was nicely anchored by Com. Pramod Kumar Sahoo.
The Diamond Jubilee celebration was also attended by Com. P K Giri and Com. Niranjan Rout, both Ex-Circle Secretary, AIPEU, Group-C, Odisha Circle, Com. Iswar Mohanty, Ex-Divisional Secretary /President  of Bhubaneswar Division, Com. R N Dhal, Ex- Circle Secretary, R – III, Odisha Circle who were felicitated by the Hon’ble union Minister. We are very much thankful to Com Ajaya Rout Divisional Secretary, Bhadrak Division and his team, Com. Bishnu Prasad Dash, Secretary, Cuttack City Division and Com Purna Ch.Moharana, Secretary, Koraput Division  for their kind participation in the Diamond Jubilee celebration.

Flag Hoisting & Inauguration



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