Saturday, November 12, 2022

  12th Federal Council at Mysuru, Karnataka

12th Federal Council of NFPE has been successfully held on 6th to 8th November 2022 at Gobinda Rao Memorial Hall, Mysuru, Karnataka. At the very beginning the National flag and Red flag of NFPE hoisted respectively by Com. R. N. Parashar (Secretary General, Confederation) and Com. C. C. Pillai (Ex Secretary General, NFPE). 


Nearly 138 delegates/observers across the country participated in the Federal Council. Com. U. K. Tiwary was in the chair of President. After observing one minute silence in memory of the martyrs of mass movement and leaders, common men who died in the period, main business started. Com. A. Srinivasan, Chairman, the Reception Committee placed welcome address. After opening song.  Com. K. N. Umesh, National Secretary CITU inaugurated the Federal Council. Chief Post Master General, Karnataka Circle was present in the council and delivered his speech. Apart from them Com. C. C. Pillai, Ex-Secretary General, NFPE, Com. R. N. Parashar, Secretary General, Confederation, Com. P. Panduranga Rao, Ex-General Secretary, AIPEU GDS, Com. Tapan Bhowmick, General Secretary, AIPEU GDS, also spoke in open session. Com. K. Raghavendran (Ex- Secretary General, NFPE), Com. K. V. Sridharan, Ex-General Secretary, AIPEU Group ‘C’, Com. Giriraj Singh, Ex-President, NFPE, Com. P. V. Rajendran, Ex-President, NFPE, Com. P. Suresh, Ex-General Secretary, R4 spoke in the delegate session. In open session nearly 150 members of NFPE, Mysuru Karnataka were also present


One Book “Red Flower” in Memory of our beloved leader Com. M. Krishnan has been released in Council Meeting.


Com. Janardan Majumdar, Secretary General NFPE placed draft report & while the Financial Secretary placed audited accounts. Total 43 comrades including 7 women took part on discussion over draft report. Before that Com. D. B. Mohanty, G/S R4, Com. P. U. Khadse G/S, R3, Com. Jasmine Jalal Begum, G/S SBCO, Com. P. K. Muralidharan, Dy. G/S P3, Com. Abdul Matelab, Deputising General Secretary, Admin Union, Com. Narshimamurty, Deputy General Secretary, Postal Accounts. Com. K. Mukhtar Ahmed, General Secretary, R4, Com. Sivagurunathan, Circle President, Tamilnadu Postal Workers' Union took part in discussion.


Leaders of NFPE who retired after last federal council were felicitated by the Reception Committee. Two amendments to constitution, no. of resolutions on various issues have been placed and adopted unanimously. All will be published in details in Postal Crusader. Policy and Program has also been finalized. Council took decision to conduct trade union camp as early as possible. It also took decision to take part in all coming programme decided by Confederation. Finally with the oath to strengthen NFPE and also resist the Government policies, the new team of NFPE was elected unanimously.


President                        :            Com. P. U. Khadse (R3)

Working President       :            Com. Vikram Shah (P4)

Vice President               :           Com.  U. K. Tiwari (P3)

                  Com. R. B. Suresh (Postal Accts)

               Com. C. N. Naidu. (R4)

Secretary General        :           Com. Janardan Majumdar (P3)

Dy. Secretary General :           Com. R. P. Sarang  (P4)

Asst. Secretary General:         Com.  P. K. Muralidharan ( P3)

              Com. S. Veeran, (P3)

              Com. Subash Chakraborty (P4)

Finance Secretary        :           Ravindar Kumar (R3)

 We express our sincere thanks to NFPE Karnataka Circle and also reception committee under the active leadership of Com. G. Janakiram and Com. A. Srinivasan for vast and sincere arrangement of Federal Council. Com. G. Janakiram, Convenor, Reception Committee gave vote of thanks and Com. U. K. Tiwari, President concluded the session.

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