Thursday, September 8, 2016

10th Federal Council of NFPE at Guwahati (Assam)
7-9, September, 2016
The historic 10th Federal Council Session of NFPE commenced at Guwahati from 7th September, 2016. The Federal Council Session is taking place at a very important juncture. The Strike on 2nd September has taken place; the 7th CPC recommendations are implemented; Modifications to the Report are under the consideration of High Level Committees; The NJCA has resolved to go on indefinite strike if justice is not rendered by the Government; GDS Employees are eagerly awaiting the Report of Kamlesh Chandra Committee and they are looking forward to the decisions of NFPE  in the event of negative recommendations from the GDS Committee; the Casual labourers are looking forward the Federation for getting implemented the decisions of Directorate in all States as well as for their regularization; the sectional issues of Postal Employees and the stage in which they are placed and the role of NFPE in unifying the Postal Movement for achieving them. As far as the Postal Pensioners are concerned, it is a platform of the cream of leadership from all over India, that can be appealed for extending total cooperation in building AIPRPA. Comrade K.Ragavendran General Secretary of AIPRPA is an invitee to the NFPE Federal Council and he will take the opportunity to appeal to the entirety of the Postal Movement to extend their due role in building the Postal Pensioners Organisation in all States.

Flag Hoisting and Martyrs Column
The three days (7-9)historic session of X Federal Council of NFPE started in Guwahati, the capital of Assam. You can see in photos the National Flag being hoisted by Comrade M.R.Das (Working Chairman Reception Committee); and comrade Giriraj Singh (NFPE President) hoisting the Federation flag. Comrade A.K.Padmanabhan (National President CITU) respecting the Martyrs Column followed by other leaders and Federal Councillors. Slogan shouting rented the air!

The NFPE Federal Executive was held in the forenoon before the Open Session.
Open Session of X Federal Council starts with cultural folk song!
With a beautiful Assamese folk song by the cultural troup the Open Session of X Federal Council of NFPE commenced at the District Library Hall, Guwahati at 4.00 p.m today:

Open session welcome address of Chairman Reception Committee placed by P3 Circle President comrade L.P.Saikia! Comrade Giriraj Singh NFPE President in chair. Comrade D.K.Debnath General Secretary Reception Committee anchord the proceedings. All leaders including the Chief Guest Comrade A.K.Padmanabhan CITU National President; KKN.Kutty Chairman of Confederation; M.Krishnan Secretary General Confederation; R.N.Parasshar Secretary General NFPE; M.S.Raja Secretary General Audit; Vrighu Bhattacharjee Secretary General Civil Accounts; C.C.Pillai Ex-Secretary General NFPE; K.Ragavendran Ex-Secretary General NFPE & General Secretary AIPRPA; K.V.Sridharan Ex-General Secretary P3 NFPE; Satanjib Das Convenor JCTU Assam; CGM Telecom Srive.Mahesh Kumar Seth; Deputy Secretary General Reception Committee and Circle Secretary of AIBDPA Comrade M.R.Das; and may other leaders on dias.
Inaugural Address
A.K.Padmanabhan CITU National President inaugurated the  NFPE Federal Council with an inspiring speech.  He stated that this time the 2nd Sep strike is a great victory including Assam because it was organised despite efforts of Modi Government to break the strike! On the important issues, the reply of government is that they are policy issues and unions have no role. When press asked about bank employees strike against merger of subsidiary banks of SBI with SBI, the FM told this is a policy matter and unions can't intervene! If you go on strike against postal corporatisation, the same will be the response of government. This government saying everywhere that we are a growing economy! Among the 20 countries attended Conference in China (G20), except population we stand last in 20! In BRICKS also we are last! During last 25 years the same neo-liberal policies implemented, by many Prime Ministers, but as per the proverb that despite Indra the God of Devas change but Indrani the queen not changes, the change of PM does not bring any change of policy! Chief Minister Kerala supported 2nd Sep strike; and the reaction of a Central Minister is that 'a CM should not support strikes!". First 12 strikes by us was not so united as the strikes after that including the 17th strike on 2nd sep. There is a systematic attack on peoples Democratic rights. We should educate all and build stronger movement in future.

Address by Chairman Confederation
Chairman Confederation Com.KKN.Kutty addressed the  Open Session NFPE! He stated that both the Confederation President and Secretary General are here that marks the importance attached by Confederation to NFPE Federal Council. On 29th July Govt announced decisions on implementation of 7th CPC. You may ask as to why strike was deferred? We can only say that we do understand the heat created by you at that time; but as i am before the cream of leadership, I share some points with you. If the govt wanted to proceed undermining our voice, we would have definitely faced it with strike. History proves the merit of Confederation. This govt if takes the same position as in 1960 or 1968, there will be a struggle. If govt not comes forward to amend the recommendations, we will definitely go on strike. NJCA is determined to that. But Confederation will under any circumstances go ahead with strike if our issues referred to Committees are not settled! On 12th Dec 2012 we went on strike on our own. We had been on strike on many occasions based on our own strength in the past. The ongoing audiences by Committees to NJCA are not negotiations! Minimum wage is our most important demand; and we shall not allow the Government to deny our legitimate demand without a confrontation!

M.S.Raja Wkg.President Confederation & SG Audit Federation addressed the Open Session! He reieterated that We should create a condition to force the government to concede our issues before the High Level Committees! Confederation has a major role to play!

Vrighu Bhattacharjee SG Civil Accounts Employees Federation addressed and said by taking pride that we were part of the national movement of strike on 2nd September! You are the biggest contingent if Confederation. In your federal council, you have to take such decisions to lead the CG movement! It was we, the confederation, that initiated and led the movement for 6th CPC formation. Our movement had not gone waste. This govt declared that we are not eligible for bonus ceiling revision, but on the face of strike, it had conceded the issue. NPS implemented but some orders on gratuity etc came on the face of strike! We have many issues! Railways and others are discriminated on compassionate appointments. Your Conference will take decisions to guide the CG movement!

Satanjib Das Convenor JCTU Assam.
The Convenor of JCTU Assam spoke and said that 'Public Sector is born to die' was the comment of PM Narendra Modi! He has become our PM! Assam is economically a backward state. Entire NE not got 1% of total investment in the country. This is going down in the recent years. In 1997 a Regional development council was formed by Government to develop private investment in the region; but the present govt is destroying that also. Today thousands of Assamese boys go to Tamilnadu or Kerala to work for lower wages. Unemployment has gone up rapidly in this region. I wish your Federal Council will take appropriate decisions to struggle against the twin dangers if economic offensive and divisive politics!
Confederation SG M.Krishnan addressed with an emotional speech!

Comrade M.Krishnan SG Confederation said that NFPE and Postal movement was built up as a TU and not as a service organization since the days of British! Many of our leaders were imprisoned on many occasions to build our movement! CG movement both NJCA and Confederation reached out nook and corner of India to organise the strike! But Railways don't want to go on strike. Govt announced unilaterally to implement CPC recommendations. It was Confederation that prevailed upon NJCA to stick on the strike decision. But for Confederation, no question of NJCA sticking on the decision of strike. We had two options; either to go for independent action on our own or keep unity in tact. We developed consensus to carry forward the unity. You NFPE should take a decision to go on indefinite strike if after four months time, the Committees don't deliver! If you are ready, then confederation will go ahead! There are Postal workers issues also. All issues for up gradation of pay to Allowances of Postal Employees stand rejected! Three lakhs of GDS who have full faith in NFPE, are watching the result of Kamlesh Chandra Committee. NFPE cannot keep quiet for the GDS Committee to wind up its work, but prepare for big struggles from now onwards! GDS NFPE has formed in more than 90% of divisions! Casual labourers are being denied justice and even Directorate Orders are not implemented in many Circles! AIPRPA the organization of Postal Pensioners also is formed in most states! Outsourcing decisions also come through T.S.R.Subramaniam Cimmittee! Though stayed for time being, danger is there. Though verification of membership is over long back, earlier Minister refuses to sign because BPEF will not be in reckoning! GDS unions also verification not going ahead! New Minister has come and we have to see development! Without serious struggles we cannot advance at all!After thorough discussions in Dharwar FC, unanimous decision was taken to join strikes with Indian Workibg Class; but today tendencies here and there for organising 'wherever possible'! This trend is dangerous and weaken our movement! NFPE Federal Council should have all these factors in mind to take proper decisions to march ahead!

NFPE SG R.N.Parashar’s addresses to Open Session!
The Secretary General NFPE Comrade R.N.Parashar pointed out that the 2nd September Strike was total success in those places where leadership that was negative in past was changed! We called for Convening of Circle councils, cwcs, GBs etc to organise struggles! Self critically analyse whether held in all places? Government is dictated that business is not the business of Governments! We should fight to reverse this policy! Government not accepting minimum wage and fitment formula! Finance Minister says that he asked his driver and he agreed that he was very happy for wage increase! Can we allow this nonsense? We asked our Secretary DoP as to what he wants? A privatised Postal Department? He could not answer! We will discuss thoroughly in FC and take decisions. We assure Confederation and Central TUs that NFPE will carry forward its tradition! We will introspect our weaknesses and improve our performance!

CGM Telecom Srive.Mahesh Kumar Seth
Sri.Mahesh Kumar Seth delivered a speech imparting confidence in our movement stating that the faith and trust should be there in the movement that all our genuine issues would be resolved. He appreciated the Federal Council coming to Guwahati. His speech exposed the hollowness of the claims of the Government on many aspects.

NFPE President Giriraj Singh concluding addressNFPE President Comrade Giriraj Singh delivered his concluding remarks by assuring the Confederation and the Central Trade Unions that NFPE will continue to play its due role in the united movement against the neo-liberal policies.

Vote of Thanks by Comrade G.TalukdarComrade G.Talukdar Dy.GS Reception Committee delivered vote of thanks.

Cultural Show
A cultural performance followed the end of Open Session in which various artists showed their talent and entertained the audience. 
Martyrs Column respects by Comrade AKP
M.R.Das hoisting National Flag

Giriraj Singh Hoisting NFPE Flag
Open Session

Inaugural Address by AKP 
R.N.Parashar Secretary General NFPE
Vrighu Bhattacharjee SG Civil ACcounts
M.S.Raja SG Audit
CGM Telecom Mahesh Kumar Seth
D.K.Debnath anchoring the Open Session
Giriraj Singh NFPE President
Satanjib Das Convenor JCTU Assam
KKN Kutty Chairman Confederation
M.Krishan Secretary General Confederation

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